implicit none integer*4 max_name_size, max_names, max_string_size, input,iout parameter (max_name_size=62, max_names=956, max_string_size=300, & input=11, iout=12) character*300 fname(max_names) logical ismodule(max_names,max_names) character*300 modname character*4 sufname character string*300, quote*1, double_quote*1, backslash*1 integer*4 nsize(max_names), size, lines, nmax, n_disc, n_excl, & last_arg, iargc, iocheck, i,j,k,n, & my_iostat logical matrix(max_names,max_names), new_name, not_end_of_file character ctoupper,tab tab=char(9) last_arg=iargc() if (last_arg.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR IN cross_matrix: NO FILE NAMES ARE GIVEN' stop endif ismodule(:,:)=.false. write(*,'(/1x,A,1x,A/)') 'This is CROSS_MATRIX: Creating', & 'new version of Make.depend.' quote=char(39) double_quote=char(34) backslash=char(92) lines=0 n_disc=0 n_excl=0 do j=1,max_names nsize(j)=0 do i=1,max_name_size fname(j)(i:i)=' ' enddo do i=1,max_names matrix(i,j)=.false. enddo enddo do n=1,last_arg call getarg(n,fname(n)) i=max_name_size+1 1 i=i-1 if (fname(n)(i:i).eq.' ' .and. goto 1 nsize(n)=i enddo nmax=last_arg open(unit=iout, file='Make.depend', form='formatted') write(iout,'(3(A,1x,A/),A/A/A/A/A/A)') & '# Make.depend: list of dependencies generated by', & 'cross_matrix.', '# WARNING: THIS IS A MACHINE', & 'GENERATED FILE: DO NOT EDIT !!!!!', '# To create', & 'or update this file use commands:', '#', & '# cross_matrix *.F', '# or', & '# cross_matrix *.F *.h', '# or', & '# make depend' n=0 2 n=n+1 not_end_of_file=.true. IF (n.GT.nmax) GOTO 29 IF (fname(n)(nsize(n)-3:nsize(n)).EQ.'.mod') goto 2 open(unit=input, file=fname(n), form='formatted', & status='old', err=3) goto 4 3 continue n_excl=n_excl+1 write(iout,'(A/A,2x,A/A)') '#', & '# WARNING: File is not found:',fname(n)(1:nsize(n)), & '# This file is excluded from the dependency list.' do i=1,nsize(n) fname(n)(i:i)=' ' enddo nsize(n)=0 goto 2 4 string(1:1)=' ' read(input,'(A)',iostat=iocheck,end=5) string lines=lines+1 if (iocheck.eq.0 .and. string(1:1).ne.'#') goto 19 goto 6 5 not_end_of_file=.false. 6 i=2 7 if (string(i:i).ne.'i') then i=i+1 if ( goto 7 elseif (string(i:i+6) .eq. 'include') then i=i+7 8 if (string(i:i).eq.double_quote) then j=i+2 9 if (string(j:j).eq.double_quote) then size=j-i-1 new_name=.true. do k=1,nmax if (size .eq. nsize(k)) then if (string(i+1:j-1) .eq. fname(k)(1:size)) then new_name=.false. matrix(k,n)=.true. endif endif enddo if (new_name) then n_disc=n_disc+1 nmax=nmax+1 matrix(nmax,n)=.true. nsize(nmax)=size fname(nmax)(1:size)=string(i+1:j-1) do i=size+1,max_name_size fname(nmax)(i:i)=' ' enddo endif elseif ( then j=j+1 goto 9 endif elseif ( then i=i+1 goto 8 endif endif 19 continue if (iocheck.eq.0 .and. & ((string(1:1).ne.' ').AND. & (string(1:1) goto 4 i=2 17 if ((string(i:i).eq.' ').OR.(string(i:i) then i=i+1 if ( goto 17 elseif ((string(i:i+3) .eq. 'USE ').or. & (string(i:i+3) .eq. 'use ')) then sufname=string(i:i+3) i=i+4 j=i 18 j=j+1 if ((string(j:j).EQ.' ').or.(string(j:j) then j=j-1 size=j-i+1 do k=1,size modname(k:k)=string(i+k-1:i+k-1) end do modname(size+1:size+4)='.F90' size=size+4 open(unit=125, file=modname(1:size), form='formatted', & status='old', iostat=my_iostat) close(125) if(my_iostat /= 0) then size=size-4 modname(size+1:size+2)='.F' size=size+2 endif new_name=.true. do k=1,nmax if (size .eq. nsize(k)) then if (modname(1:size) .eq. fname(k)(1:size)) then new_name=.false. matrix(k,n)=.true. ismodule(k,n)=.true. endif endif enddo if (new_name) then n_disc=n_disc+1 nmax=nmax+1 matrix(nmax,n)=.true. nsize(nmax)=size fname(nmax)(1:size)=modname(1:size) ismodule(nmax,n)=.true. do i=size+1,max_name_size fname(nmax)(i:i)=' ' enddo endif elseif ( then goto 18 end if end if if (not_end_of_file) goto 4 close (unit=input) if ( goto 2 29 continue i=0 10 do n=1,nmax do k=1,nmax if (matrix(k,n)) then do j=1,nmax if (matrix(j,k)) then matrix(j,n)=.true. if (ismodule(j,k)) ismodule(j,n)=.true. endif enddo endif enddo enddo j=0 do n=1,nmax do k=1,nmax if (matrix(k,n)) j=j+1 enddo enddo if ( then i=j goto 10 endif write(iout,'(A/A,5x,I4/A/A,18x,I4/A/A,1x,I4)') '#', & '# Number of files given for dependency analysis:', last_arg, & '#', '# Number of newly discovered files:', n_disc, '#', & '# Number of files excluded from dependency analysis:',n_excl write(iout,'(A/A,3x,I4/A/A,9x,I6/A)') '#', & '# Total number of files analyzed for dependencies:', nmax, & '#', '# Total number of code lines in all files:', lines, '#' do n=1,last_arg if (nsize(n).gt.0) then write(iout,'(A1)') '#' k=0 11 i=nsize(n) string(1:i)=fname(n)(1:i) if (string(i-1:i).eq.'.F') string(i:i)='o' if (string(i-3:i).eq.'.F90') string(i-2:i)='o' i=i+1 string(i:i)=':' 12 i=i+1 string(i:i)=' ' if (k.eq.0) then if (fname(n)(nsize(n)-1:nsize(n)).eq.'.F') then string(i+1:i+nsize(n))=fname(n)(1:nsize(n)) i=i+nsize(n)+1 string(i:i)=' ' endif if (fname(n)(nsize(n)-3:nsize(n)).eq.'.F90') then string(i+1:i+nsize(n))=fname(n)(1:nsize(n)) i=i+nsize(n)+1 string(i:i)=' ' endif endif 13 k=k+1 if (matrix(k,n)) then if (i+nsize(k).lt.max_string_size) then string(i+1:i+nsize(k))=fname(k)(1:nsize(k)) if(ismodule(k,n))then if(string(i+nsize(k)-1:i+nsize(k)).eq.'.F') then string(i+nsize(k)-1:i+nsize(k))= '.o' endif if(string(i+nsize(k)-3:i+nsize(k)).eq.'.F90') then string(i+nsize(k)-3:i+nsize(k))='.o ' endif endif i=i+nsize(k) goto 12 else write(iout,'(A)') string(1:i) goto 11 endif elseif ( then goto 13 else write(iout,'(A)') string(1:i) if ( then write(iout,'(A)') string(1:nsize(n)+1) endif endif endif enddo close (iout) stop end character function ctoupper(c) character c character temp temp=c IF ((ichar(c).GE.ichar('a')).AND.(ichar(c).LE.ichar('z'))) & temp=char(ichar(c)+ichar('A')-ichar('a')) ctoupper=temp return end