#======================================================================== # Configuration parameters to be used in run_wps.bash and run_real.bash # to generate namelist.wps and namelist.input #======================================================================== # # Further Information: # http://www.croco-ocean.org # # This file is part of CROCOTOOLS # # CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # # Copyright (c) 2018 S. Jullien # swen.jullien@ifremer.fr # -------------------------------------------------- domain_name="BLOB_CPL" # Nb domains (ie nests) max_domains=1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data Sources # # LBC_type : data source for initial and boundary conditions # LSM_type : data source for surface forcing # obc_freq_h : boundary condition frequency [hour] # sst_interval_m : interval between SST updates [minutes] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- LBC_type="CFSR_press_pgbh06" LSM_type="CFSR_sfc_flxf06" obc_freq_h=6 sst_interval_m=360 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Grid parameters # # dx : horizontal resolution in [km] # xdim : number of points in x # ydim : number of points in y # central_lat : latitude at the center of the domain # central_lon : longitude at the center of the domain # topo_res_d01 : horizontal resolution of orography data # # Nesting # # dimensions must check: # xdim_child=N*refine_coef+1 # ydim_child=M*refine_coef+1 # # Variables for real.exe # # nbvertlevel : number of vertical levels # nbmetlevel : number of boundary data levels # # Physics # isftcflx : Cd formulation for tropical storm application # default 0 / wave cpl 5 ( cf README) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dt=150 nbvertlevel=60 nbmetlevel=38 nbmetsoil=4 ptop=5000 isftcflx=0 # # Parent domain (d01) dx=24 xdim_d01=201 ydim_d01=201 central_lat=-34.920 central_lon=-152.986 topo_res_d01='30s' #topo_res_d01='3s+30s+10m' # Nest 1 (d02) refine_d02=5 i_str_d02=32 j_str_d02=153 xdim_d02=456 ydim_d02=476 topo_res_d02='3s' #topo_res_d02='2s+3s+30s' # # Nest 2 (d03) refine_d03=3 i_str_d03=35 j_str_d03=24 xdim_d03=277 ydim_d03=349 topo_res_d03='3s+30s' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dates of parent simulation #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # real-time mode start_y=2013 start_m=01 start_d=01 start_h=00 end_y=2013 end_m=01 end_d=31 end_h=18 start_date_d01=$start_y'-'$start_m'-'$start_d'_'$start_h:00:00 end_date_d01=$end_y'-'$end_m'-'$end_d'_'$end_h:00:00 start_date_d02=$start_date_d01 end_date_d02=$end_date_d01 start_date_d03=$start_date_d01 end_date_d03=$end_date_d01