*****************************************************************************! ! Subroutine RD_GRIB2 ! ! ! ! Purpose: ! ! Read one record from the input GRIB2 file. Based on the information in ! ! the GRIB2 header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in! ! the GRIB2 record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we ! ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB2 record, and store the data ! ! in the ungrib memory structure. ! ! ! ! Argument list: ! ! Input: ! ! junit : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran ! ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB2 ! ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C ! ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the ! ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are ! ! stored. ! ! gribflnm : File name to open, if it is not already open. ! ! debug_level : Integer for various amounts of printout. ! ! pmin : Minimum pressure level (Pa) to process. ! ! ! ! Output: ! ! ! ! hdate : The (up to)19-character date of the field to process. ! ! grib_edition : Version of the gribfile (1 or 2) ! ! ireaderr : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB2 file. ! ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB2 file. ! ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does ! ! not exist. ! ! ! ! ! ! Author: Paula McCaslin, NOAA/FSL, Sept 2004 ! ! Code is based on code developed by Steve Gilbert NCEP & Kevin Manning NCAR ! ! Adapted for WPS: Jim Bresch, NCAR/MMM. Sept 2006 ! !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE rd_grib2(junit, gribflnm, hdate, & grib_edition, ireaderr, debug_level, pmin) use grib_mod use params use table ! Included to define g2code use gridinfo ! Included to define map% use storage_module ! Included sub put_storage use module_debug real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hold_array parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000) character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib integer :: listsec0(3) integer :: listsec1(13) integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fcst character(len=*) :: gribflnm character(len=*) :: hdate character(len=8) :: pabbrev character(len=20) :: labbrev character(len=80) :: tabbrev integer :: lskip, lgrib integer :: junit, itot, icount, iseek integer :: grib_edition integer :: i, j, ireaderr, ith , debug_level integer :: currlen logical :: unpack, expand type(gribfield) :: gfld ! For subroutine put_storage real :: level real :: scale_factor integer :: iplvl character (len=9) :: my_field character (len=8) :: tmp8 ! For subroutine output integer , parameter :: maxlvl = 150 real , dimension(maxlvl) :: plvl integer :: nlvl integer , dimension(maxlvl) :: level_array real :: glevel1, glevel2 logical :: first = .true. real :: pmin C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C SET ARGUMENTS unpack=.true. expand=.true. hdate = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' ierr=0 itot=0 icount=0 iseek=0 lskip=0 lgrib=0 currlen=0 ith=1 scale_factor = 1e6 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"Begin rd_grib2", newline=.true.) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file. !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files. ! Open a byte-addressable file. CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS) first = .true. if (ios.eq.0) then VERSION: do ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record). call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib) ! Check for EOF, or problem if (lgrib.eq.0) then exit endif ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory. if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib) allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is) !print *,'G2 allocate(cgrib(lgrib)) status: ',IS currlen=lgrib endif ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file. call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib) call mprintf ((lgrib.ne.lengrib),ERROR, & "rd_grib2: IO Error. %i .ne. %i ", newline=.true., & i1=lgrib,i2=lengrib) iseek=lskip+lgrib icount=icount+1 call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG, & "G2 GRIB MESSAGE %i starts at %i ", newline=.true., & i1=icount,i2=lskip+1) ! Unpack GRIB2 field call gb_info(cgrib,lengrib,listsec0,listsec1, & numfields,numlocal,maxlocal,ierr) call mprintf((ierr.ne.0),ERROR, & " ERROR querying GRIB2 message = %i",newline=.true.,i1=ierr) itot=itot+numfields grib_edition=listsec0(2) if (grib_edition.ne.2) then exit VERSION endif ! Additional print statments for developer. !MGD if ( debug_level .GT. 100 ) then !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 0: ',(listsec0(j),j=1,3) !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(listsec1(j),j=1,13) !MGD print *,'G2 Contains ',numlocal,' Local Sections ', !MGD & ' and ',numfields,' data fields.' !MGD endif ! ---- ! Once per file fill in date, model and projection values. if (first) then first = .false. ! Build the 19-character date string, based on GRIB2 header date ! and time information, including forecast time information: n=1 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.FALSE.,expand,gfld,ierr) year =gfld%idsect(6) !(FOUR-DIGIT) YEAR OF THE DATA month =gfld%idsect(7) ! MONTH OF THE DATA day =gfld%idsect(8) ! DAY OF THE DATA hour =gfld%idsect(9) ! HOUR OF THE DATA minute=gfld%idsect(10) ! MINUTE OF THE DATA second=gfld%idsect(11) ! SECOND OF THE DATA fcst = 0 ! Extract forecast time. Assume the first field's valid time is true for all fields. ! This doesn't have to be true, but ungrib is designed to decode one time-level at ! a time. if ( gfld%ipdtnum .ne. 8 ) then if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 1 ) then ! time units are hours fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) else if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 0 ) then ! minutes fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) / 60. else if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 2 ) then ! days fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) * 24. else call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, & "Time unit in ipdtmpl(8), %i is not suported", & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%ipdtmpl(8)) endif else ! pdt 4.8 data are time-averaged, accumulated, or min/max fields with the ! ending (valid) time provided. year =gfld%ipdtmpl(16) month =gfld%ipdtmpl(17) day =gfld%ipdtmpl(18) hour =gfld%ipdtmpl(19) minute=gfld%ipdtmpl(20) second=gfld%ipdtmpl(21) fcst = 0. endif if ( gfld%idsect(5) .eq. 2 ) fcst = 0. ! Compute valid time. !print *, 'ymd',gfld%idsect(6),gfld%idsect(7),gfld%idsect(8) !print *, 'hhmm ',gfld%idsect(9),gfld%idsect(10) call build_hdate(hdate,year,month,day,hour,minute,second) call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 hdate = %s ", newline=.true., & s1=hdate) call geth_newdate(hdate,hdate,3600*fcst) call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 hdate (fcst?) = %s ", & newline=.true., s1=hdate) !-- ! Indicator of the source (center) of the data. icenter = gfld%idsect(1) ! Indicator of model (or whatever) which generated the data. iprocess = gfld%ipdtmpl(5) if (icenter.eq.7) then if (iprocess.eq.81) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS Analysis' elseif (iprocess.eq.82) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS GDAS/FNL' elseif (iprocess.eq.83) then map%source = 'NCEP HRRR Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.84) then map%source = 'NCEP MESO NAM Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.89) then map%source = 'NCEP NMM ' elseif (iprocess.eq.96) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.86 .or. iprocess.eq.100) then map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 60 km elseif (iprocess.eq.101) then map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 40 km elseif (iprocess.eq.105) then if (year .gt. 2011) then map%source = 'NCEP RAP Model' else map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 20 km endif elseif (iprocess.eq.107) then map%source = 'NCEP GEFS' elseif (iprocess.eq.109) then map%source = 'NCEP RTMA' elseif (iprocess.eq.140) then map%source = 'NCEP NARR' elseif (iprocess.eq.44) then map%source = 'NCEP SST Analysis' elseif (iprocess.eq.70) then map%source = 'GFDL Hurricane Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.80) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS Ensemble' elseif (iprocess.eq.107) then ! renumbered as of 23 Feb 2010 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Ensemble' elseif (iprocess.eq.111) then map%source = 'NCEP NMMB Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.112) then map%source = 'NCEP WRF-NMM Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.116) then map%source = 'NCEP WRF-ARW Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.129) then map%source = 'NCEP GODAS' elseif (iprocess.eq.197) then map%source = 'NCEP CDAS CFSV2' elseif (iprocess.eq.25) then map%source = 'NCEP SNOW COVER ANALYSIS' else map%source = 'unknown model from NCEP' call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT, & "unknown model from NCEP %i ",newline=.true., & i1=iprocess) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE, & "unknown model from NCEP %i ",newline=.true., & i1=iprocess) end if else if (icenter .eq. 57) then if (iprocess .eq. 87) then map%source = 'AFWA AGRMET' else map%source = 'AFWA' endif else if ( icenter .eq. 58 ) then map%source = 'US Navy FNOC' else if (icenter .eq. 59) then if (iprocess .eq. 125) then map%source = 'NOAA GSD Rapid Refresh Model' else if (iprocess .eq. 83) then map%source = 'NOAA GSD HRRR Model' else if (iprocess .eq. 105) then map%source = 'NOAA GSD' else print *,'Unknown GSD source' stop endif else if (icenter .eq. 60) then map%source = 'NCAR' else if (icenter .eq. 98) then map%source = 'ECMWF' else if (icenter .eq. 34) then map%source = 'JMA' else if (icenter .eq. 74 .or. icenter .eq. 75 ) then map%source = 'UKMO' else map%source = 'unknown model and orig center' end if if (icenter.eq.7) then if (iprocess.eq.81 .or. iprocess.eq.82 .or. & iprocess.eq.96) then ! pmin should not be 15 or 40 hPa for gfs files. Use the next highest level. if (pmin .eq. 1500.) then pmin = 1000. else if (pmin .eq. 4000.) then pmin = 3000. endif endif endif call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 source is = %s ", & newline=.true., s1=map%source) !-- ! Store information about the grid containing the data. ! This stuff gets stored in the MAP variable, as defined in ! module GRIDINFO. map%startloc = 'SWCORNER' map%grid_wind = .true. if (gfld%igdtnum.eq.0) then ! Lat/Lon grid aka Cylindrical Equidistant map%igrid = 0 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(14) if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false. map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) ! Fix for NCEP 1/12 degree grids (e.g. rtgsst) if (icenter .eq. 7 .and. map%dx .eq. 83000. .and. map%nx & .eq. 4320) then map%lat1 = 89958333. map%lon1 = 41667. map%dx = 83333.333 * sign(1.0,map%dx) map%dy = 83333.333 * sign(1.0,map%dy) endif if ((gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 0).OR. & (gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 255)) THEN ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6. map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6. map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor else ! Basic angle and subdivisions are non-zero (not tested) map%lat1 = map%lat1 * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%lon1 = map%lon1 * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%dx = map%dx * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%dy = map%dy * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"WARNING - Basic angle option &has not been tested, continuing anyway") call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,"WARNING - Basic angle option & has not been tested, continuing anyway") endif ! The following is needed for NCEP GFS, 0.5 degree output. The j-scan is in the -y direction. ! In WPS, the sign of dy indicates the direction of the scan. write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(19) read(tmp8,'(1x,i1)') jscan if ( jscan .eq. 0 .and. map%dy .gt. 0. ) then map%dy = -1. * map%dy endif ! if ( map%lat1 .gt. gfld%igdtmpl(15) .and. ! & map%dy .gt. 0. ) then ! map%dy = -1. * map%dy ! write(6,*) 'Resetting map%dy for iprocess = ',iprocess ! endif elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.10) then ! Mercator Grid. map%igrid = 1 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%lov = 0. map%truelat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) / scale_factor map%truelat2 = 0. map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(18) / scale_factor map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(19) / scale_factor map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12) if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false. map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.20) then ! Polar-Stereographic Grid. map%igrid = 5 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(14) / scale_factor map%truelat1 = 60. map%truelat2 = 91. map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(15) / scale_factor map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(16) / scale_factor map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12) if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false. map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.30) then ! Lambert Conformal Grid map%igrid = 3 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(14) / scale_factor map%truelat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(19) / scale_factor map%truelat2 = gfld%igdtmpl(20) / scale_factor map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(15) / scale_factor map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(16) / scale_factor map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12) if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false. map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) elseif(gfld%igdtnum.eq.40) then ! Gaussian Grid (we will call it lat/lon) map%igrid = 4 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) ! Ni - # of points along a parallel map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) ! Nj - # of points along meridian map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) ! Di - i direction increment map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) ! N - # of parallels between pole and equator map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) ! La1 - lat of 1st grid point map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) ! Lo1 - lon of 1st grid point write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(14) ! resolution/component flag if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false. map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6. if (map%dx.gt.10000) then map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor endif if (map%dy.gt.10000) then map%dy = (map%dy/scale_factor)*(-1) endif ! Fix for zonal shift in CFSR data, following a similar fix ! for global lat-lon data in rd_grib1.F if ( ABS(map%nx * map%dx - 360.0) < 1.0 ) then if (ABS(map%dx - (360./real(map%nx))) > 0.00001) then write(0,*) 'CFSR fix: recomputing delta-longitude' map%dx = 360./real(map%nx) endif endif ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6. if (abs(map%lat1).ge.scale_factor) then map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor endif if (map%lon1.ge.scale_factor) then map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor endif if ( debug_level .gt. 2 ) then call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, & "Gaussian Grid: Dx,Dy,lat,lon,nlats %f %f %f %f %i ", & newline=.true.,f1=map%dx,f2=map%dy,f3=map%lat1,f4=map%lon1, & i1=nint(map%dy)) end if elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.32769) then ! Arakawa Non-E Staggered grid. map%igrid = 6 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) map%lat0 = gfld%igdtmpl(15) map%lon0 = gfld%igdtmpl(16) map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1), & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3)) if ((gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 0).OR. & (gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 255)) THEN map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor map%lat0 = map%lat0/scale_factor map%lon0 = map%lon0/scale_factor map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor/1.e3 map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor/1.e3 else ! Basic angle and subdivisions are non-zero (not tested) map%lat1 = map%lat1 * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%lon1 = map%lon1 * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%dx = map%dx * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) map%dy = map%dy * & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10)) call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"WARNING - Basic angle option &has not been tested, continuing anyway") call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,"WARNING - Basic angle option & has not been tested, continuing anyway") endif else call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"GRIB2 Unknown Projection: %i", & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%igdtnum) call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT, & "ungrib understands projections 0, 20, 30, and 40", & newline=.true.) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE, & "GRIB2 Unknown Projection: %i", & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%igdtnum) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE, & "ungrib understands projections 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40", & newline=.true.) ! If the projection is not known, then it can't be processed by metgrid/plotfmt stop 'Stop in rd_grib2' endif call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 igrid = %i , dx = %f , dy = % &f ", newline=.true., i1 = map%igrid, f1=map%dx, f2=map%dy) if (icenter.eq.7) then call ncep_grid_num (gfld%igdtnum) endif ! Deallocate arrays decoding GRIB2 record. call gf_free(gfld) endif ! "first" if-block ! ---- ! Continue to unpack GRIB2 field. NUM_FIELDS: do n = 1, numfields ! e.g. U and V would =2, otherwise its usually =1 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.FALSE.,expand,gfld,ierr) if (ierr.ne.0) then write(*,*) ' ERROR extracting field gf_getfld = ',ierr cycle endif ! The JMA GSM has two different grids in the same GRIB file, so we need ! to process the map info for each field separately. If any other centers do ! this, then processing will need to be added here, too. if (icenter .eq. 34 .and. gfld%igdtnum.eq.0) then map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6. if (map%dx.gt.10000) then map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor endif if (map%dy.gt.10000) then map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor endif write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(19) read(tmp8,'(1x,i1)') jscan write(0,*) 'gfld%igdtmpl(19) = ',gfld%igdtmpl(19), & ' jscan = ',jscan if ( jscan .eq. 0 .and. map%dy .gt. 0. ) then map%dy = -1. * map%dy endif endif ! JMA spectral ! ------------------------------------ ! Additional print information for developer. if ( debug_level .GT. 1000 ) then !MGD print * !MGD print *,'G2 FIELD ',n !MGD if (n==1) then !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 0: ',gfld%discipline,gfld%version !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(gfld%idsect(j),j=1,gfld%idsectlen) !MGD endif !MGD if ( associated(gfld%local).AND.gfld%locallen.gt.0 ) then !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 2: ',(gfld%local(j),j=1,gfld%locallen) !MGD endif !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 3: ',gfld%griddef,gfld%ngrdpts, !MGD & gfld%numoct_opt,gfld%interp_opt, !MGD & gfld%igdtnum !MGD print *,'G2 GRID TEMPLATE 3.',gfld%igdtnum,': ', !MGD & (gfld%igdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%igdtlen) !MGD if ( gfld%num_opt .eq. 0 ) then !MGD print *,'G2 NO Section 3 List Defining No. of Data Points.' !MGD else !MGD print *,'G2 Section 3 Optional List: ', !MGD & (gfld%list_opt(j),j=1,gfld%num_opt) !MGD endif !MGD print *,'G2 PRODUCT TEMPLATE 4.',gfld%ipdtnum,': ', !MGD & (gfld%ipdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%ipdtlen) pabbrev=param_get_abbrev(gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1), & gfld%ipdtmpl(2)) !call prlevel(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,labbrev) !call prvtime(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,listsec1,tabbrev) !MGD print *,'G2 TEXT: ',pabbrev,trim(labbrev)," ",trim(tabbrev) !MGD if ( gfld%num_coord .eq. 0 ) then !MGD print *,'G2 NO Optional Vertical Coordinate List.' !MGD else !MGD print *,'G2 Section 4 Optional Coordinates: ', !MGD & (gfld%coord_list(j),j=1,gfld%num_coord) !MGD endif if ( gfld%ibmap .ne. 255 ) then call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, & 'G2 Num. of Data Points = %i with BIT-MAP %i', & newline=.true., i1=gfld%ndpts, i2=gfld%ibmap) else call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, & 'G2 Num. of Data Points = %i NO BIT-MAP', & newline=.true., i1=gfld%ndpts) endif !MGD print *,'G2 DRS TEMPLATE 5.',gfld%idrtnum,': ', !MGD & (gfld%idrtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%idrtlen) endif ! Additional Print information ! ------------------------------------ ! do i = 1, maxvar ! write(6,'(a10,4i8)') namvar(i),(g2code(j,i),j=1,4) ! enddo !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) then !MGD write(6,*) 'looking for ',gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1), !MGD & gfld%ipdtmpl(2),gfld%ipdtmpl(10) !MGD endif call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 Searching the g2code array (Vta &ble) for this grib field %i %i %i %i %i %i ", newline=.true., & i1 = gfld%discipline, i2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(1), & i3 = gfld%ipdtmpl(2), i4 = gfld%ipdtmpl(10), & i5 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12), i6 = gfld%ipdtnum ) ! Test this data record against list of desired variables ! found in Vtable. ! ---- MATCH_LOOP: do i=1,maxvar ! Max variables found in Vtable, ! maxvar is defined in table.mod if ( gfld%discipline .eq. g2code(1,i) .and. !Discipline & gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. g2code(2,i) .and. !Category & gfld%ipdtmpl(2) .eq. g2code(3,i) .and. !Parameter & gfld%ipdtmpl(10) .eq. g2code(4,i) .and. !Elevation & gfld%ipdtnum .eq. g2code(5,i)) then !Template call gf_free(gfld) call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.TRUE.,expand,gfld,ierr) pabbrev=param_get_abbrev(gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1), & gfld%ipdtmpl(2)) !my_field (e.g. RH, TMP, similar to, but not the same as pabbrev) my_field=namvar(i) !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) then !MGD write(6,*) 'namvar(i) = ',namvar(i),' pabbrev = ',pabbrev !MGD write(6,*) 'Parameter = ',gfld%ipdtmpl(2) !MGD endif ! The following if-block is commented out since equivalent info can be obtained from g2print ! if (debug_level .gt. 1000) then ! fldmax=gfld%fld(1) ! fldmin=gfld%fld(1) ! sum=gfld%fld(1) ! do j=2,gfld%ndpts ! if (gfld%fld(j).gt.fldmax) fldmax=gfld%fld(j) ! if (gfld%fld(j).lt.fldmin) fldmin=gfld%fld(j) ! sum=sum+gfld%fld(j) ! enddo ! gfld%ndpts ! call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,'G2 FIELD=%s MIN=%f AVG=%f MAX=%f', ! & newline=.true., s1=pabbrev, f1=fldmin, f2=sum/gfld%ndpts, ! & f3=fldmax) ! endif ! need to match up soil levels with those requested. ! For the Vtable levels, -88 = all levels, -99 = missing. The units ! vary depending on the level code (e.g. 106 = cm, 103 = m). ! The grib2 standard allows scaling of the units, so make sure the soil level ! units are in cm (as used in the Vtable). if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(10) .eq. 106 ) then if ( ( gfld%ipdtmpl(14) .EQ. -1*(2**07-1) ) .AND. ! & ( gfld%ipdtmpl(15) .EQ. -1*(2**31-1) ) ) THEN ! Some compilers cannot ! handle the initial 2**31 ! part of the computation, ! which is an arithmetic ! overflow on 32 bit signed ints & ( gfld%ipdtmpl(15) .EQ. -2147483647 ) ) THEN ! special UM grib2 glevel1 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12) glevel2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(11) else glevel1 = 100. * gfld%ipdtmpl(12)* & (10.**(-1.*gfld%ipdtmpl(11))) glevel2 = 100. * gfld%ipdtmpl(15)* & (10.**(-1.*gfld%ipdtmpl(14))) end if TMP8LOOP: do j = 1, maxvar if ((g2code(4,j) .eq. 106) .and. & (gfld%ipdtmpl(2) .eq. g2code(3,j)) .and. & (glevel1 .eq. level1(j)) .and. & ((glevel2 .eq. level2(j)) .or. & (level2(j) .le. -88))) then my_field = namvar(j) exit TMP8LOOP endif enddo TMP8LOOP if (j .gt. maxvar ) then write(6,'(a,i6,a)') 'Subsoil level ', & gfld%ipdtmpl(12), & ' in the GRIB2 file, was not found in the Vtable' cycle MATCH_LOOP endif !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) write(6,*) 'my_field is now ',my_field endif ! Level (eg. 10000 mb) if(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.100) then ! Pressure level (range from 1000mb to 0mb) level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12) * & (10. ** (-1. * gfld%ipdtmpl(11))) if ( level .lt. pmin ) cycle MATCH_LOOP elseif((gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.105).or. & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.118))then ! Hybrid level (range from 1 to N) level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12) elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.104) then ! Sigma level (range from 10000 to 0) level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12) elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.101) then ! MSL level=201300. elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.103) then ! Height above ground (m) if (gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 2. .or. & gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 1000. .or. ! temp fix for hrrr maxref & gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 10. ) then level=200100. else cycle MATCH_LOOP endif elseif((gfld%ipdtmpl(10).ge.206 .and. & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).le.234) .or. & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).ge.242 .and. & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).le.254) .or. & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.200) .or. & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.10) ) then ! NCEP cloud layers used for plotting level=200100. elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.106.or. & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.1) then ! Misc near ground/surface levels level=200100. elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.6) then ! Level of Max wind level=200100. elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.7) then ! Tropopause level=200100. else ! If we are here then the Vtable contains a level code ! which we cannot handle. Write an info message and skip it. call mprintf(.true.,INFORM,"Rd_grib2 does not know abou &t level code %i (field = %s). Skipping this field. If you want thi &s level, rd_grib2.F must be modified", i1 = gfld%ipdtmpl(10), & s1 = my_field ) cycle MATCH_LOOP endif iplvl = int(level) ! Store the unpacked 2D slab from the GRIB2 record allocate(hold_array(gfld%ngrdpts)) do j=1,gfld%ngrdpts hold_array(j)=gfld%fld(j) enddo ! Some grids need to be reordered. Until we get an example, this is ! a placeholder ! call reorder_it (hold_array, map%nx, map%ny, map%dx, ! & map%dy, iorder) ! When we have reached this point, we have a data array ARRAY ! which has some data we want to save, with field name FIELD ! at pressure level LEVEL (Pa). Dimensions of this data are ! map%nx and map%ny. Put this data into storage. !print *,'call put_storage',iplvl,my_field,hold_array(55),ith !e.g. call put_storage(200100, 'RH', my_field, 1, ith) ! call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"Calling put_storage for ! &level = %i , field = %s , g2level = %i ", newline=.true., ! & i1 = iplvl, s1 = my_field, i2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12) ) call put_storage(iplvl,my_field, & reshape(hold_array(1:map%nx*map%ny), & (/map%nx, map%ny/)), map%nx,map%ny) deallocate(hold_array) ! If Specific Humidity is present on hybrid levels AND ! upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from ! Specific Humidity. if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'RH') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'SH') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'TT') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'P')) then call g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl) !call llstor_remove(iplvl, 'SH') !We are done with SH endif ! If Specific Humidity is present on hybrid levels AND ! upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from ! Specific Humidity - v2 if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'RH') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'SPECHUMD') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'THETA') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'TT')) then call g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl) endif ! If Temperature and Theta are present on hybrid levels AND ! upper-air PRESSURE is missing, see if we can compute PRESSURE from ! Temperature and Theta if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'PRESSURE') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'THETA') .and. & is_there(iplvl, 'TT')) then call g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl) endif ith=ith+1 exit MATCH_LOOP endif ! Selected param. enddo MATCH_LOOP ! Deallocate arrays decoding GRIB2 record. call gf_free(gfld) enddo NUM_FIELDS enddo VERSION ! skgb if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) then call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG, & "G2 total number of fields found = %i ",newline=.true.,i1=itot) end if CALL BACLOSE(junit,IOS) nullify(gfld%local) ! must be nullified before opening next file ireaderr=1 else call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG,"open status failed because %i ", & newline=.true., i1=ios) hdate = '9999-99-99_99:99:99' ireaderr=2 endif ! ireaderr check END subroutine rd_grib2 !*****************************************************************************! ! Subroutine edition_num ! ! ! ! Purpose: ! ! Read one record from the input GRIB2 file. Based on the information in ! ! the GRIB2 header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in! ! the GRIB2 record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we ! ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB2 record, and pass the data ! ! back to the calling routine. ! ! ! ! Argument list: ! ! Input: ! ! JUNIT : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran ! ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB2 ! ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C ! ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the ! ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are ! ! stored. ! ! GRIB2FILE: File name to open, if it is not already open. ! ! ! ! Output: ! ! GRIB_EDITION: Set to 1 for GRIB and set to 2 for GRIB2 ! ! IERR : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB2 file. ! ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB2 file. ! ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does ! ! not exist. ! ! Author: Paula McCaslin ! ! NOAA/FSL ! ! Sept 2004 ! !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE edition_num(junit, gribflnm, & grib_edition, ireaderr) use grib_mod use params use module_debug parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000) character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib integer :: listsec0(3) integer :: listsec1(13) character(len=*) :: gribflnm integer :: lskip, lgrib integer :: junit integer :: grib_edition integer :: i, j, ireaderr integer :: currlen character(len=4) :: ctemp character(len=4),parameter :: grib='GRIB',c7777='7777' C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C SET ARGUMENTS itot=0 icount=0 iseek=0 lskip=0 lgrib=0 currlen=0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file. !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files. !if ireaderr =3 beginning characters 'GRIB' not found ! Open a byte-addressable file. CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS) if (ios.eq.0) then ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record). call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib) ! Check for EOF, or problem call mprintf((lgrib.eq.0),ERROR, & "Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num.", & newline=.true.) ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory. if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib) allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is) currlen=lgrib endif ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file. call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib) ! Check for beginning of GRIB message in the first 100 bytes istart=0 do j=1,100 ctemp=cgrib(j)//cgrib(j+1)//cgrib(j+2)//cgrib(j+3) if (ctemp.eq.grib ) then istart=j exit endif enddo if (istart.eq.0) then ireaderr=3 print*, "The beginning 4 characters >GRIB< were not found." endif ! Unpack Section 0 - Indicator Section to extract GRIB edition field iofst=8*(istart+5) call gbyte(cgrib,discipline,iofst,8) ! Discipline iofst=iofst+8 call gbyte(cgrib,grib_edition,iofst,8) ! GRIB edition number ! print *, 'ungrib - grib edition num', grib_edition CALL BACLOSE(junit,IOS) ireaderr=1 else if (ios .eq. -4) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, & "edition_num: unable to open %s",newline=.true.,s1=gribflnm) else print *,'edition_num: open status failed because',ios,gribflnm ireaderr=2 endif ! ireaderr check END subroutine edition_num !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa(ix, jx, iiplvl) ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air. use storage_module implicit none integer :: ix, jx integer :: iiplvl real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, P, RH, Q real, parameter :: svp1=611.2 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon call get_storage(iiplvl, 'P', P, ix, jx) call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx) call get_storage(iiplvl, 'SH', Q, ix, jx) rh=1.E2*(p*q/(q*(1.-eps)+eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3))) call put_storage(iiplvl, 'RH', rh, ix, jx) end subroutine g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2(ix, jx, iiplvl) ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air. use storage_module implicit none integer :: ix, jx integer :: iiplvl real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, TH, RH, Q, P real, parameter :: svp1=611.2 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon call get_storage(iiplvl, 'THETA', TH, ix, jx) call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx) call get_storage(iiplvl, 'SPECHUMD', Q, ix, jx) p=1.e5*(t/th)**(1005/287.05) rh=1.E2*(p*q/(q*(1.-eps)+eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3))) call put_storage(iiplvl, 'RH', rh, ix, jx) end subroutine g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2 !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa(ix, jx, iiplvl) ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air. use storage_module implicit none integer :: ix, jx integer :: iiplvl real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, TH, P real, parameter :: svp1=611.2 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon call get_storage(iiplvl, 'THETA', TH, ix, jx) call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx) p=1.e5*(t/th)**(1005/287.05) call put_storage(iiplvl, 'PRESSURE', p, ix, jx) end subroutine g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa !*****************************************************************************! subroutine ncep_grid_num (pnum) ! ! Find the grib number for descriptive labelling. ! Grib2 doesn't have a grid-number entry, so we have to figure it out ! from the parameters. ! use gridinfo ! Included to define map% integer :: pnum real, parameter :: eps = .01 character (len=8) :: tmp8 ! write(6,*) 'begin ncep_grid_num' ! write(6,*) 'dx = ',map%dx,' pnum = ',pnum,' nx = ',map%nx tmp8 = ' ' if (pnum .eq. 30) then ! lambert conformal if ( abs(map%dx - 12.19058) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 614) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 218")') else if (abs(map%dx - 40.63525) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 185) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 212")') else if (abs(map%dx - 40.63525) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 151) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 236")') else if (abs(map%dx - 81.2705) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 93) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 211")') else if (abs (map%dx - 32.46341) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 349) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 221")') else if (abs(map%dx - 20.317625) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 301) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 252")') else if (abs(map%dx - 13.545087) .lt. eps & .and. map%nx .eq. 451) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 130")') endif else if (pnum .eq. 20) then ! polar stereographic if (abs(map%dx - 15.0) .lt. eps) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 88")') endif else if (pnum .eq. 0) then ! lat/lon if (abs(map%dx - 1.) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 360) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 3")') else if (abs(map%dx - 0.5) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 720) then write(tmp8,'("GRID 4")') endif endif map%source(25:32) = tmp8 ! write(6,*) 'map%source = ',map%source end subroutine ncep_grid_num !*****************************************************************************! function earth_radius (icode, iscale, irad_m) ! Grib2 Code Table 3.2. Returns the spherical earth's radius in km. use module_debug real :: earth_radius integer :: icode integer :: iscale, irad_m if ( icode .eq. 0 ) then earth_radius = 6367470. * .001 else if ( icode .eq. 1) then earth_radius = 0.001 * float(irad_m) / 10**iscale else if ( icode .eq. 6 ) then earth_radius = 6371229. * .001 else if ( icode .eq. 8 ) then earth_radius = 6371200. * .001 else call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, & "unknown earth radius for code %i",newline=.true.,i1=icode) endif end function earth_radius