program checkkwds implicit none integer*4 input,iout, maxstring, nwords parameter (input=11, iout=12, maxstring=80, nwords=16) character string*80, backslash*1 logical cont_switch, end_of_file integer*4 is,i,ie, kwlen, lstring, iocheck, count backslash=char(92) write(*,'(/1x,A,1x,A/)') 'This is CHECKKWDS: Creating', & 'new version of "setup_kwds.F".' open(iout,file='setup_kwds.F', form='formatted') write(iout,'(A/,/6x,A/3(/A,1x,A)/A,8x,A/A,1x,A/A,39x,A)') & '#include "cppdefs.h"', 'subroutine setup_kwds (ierr)', & '!!!!!! WARNING: THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED', & 'CODE, DO NOT EDIT! !!!!!!', & '!!!!!! This file needs to be updated only if', & 'new keywords were !!!!!!', & '!!!!!! introduced into "read_inp.F".', & 'To create or refresh this !!!!!!', & '!!!!!! file use compile and execute "checkkwds.F" as an', & '!!!!!!', '!!!!!! independent program, or use', & 'commands "make checkkwds" !!!!!!', & '!!!!!! or "make depend".', '!!!!!!' write(iout,'(2(/6x,A), 5(/A) /6x,A /8x,A, 2(/6x,A))') & 'implicit none', 'integer ierr, is,ie', '#include "param.h"', & '#include "strings.h"', '#ifdef MPI','# include "scalars.h"', & '#endif', 'do is=1,max_opt_size', 'Coptions(is:is)='' ''', & 'enddo', 'is=1' open(input,file='read_inp.F',status='old',form='formatted') count=0 cont_switch=.false. end_of_file=.false. 1 count=count+1 do i=1,maxstring string(i:i)=' ' enddo read(input,'(A)',iostat=iocheck,end=2) string goto 3 2 end_of_file=.true. 3 lstring=maxstring 4 if (string(lstring:lstring).eq.' ') then lstring=lstring-1 if ( goto 4 endif if (lstring.eq.0 .and. end_of_file) goto 11 if (lstring.eq.0 .or. string(1:1).eq.'!' .or. & string(1:1).eq.'C' .or. string(1:1).eq.'c') goto 1 if (string(1:1).eq.'#') then is=2 5 if (string(is:is).ne.'i' .and. then is=is+1 goto 5 elseif (string(is:is+6).eq.'include') then goto 1 endif endif if (string(1:1).eq.'#' .or. cont_switch) then write(iout,'(A)') string(1:lstring) if (string(lstring:lstring).eq.backslash) then cont_switch=.true. else cont_switch=.false. endif goto 1 endif is=7 6 if (string(is:is).ne.'k' .and. then is=is+1 goto 6 elseif (string(is:is+6).eq.'keyword') then is=is+10 7 if (string(is:is).ne.'k' .and. then is=is+1 goto 7 elseif (string(is:is+4).eq.'kwlen') then is=is+6 8 if (string(is:is).ne.'.' .and. then is=is+1 goto 8 elseif (string(is:is+3).eq. '.eq.') then is=is+4 9 i=ichar(string(is:is)) if ( .and. then is=is+1 goto 9 elseif (i.eq.39) then ie=is+1 10 i=ichar(string(ie:ie)) if ( .and. then ie=ie+1 goto 10 elseif (i.eq.39) then kwlen=ie-is-1 write(iout,'(6x,A,I2/6x,A/6x,A,A/6x,A/6x,A)') & 'ie=is +', kwlen, & 'if ( goto 99', & 'Coptions(is:ie)=', string(is:ie), & 'Coptions(ie+1:ie+1)='' ''', 'is=ie+2' endif endif endif endif endif goto 1 11 close(input) write(iout,'(6x,A)') 'return' write(iout,'(2x,A/5x,A1,2x,A,1x,A/5x,A1,2x,A,1x,A)') & '99 MPI_master_only write(stdout,''(/1x,A,A/14x,A)'')', & '&', '''SETUP_KWDS ERROR: Unsufficient size of string', & 'Coptions'',', '&', '''in file "strings.h".'',', & '''Increase the size it and recompile.''' write(iout,'(6x,A,2(/6x,A))') 'ierr=ierr+1', 'return', 'end' close(iout) stop end