function [file] = prepladcp(p,files) % function [file] = prepladcp(stn) % % prepare LADCP data for LADCP processing % % we need the raw LADCP data to be in the correct place and % have the correct names. % % THIS FILE IS CRUISE SPECIFIC % % to create a file for your own cruise, modify this file % % you will just need to copy and possibly rename the files % In case of old BB and NB systems you might need to append % the raw data files. % % the convention for filenames is % % xxxDN000.000 and xxxUP000.000 with xxx the 3-digit station number % % they need to be copied into one directory per station % data/raw_ladcp/xxx with xxx the 3-digit station number % G.Krahmann, IFM-GEOMAR, Aug 2005 % path pour windows if ~exist(['data/raw_ladcp/']) mkdir('data/raw_ladcp/') end if ~exist(['data/raw_ladcp/',p.ladcp_station]) mkdir(['data/raw_ladcp/',p.ladcp_station]) end fprintf(' PREPLADCP :'); % downward-looking L-ADCP file if ~exist(files.ladcpdo,'file') fname = strcat( '../LADCP/data/',p.id_mission,'M',... p.ladcp_station, '.000'); if exist(fname,'file') copyfile(fname, files.ladcpdo); disp('LADCP DOWN copied') else disp(['> Cannot read LADCP DOWN data from ',fname]); end else disp('LADCP DOWN exist') end % upward-looking L-ADCP file if ~exist(files.ladcpup,'file') fname = strcat( '../LADCP/data/',p.id_mission,'S',... p.ladcp_station, '.000'); if exist(fname,'file') copyfile(fname, files.ladcpup); disp('LADCP UP copied') else disp([' > Cannot read LADCP UP data from ',fname]); end else disp(' LADCP UP exist') end % set file name file = ['data/raw_ladcp/',p.ladcp_station];