function [X,Y,vals,labI]=mp_utm(optn,varargin) % MP_UTM Universal Transverse Mercator projection % This function should not be used directly; instead it is % is accessed by various high-level functions named M_*. % mp_utm.m, Peter Lemmond ( % created mp_utm.m 13Aug98 from mp_tmerc.m, v1.2d distribution, by: % % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % Mathematical formulas for the projections and their inverses are taken from % % Snyder, John P., Map Projections used by the US Geological Survey, % Geol. Surv. Bull. 1532, 2nd Edition, USGPO, Washington D.C., 1983. % % 10/Dec/98 - PL added various ellipsoids. % 17/May/12 - clarified hemisphere setting global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST % define a structure of various ellipsoids. each has a name, and % a vector consisting of equatorial radius and flattening. the first % two are somewhat special cases. MAP_ELLIP = struct ( 'normal', [1.0, 0], ... 'sphere', [6370997.0, 0], ... 'grs80' , [6378137.0, 1/298.257], ... 'grs67' , [6378160.0, 1/247.247], ... 'wgs84' , [6378137.0, 1/298.257], ... 'wgs72' , [6378135.0, 1/298.260], ... 'wgs66' , [6378145.0, 1/298.250], ... 'wgs60' , [6378165.0, 1/298.300], ... 'clrk66', [6378206.4, 1/294.980], ... 'clrk80', [6378249.1, 1/293.466], ... 'intl24', [6378388.0, 1/297.000], ... 'intl67', [6378157.5, 1/298.250]); name={'UTM'}; switch optn, case 'name', X=name; case {'usage','set'} m_names=fieldnames(MAP_ELLIP); X=char({[' ''' varargin{1} ''''],... ' <,''lon'',[min max]>',... ' <,''lat'',[min max]>',... ' <,''zon'',value>',... ' <,''hem'',[1|0] (0 for N)>',... ' <,''ell'', one of',... reshape(sprintf(' %6s',m_names{:}),15,length(m_names))',... ' >',... ' <,''rec'', ( ''on'' | ''off'' )>'}); case 'get', X=char([' Projection: ' ' (function: ' ... MAP_PROJECTION.routine ')'],... [' longitudes: ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs) ],... [' latitudes: ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats) ],... [' zone: ' num2str( ],... [' hemisphere: ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.hemisphere) ],... [' ellipsoid: ' MAP_VAR_LIST.ellipsoid ], ... [' Rectangular border: ' MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox ]); case 'initialize', MAP_VAR_LIST=[];{1}; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs = [-72 -68]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats = [40 44]; = 0; % will be computed if not there MAP_VAR_LIST.hemisphere = -1; MAP_VAR_LIST.ellipsoid = 'normal'; MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox='off'; k=2; while k=MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)-eps*10 | ... lat<=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)+eps*10 | lat>=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)-eps*10; [long,lat]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},long,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1),longMAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2),lat); [lat,long]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},lat,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1),latMAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2),long); end; % do the forward transformation [X,Y] = mu_ll2utm(lat,long,,MAP_VAR_LIST.hemisphere, ... getfield(MAP_ELLIP,MAP_VAR_LIST.ellipsoid)); % Clip out-of-range values (rectboxes) if strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'on') & ~strcmp(varargin{4},'off'), vals= vals | X<=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(1)+eps*10 | X>=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(2)-eps*10 | ... Y<=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(1)+eps*10 | Y>=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(2)-eps*10; [X,Y]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},X,MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(1),XMAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(2),Y); [Y,X]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},Y,MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(1),YMAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(2),X); end; case 'xy2ll', [Y,X] = mu_utm2ll(varargin{1}, varargin{2},, ... MAP_VAR_LIST.hemisphere, getfield(MAP_ELLIP,MAP_VAR_LIST.ellipsoid)); case 'xgrid', [X,Y,vals,labI]=mu_util('xgrid',MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,varargin{1},31,varargin{2:3}); case 'ygrid', [X,Y,vals,labI]=mu_util('ygrid',MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,varargin{1},31,varargin{2:3}); case 'box', [X,Y]=mu_util('box',31); end; %------------------------------------------------------------------- function [x,y] = mu_ll2utm (lat,lon, zone, hemisphere,ellipsoid) %mu_ll2utm Convert geodetic lat,lon to X/Y UTM coordinates % % [x,y] = mu_ll2utm (lat, lon, zone, hemisphere,ellipsoid) % % input is latitude and longitude vectors, zone number, % hemisphere(N=0,S=1), ellipsoid info [eq-rad, flat] % output is X/Y vectors % % see also mu_utm2ll, utmzone % some general constants DEG2RADS = 0.01745329252; RADIUS = ellipsoid(1); FLAT = ellipsoid(2); K_NOT = 0.9996; FALSE_EAST = 500000; FALSE_NORTH = 10000000; % check for valid numbers if (max(abs(lat)) > 90) error('latitude values exceed 89 degree'); return; end if ((zone < 1) | (zone > 60)) error ('utm zones only valid from 1 to 60'); return; end % compute some geodetic parameters lambda_not = ((-180 + zone*6) - 3) * DEG2RADS; e2 = 2*FLAT - FLAT*FLAT; e4 = e2 * e2; e6 = e4 * e2; ep2 = e2/(1-e2); % some other constants, vectors lat = lat * DEG2RADS; lon = lon * DEG2RADS; sinL = sin(lat); tanL = tan(lat); cosL = cos(lat); T = tanL.*tanL; C = ep2 * (cosL.*cosL); A = (lon - lambda_not).*cosL; A2 = A.*A; A4 = A2.*A2; S = sinL.*sinL; % solve for N N = RADIUS ./ (sqrt (1-e2*S)); % solve for M M0 = 1 - e2*0.25 - e4*0.046875 - e6*0.01953125; M1 = e2*0.375 + e4*0.09375 + e6*0.043945313; M2 = e4*0.05859375 + e6*0.043945313; M3 = e6*0.011393229; M = RADIUS.*(M0.*lat - M1.*sin(2*lat) + M2.*sin(4*lat) - M3.*sin(6*lat)); % solve for x X0 = A4.*A/120; X1 = 5 - 18*T + T.*T + 72*C - 58*ep2; X2 = A2.*A/6; X3 = 1 - T + C; x = N.*(A + X3.*X2 + X1.* X0); % solve for y Y0 = 61 - 58*T + T.*T + 600*C - 330*ep2; Y1 = 5 - T + 9*C + 4*C.*C; y = M + N.*tanL.*(A2/2 + Y1.*A4/24 + Y0.*A4.*A2/720); % finally, do the scaling and false thing. if using a unit-normal radius, % we don't bother. x = x*K_NOT + (RADIUS>1) * FALSE_EAST; y = y*K_NOT; if (hemisphere) y = y + (RADIUS>1) * FALSE_NORTH; end return %------------------------------------------------------------------- function [lat,lon] = mu_utm2ll (x,y, zone, hemisphere,ellipsoid) %mu_utm2ll Convert X/Y UTM coordinates to geodetic lat,lon % % [lat,lon] = mu_utm2ll (x,y, zone, hemisphere,ellipsoid) % % input is X/Y vectors, zone number, hemisphere(N=0,S=1), % ellipsoid info [eq-rad, flat] % output is lat/lon vectors % % see also mu_ll2utm, utmzone % some general constants DEG2RADS = 0.01745329252; RADIUS = ellipsoid(1); FLAT = ellipsoid(2); K_NOT = 0.9996; FALSE_EAST = 500000; FALSE_NORTH = 10000000; if ((zone < 1) | (zone > 60)) error ('utm zones only valid from 1 to 60'); return; end % compute some geodetic parameters e2 = 2*FLAT - FLAT*FLAT; e4 = e2 * e2; e6 = e4 * e2; eps = e2 / (1-e2); em1 = sqrt(1-e2); e1 = (1-em1)/(1+em1); e12 = e1*e1; lambda_not = ((-180 + zone*6) - 3) * DEG2RADS; % remove the false things x = x - (RADIUS>1)*FALSE_EAST; if (hemisphere) y = y - (RADIUS>1)*FALSE_NORTH; end % compute the footpoint latitude M = y/K_NOT; mu = M/(RADIUS * (1 - 0.25*e2 - 0.046875*e4 - 0.01953125*e6)); foot = mu + (1.5*e1 - 0.84375*e12*e1)*sin(2*mu) ... + (1.3125*e12 - 1.71875*e12*e12)*sin(4*mu) ... + (1.57291666667*e12*e1)*sin(6*mu) ... + (2.142578125*e12*e12)*sin(8*mu); % some other terms sinF = sin(foot); cosF = cos(foot); tanF = tan(foot); N = RADIUS ./ sqrt(1-e2*(sinF.*sinF)); T = tanF.*tanF; T2 = T.*T; C = eps * cosF.*cosF; C2 = C.*C; denom = sqrt(1-e2*(sinF.*sinF)); R = RADIUS * em1*em1 ./ (denom.*denom.*denom); D = x./(N*K_NOT); D2 = D.*D; D4 = D2.*D2; % can now compute the lat and lon lat = foot - (N.*tanF./R) .* (0.5*D2 - (5 + 3*T + 10*C - 4*C2 - 9*eps).*D4/24 ... + (61 + 90*T + 298*C + 45*T2 - 252*eps - 3*C2) .* D4 .* D2/720); lon = lambda_not + (D - (1 + 2*T +C).*D2.*D/6 + ... (5 - 2*C + 28*T - 3*C2 + 8*eps + 24*T2).*D4.*D./120)./cosF; % convert back to degrees; lat=lat/DEG2RADS; lon=lon/DEG2RADS; return