function [longOUT,latOUT,phiVecOUT,thetaVecOUT]=mc_coords(optn,longIN,latIN,phiVecIN,thetaVecIN) % MP_COORD Converts between coordinate systems based on different % poles. Generally used in space physics to plot things in % geomagnetic (dipole) coordinate systems. % % This function should not be used directly; instead it is % is accessed by various high-level functions named M_*. % % Vector rotations can be carried out using the following: % % [latOUT,longOUT,phiVecOUT,thetaVecOUT]=M_GEO2MAG(latIN,longIN,phiVecIN,thetaVecIN) % % where % % thetaVecIN - north component of the vector in geographic coordinates % phiVecIN - east component of the vector in geographic coordinates % thetaVecOUT - north component of the vector in geomagnetic coordinates % phiVecOUT - east component of the vector in geomagnetic coordinates % % References: % % Hapgood, M.A., Space Physics Coordinate Transformations: % A User Guide, Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 40, N0. 5, 1992. % Antti Pulkkinen, September 2001. % R. Pawlowicz 9/01 - Vectorized, changed functionality, put into standard M_MAP form. % % 29/Sep/2005 - fixed bug (apparently no-one ever used this option before now!) % % 1 Nov 2012 - added IGRF2011 coords (thanks to Joe Kinrade) global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_COORDS pi180=pi/180; switch optn, case 'name'{'geographic','IGRF2000-geomagnetic','IGRF2011-geomagnetic'}; return; case 'parameters', switch longIN, case 'geographic','geographic'; longOUT.lambda = 0; longOUT.phi = 0; case 'IGRF2000-geomagnetic', g10=-29615; g11=-1728; h11=5186;'IGRF2000-geomagnetic'; longOUT.lambda= atan(h11/g11); longOUT.phi = atan((g11*cos(longOUT.lambda)+h11*sin(longOUT.lambda))/g10); case 'IGRF2011-geomagnetic'; %ADDED 2012-11-02 Joe Kinrade, Uni. of Bath g10=-29496.5; %1st order IGFR2011 coefficient g11=-1585.9; %2nd order h11=4945.1; %3rd order'IGRF2011-geomagnetic'; longOUT.lambda= atan(h11/g11); longOUT.phi = atan((g11*cos(longOUT.lambda)+h11*sin(longOUT.lambda))/g10); otherwise error('Unrecognized coordinate system'); end; return; case 'geo2mag', % Rotation matrices lambda=MAP_PROJECTION.coordsystem.lambda; phi=MAP_PROJECTION.coordsystem.phi; Tz=[ cos(lambda) sin(lambda) 0 ; -sin(lambda) cos(lambda) 0 ; 0 0 1 ]; Ty=[ cos(phi) 0 -sin(phi) ; 0 1 0 ; sin(phi) 0 cos(phi) ]; T=Ty*Tz; case 'mag2geo', % Rotation matrices lambda=MAP_COORDS.lambda; phi=MAP_COORDS.phi; Tz=[ cos(-lambda) sin(-lambda) 0 ; -sin(-lambda) cos(-lambda) 0 ; 0 0 1 ]; Ty=[ cos(-phi) 0 -sin(-phi) ; 0 1 0 ; sin(-phi) 0 cos(-phi) ]; T=Tz*Ty; end; [n,m]=size(latIN); % Degrees to radians, and make into rows. latIN=(90 - latIN(:)')*pi180; longIN=longIN(:)'*pi180; % Transformation to cartesian coordinates. x=sin(latIN).*cos(longIN); y=sin(latIN).*sin(longIN); z=cos(latIN); % Rotations of the coordinates. tmp=T*[x; y; z]; xp=tmp(1,:);yp=tmp(2,:);zp=tmp(3,:); % Transformation back to spherical coordinates. Choosing the correct quadrant. latOUT=acos(zp./sqrt(xp.^2+yp.^2+zp.^2)); longOUT=atan2(yp,xp); if nargin > 3, % Sign change due to sign convention used here. thetaVecIN=-thetaVecIN(:)'; phiVecIN=phiVecIN(:)'; % Computing vector rotations. % First, transformation to cartesian coordinates. % Rotation matrix is % [x] [ sLcG cLcG -sG ][radial] % [y]=[ sLsG cLsG cG ][south ] % [z] [ cL -sL 0 ][east ] % Radial component is zero. Xvec= 0+ cos(latIN).*cos(longIN).*thetaVecIN - sin(longIN).*phiVecIN; Yvec= 0+ cos(latIN).*sin(longIN).*thetaVecIN + cos(longIN).*phiVecIN; Zvec= 0+ -sin(latIN).*thetaVecIN + 0; % Rotations of the system. tmp=T*[Xvec;Yvec; Zvec]; Xvecp=tmp(1,:);Yvecp=tmp(2,:);Zvecp=tmp(3,:); % Transformation back to spherical coordinates. thetaVecOUT=cos(latOUT).*cos(longOUT).*Xvecp + cos(latOUT).*sin(longOUT).*Yvecp -sin(latOUT).*Zvecp ; phiVecOUT = -sin(longOUT).*Xvecp + cos(longOUT).*Yvecp +0 ; % Sign change due to sign convention used here. thetaVecOUT=-reshape(thetaVecOUT,n,m); phiVecOUT = reshape(phiVecOUT,n,m); end; % Radians to degrees. latOUT=90 - reshape(latOUT,n,m)/pi180; longOUT=reshape(longOUT,n,m)/pi180;