function dist = m_xydist(x,y) % M_XYDIST Spherical earth distance between points in map projection coordinates. % RANGE=M_XYDIST(X,Y) gives the distance in kilometers between % successive points in the vectors X and Y which are coordinates % in the current map projection. This function is useful for finding % distances between points "picked off" a map, e.g.: % % Example: % G = GINPUT(2); km_dist = M_XYDIST(G(:,1),G(:,2)); % % See also M_LLDIST % Rich Pawlowicz ( 6/Nov/00, based largely on an % idea by Deirdre Byrne. % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; % get lon, lat coords [lon,lat] = m_xy2ll(x,y); dist = m_lldist(lon,lat);