function [long,lat]=m_xy2ll(X,Y); % M_XY2LL Converts X,Y to long,lat coordinates using the current projection % [LONGITUDE,LATITUDE]=m_ll2xy(X,Y) % This is useful for finding locations using ginput. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) % 4/DEc/11 - isstr to ischar global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_COORDS if nargin==0 | ischar(X), disp(' Usage:'); disp(' [LONGITUDE,LATITUDE]=m_xy2ll(X,Y);'); else [long,lat]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',X,Y); if ~strcmp(,, if strcmp(,'geographic'), [long,lat]=mc_coords('mag2geo',long,lat); else [long,lat]=mc_coords('geo2mag',long,lat); end; end; end; if nargout==0, clear long lat end;