function m_ungrid(goptn); % M_UNGRID Removes a grid; % M_UNGRID deletes a map grid, but leaves any plotted % data. % % M_UNGRID XXX % or % M_UNGRID('XXX') % % can be used to remove other parameters plotted using an % M_XXX command (e.g. M_UNGRID COAST). % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/Apr/97 % % 14/11/98 - Added possible option to remove other tagged items. % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. if nargin==0, mstr='m_grid_'; else mstr=['m_' lower(goptn)]; end; hh=get(gca,'children'); things=get(hh,'tag'); if length(hh)==1, things={things}; end; for i=1:length(hh), if ~isempty(things{i}) & strmatch(mstr,things{i}), delete(hh(i)); end; end; if strmatch('m_grid',mstr), set(gca,'visible','on'); end;