function h=m_range_ring(long,lat,range,varargin); % M_RANGE_RING Creates range rings on a map % M_RANGE_RING(LONG,LAT,RANGE) creates a range ring of range RANGE % km centered at the position specified by LONG and LAT. Range rings % will generally appear as small (almost) circles for short ranges, % but will be distorted at longer ranges. % % If RANGE is a vector, concentric rings at the specified ranges % are drawn. If LONG,LAT are vectors, rings are drawn around % all specified locations. % % The appearance of lines can be modified using the usual % line properties thus: % M_RANGE_RING(LONG,LAT,RANGE, ) % % Sometimes you may need to adjust the number of points plotted % in each range ring (this can happen if the ring is at the extreme % edge of certian projections). THis can be done using % M_RANGE_RING(LONG,LAT,RANGE,NPTS, ) % % NB: Earth radius is assumed to 6378.137km (WGS-84 value), and % calculations are for spherical geometry. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 18/Dec/1998 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) % 7/Dec/11 - Octave 3.2.3 compatibility global MAP_VAR_LIST pi180=pi/180; earth_radius=6378.137; n=72; if length(varargin)>0 & ~ischar(varargin{1}), n=varargin{1};varargin(1)=[]; end; % Recognize Octave a=ver; if strcmp(a(1).Name,'Octave'), IsOctave=logical(1); else IsOctave=logical(0); end; c=range(:)'/earth_radius; h=[]; for k=1:length(long), rlat=lat(k)*pi180; rlong=long(k)*pi180; if long(k)MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2), rlong=rlong-2*pi; end; x=sin([0:n-1]'/(n-1)*2*pi)*c; y=cos([0:n-1]'/(n-1)*2*pi)*c; on=ones(n,1); Y=(asin(on*cos(c)*sin(rlat) + (on*cos(rlat)*(sin(c)./c)).*y))/pi180; switch lat(k), case 90, X=(rlong+atan2(x,-y))/pi180; case -90, X=(rlong+atan2(x,y))/pi180; otherwise X=(rlong+atan2(x.*(on*sin(c)),on*(cos(rlat)*cos(c).*c) - (on*sin(rlat)*sin(c)).*y ) )/pi180; end; nz=zeros(1,length(range(:))); X=X+cumsum([nz;diff(X)<-300]-[nz;diff(X)>300])*360; kk=find(X(1,:)~=X(end,:)); X2=X(:,kk)+360;X2(X2>MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2))=NaN; X3=X(:,kk)-360;X3(X3