function h=m_patch(long,lat,C,varargin); % M_PATCH Create patches on a map % M_PATCH(LONG,LAT,C) is a drop-in replacement for PATCH that uses % longitude/latitude coordinates to draw a patch on the current map. % See PATCH for more details about the way in which patch colours and % properties should be specified. % % Currently you cannot specify C to be other than a string or 1x3 RGB % vector. % % See also M_LINE, M_LL2XY % Rich Pawlowicz ( 3/Sep/98 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 10/Mar/99 - changed order of calls ('c' not handled correctly in mu_coast otherwise) % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) [m,n]=size(long); if m==1 & n>1, h=mu_coast('vector',[long' lat';long(1) lat(1)],'patch',C,'tag','m_patch',varargin{:}); elseif m>1 & n==1, h=mu_coast('vector',[long lat;long(1) lat(1)],'patch',C,'tag','m_patch',varargin{:}); else h=mu_coast('vector',[reshape([long;long(1,:);NaN+ones(1,n)],(m+2)*n,1),... reshape([lat;lat(1,:);NaN+ones(1,n)],(m+2)*n,1)],'patch',C,'tag','m_patch',varargin{:}); end; if nargout==0, clear h end;