function [X,Y,I]=m_ll2xy(varargin); % M_LL2XY Converts long,lat to X,Y coordinates using the current projection % [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(LONGITUDE,LATITUDE); % % Extra properties can be added after the latitude variable: % ...,'clip', ( 'on' | 'off' | 'patch' | 'point' ) % where normal clipping sets out-of-range values to NaN, and patch % clipping sets out-of-range values to border values (useful for % drawing patches). A border point is interpolated for line % segments crossing the border; line segments are assumed for % one-dimensional input arrays and for the columns of 2-dimensional % arrays. The interpolation can be disabled using the 'point' % option (i.e. data is composed of discrete unrelated points). % % [X,Y,I]=m_ll2xy(...) returns an index to tell you which % points have been modified (I=1). % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) % 4/DEc/11 - isstr to ischar % 1/Nov/12 - added another geomagnetic coordinate system global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_COORDS if nargin==0 | ischar(varargin{1}), disp(' Usage'); disp(' [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(LONGITUDES,LATITUDES <,''clip'',( ''on''|''off''|''patch'' | ''point'' ) >)'); else if strcmp(,, % Sneaky way of making default clipping on (sneaky 'cause only the 4th % input parameter is checked for the clipping property) [X,Y,I]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',varargin{:},'clip','on'); elseif strcmp(,'geographic'), [LONG,LAT]=mc_coords('geo2mag',varargin{1:2}); args={varargin{3:end},'clip','on'}; [X,Y,I]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',LONG,LAT,args{:}); elseif strcmp(,'IGRF2000-geomagnetic') | ... strcmp(,'IGRF2011-geomagnetic') [LONG,LAT]=mc_coords('mag2geo',varargin{1:2}); args={varargin{3:end},'clip','on'}; [X,Y,I]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',LONG,LAT,args{:}); else error('m_ll2xy: Unrecognized coordinate system'); end; end; if nargout==0, clear X Y I end;