function [h] = m_legend(varargin) % M_LEGEND Add a legend to a map. This function does not have the % full functionality of LEGEND but avoids some of the problems % encountered using that function in M_MAP. Feel free to % add code! % % [legend_handle] = M_LEGEND(HANDLES,String1,String2,String3,...) % % puts a legend on the plot containing the handles in the vector HANDLES % using the specified strings as labels for the corresponding handles. % By holding the mouse button down, the legend can be moved around the % plot. % Original Author:: Deirdre Byrne, 00/06/23 % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. % % 13/Nov/2014 - suggested code change for matlab 2014b gaphics global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; if nargin < 2; help m_legend return end handles = varargin{1}; handles = handles(:); varargin = varargin(:); s = size(varargin,1); if s-1 ~= size(handles,1) disp('must have same number of legends as handles') return end varargin = varargin(2:s); % get axis location ax=gca; units = get(ax,'units'); p = get(ax,'pos'); c = get(ax,'color'); if strcmp(c,'none') c = get(gcf,'color'); end if strcmp(c,'none') c = [0.702 0.702 0.702]; end % calculate initial size for legend xlen = (p(3))/5; ylen = (p(4))/7; % calculate position for legend % default is to put it in bottom right corner axpos(1) = p(1)+p(3) - xlen; axpos(2) = p(2); axpos(3:4) = [xlen ylen]; ButtonDownFcn = 'moveaxis'; Tag = 'legend'; h=axes('units',units,'position',axpos, ... 'visible','on', ... 'color',c, ... 'xcolor','k', ... 'ycolor','k', ... 'tag',Tag, ... 'Buttondownfcn',ButtonDownFcn, ... 'xlim',[0 1], ... 'xtick',[], ... 'ylim',[0 1], ... 'ytick',[], ... 'nextplot','add', ... 'box','on'); lh = length(handles); % set width based on legend strings axw = 4; for i = 1:lh l = length(varargin{i}); axw = max(axw,l); end axw = max(2*axw,axw+10); sf = 1; set(h,'units','characters'); axpos = get(h,'pos'); axh = (sf*lh+1); set(h,'position',[(axpos(1)+axpos(3) - axw) axpos(2) axw axh]) for i = 1:lh xp = [0.05 0.2 0.35]; iy = (i*sf-1)*0.8/lh + 0.25; yp = [iy iy iy]; if verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0'), lintest=strcmp(get(handles(i),'type'),'line'); else lintest=isgraphics(handles(i),'line'); end; if lintest, mark = get(handles(i),'marker'); msize = get(handles(i),'markersize'); linest = get(handles(i),'linestyle'); linew = get(handles(i),'linewidth'); clr = get(handles(i),'color'); if ~strcmp(linest,'none') l1(i) = plot(xp,yp,'marker','none', ... 'color',clr,'linewidth',linew); end l2(i) = plot(xp(2),yp(2),'marker',mark, ... 'linewidth',linew, 'markersize', msize, ... 'color',clr); t(i) = text(0.5, iy, varargin{i}); end end if nargout == 0 clear h end