function m_gshhs(resolution,varargin); % M_GSHHS Add a coastline to a given map using % the Global Self-consistant Hierarchical High-resolution % Shorelines, Rivers, and Borders % % M_GSHHS(RES, (standard line option,...,...) ) draws the coastline % river network, or borders as simple lines. % % M_GSHHS(RES,'patch' ( ,standard patch options,...,...) ) draws the % coastline as a number of patches (rivers and borders are not % arranged so patches can be drawn). % % M_GSHHS(RES,'save',FILENAME) saves the extracted coastline data % for the current projection in a file FILENAME. This allows % speedier replotting using M_USERCOAST(FILENAME). % % RES: A one-char string (optionally 2 or 3) % % First char: resolution - one of % 'c' crude % 'l' low % 'i' intermediate % 'h' high % 'f' full % % Second char: type - one of % 'c' GSHHS coastline (default) % 'b' WDB Border % 'r' WDB River % % Third char - if 2nd char is 'c': % '1' Country borders % '2' State/Province and Country borders % - if 2nd char is 'r': '1','2','3','4' % add successively more tributaries % % (also maintained is this optional format: % % RES - selections resolution % 1 or 'crude' % 2 or 'low' % 3 or 'intermediate' % 4 or 'high' % 5 or 'full % % but please don't use this). % % See also M_PROJ, M_GRID, M_COAST, M_GSHHS_L, M_GSHHS_H, M_GSHHS_C % M_USERCOAST % Rich Pawlowicz ( 15/June/98 % % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % 16/Dec/2005 %********************************************************************* % Modified after code provided by Bruce Lipphardt ( to % reduce the hierarchy of M_GSHHS_* routines to a single routine with a % variable resolution input: % 20/Jan/2008 - added borders and rivers from gshhs v1.10 % 4/DEc/11 - isstr to ischar % Sep/14 - added hierarchy to borders % Root of directories where gshhs_X.b files live FILNAME='private/'; res_list = char('c','l','i','h','f') ; typ_list=char('c','b','r'); typ_names={'gshhs_','wdb_borders_','wdb_rivers_'}; typ=1; flaglim='9'; if ischar(resolution), if length(resolution)>=2, typ = strmatch(lower(resolution(2)),typ_list); end; if length(resolution)>=3, flaglim = resolution(3); end; resolution = strmatch(lower(resolution(1)),res_list); end; if isempty(resolution) | resolution<1 | resolution> length(res_list), error('**Don''t recognize the specified resolution'); end; if isempty(typ) | typ<1 | typ> length(res_list), error('**Don''t recognize the specified type'); end; res_char = res_list(resolution) ; file = [FILNAME,sprintf('%s%s.b',typ_names{typ},res_char)] ; tag_name = sprintf('%s%s',typ_names{typ},res_char) ; % Set current projection to geographic Currentmap=m_coord('set'); m_coord('geographic'); if length(varargin)>1 & strcmp(varargin{1},'save'), [ncst,Area,k]=mu_coast(res_char,file); eval(['save ' varargin{2} ' ncst k Area']); else mu_coast([res_char flaglim],file,varargin{:},'tag',tag_name); end; m_coord(;