function [h,varargout]=m_ellipse(long,lat,fmaj,fmin,finc,fpha,scl,tpe,varargin) % M_ELLIPSE Draws ellipses on a map. % [H]=M_ELLIPSE(LONG,LAT,MAJOR,MINOR,INC,PHA,SCALE,TYPE) % draws ellipses as patch objects or lines on a map created % by the M_Map package. % % H: vector of handles to the patch or line object % LONG, LAT: coordinates for the ellipse center % MAJOR: ellipse major axis % MINOR: ellipse minor axis % INC: ellipse inclination (degrees CCW of East) % PHA: phase in degrees (useful for tidal ellipses) % set to [] when not needed (will also omit phase lines) % SCALE: scale factor (set to [] for default scale) % TYPE: 'patch' or 'line' % VARARGIN options passed to the patch or line objects % % By default, drawing the ellipses as patch objects with phase % information will produce an ellipse using the full range % colours of the current colormap. As time increases around the % ellipse, the colormap values change from, for example, blue to % red (jet) or black to white (grayscale). If no phase info is % given, the patch colour can be specified with varargin (eg - % 'facecolor','k'). If no colour is specified, the patch will be % blue. % % % Mark Halverson ( 25/03/2013 % Revisions: % Rich Pawlowicz ( % 28/03/2013 % - vectorized ellipse parameter inputs % - coordinate transformation for maps covering large areas % - phase lines added to 'line' option % - phase line colours change with rotation direction % Mark Halverson ( % 28/03/2013 % - added crude input error handling global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), error('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; if nargin<8, error('m_ellipse requires at least 8 input parameters') return; end if isempty(scl), scl=1; end scl=scl*1/100/60*2; % flag to determine how to deal with phase info pha_flag=1; %draw phase lines for ellipse type 'line' % if phase information is not given - take it to be 0 if isempty(fpha), fpha=zeros(size(fmaj)); pha_flag=0; % do not draw phase lines or phase patch colours end % if any(finc<0) | any(finc>180), % error('Ellipse inclination must be between 0 and 180') % return; % end t=[0:1/24:1 NaN]*360; % 0 to 360 for drawing ellipses %t=[0:.1/24:1 NaN]*360; % 0 to 360 for drawing ellipses %t=[0:1/24:0.958333 NaN]*360; % 0 to 360 for drawing ellipses lt=length(t); % ellipse centers in m_map (X,Y) coords [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(long(:),lat(:),'clip','point'); X2=repmat(X,1,lt); Y2=repmat(Y,1,lt); fmaj2=repmat(fmaj(:)*scl,1,lt); finc2=repmat(finc(:),1,lt); fpha2=repmat(fpha(:),1,lt); fmin2=repmat(fmin(:)*scl,1,lt); t2=repmat(t,size(fmaj2,1),1); % parametric equation for ellipse phang=t2-fpha2; % Phase angle relative to greenwich % A small positive greenwich phase should appear a % small distance CW if the sense of rotation is CCW. fmajc=fmaj2.*cosd(phang); fmins=fmin2.*sind(phang); cinc=cosd(finc2); sinc=sind(finc2); x=fmajc.*cinc-fmins.*sinc; y=fmajc.*sinc+fmins.*cinc; % Coordinate transformation [XN ,YN ]=m_ll2xy([long(:) long(:)]', [lat(:) lat(:)+.001]','clip','off'); [XE ,YE ]=m_ll2xy([long(:) long(:)+(.001)./cos(lat(:)*pi/180)]',[lat(:) lat(:)]', 'clip','off'); mx=x.*repmat(diff(XE)',1,lt)*1000 + y.*repmat(diff(XN)',1,lt)*1000; my=x.*repmat(diff(YE)',1,lt)*1000 + y.*repmat(diff(YN)',1,lt)*1000; % coordinates for the ellipse xe=(X2+mx)'; % center plus ellipse edge ye=(Y2+my)'; % Draw each ellipse as a series of triangular patches, and shade each % triangle according to phase. The darkest colour (highest level) is % current when phase at Greenwich = 0, earlier vectors are shaded % gradually lighter. % % Each column of xp and yp define the vertices of a triangle. Loop % over times (triangles) instead of ellipses. if strcmp(tpe,'patch'), for k=lt-2:-1:1, xp=[X';xe([k;k+1],:)]; yp=[Y';ye([k;k+1],:)]; h(k)=patch(xp,yp,ones(size(xp))*(lt-k).^(1/3),(k).^(1/3),varargin{:}); end; set(h,'edgecolor','none','clip','off') if pha_flag==0, %no phase info, and no varargin given set(h,'facecolor','b',varargin{:}) end end % draw ellipses as simple lines, with a line for phang(t=1) and % phang(t=2) if strcmp(tpe,'line'), h=line(xe(:),ye(:),varargin{:}); if pha_flag==1, ii=fmin(:)>0; % Different colours for CW (same as ellipse colour) and CCW (opposite colour) if any(ii), hp(ii)=line([X(ii)';xe(1,ii)],[Y(ii)';ye(1,ii)],'linewi',2,'color',get(h,'color')); hp2(ii)=line([X(ii)';xe(2,ii)],[Y(ii)';ye(2,ii)],'linewi',2,'color',get(h,'color'),'linest',':'); end; if any(~ii), hp(~ii)=line([X(~ii)';xe(1,~ii)],[Y(~ii)';ye(1,~ii)],'linewi',2,'color',[1 1 1]-get(h,'color')); hp2(~ii)=line([X(~ii)';xe(2,~ii)],[Y(~ii)';ye(2,~ii)],'linewi',2,'color',[1 1 1]-get(h,'color'),'linest',':'); end; h=[h,hp,hp2]; end %pha_flag end %ellipse 'line' set(h,'tag','m_ellipse') if nargout==0, clear h end;