function [X,Z,VAR]=get_section(fname,gname,lonsec,latsec,vname,tindex); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % function [X,Z,VAR]=get_section(fname,gname,lonsec,latsec,vname,tindex); % % Extract a vertical slice in any direction (or along a curve) % from a CROCO netcdf file. % % % On Input: % % fname History NetCDF file name (character string). % gname Grid NetCDF file name (character string). % lonsec Longitudes of the points of the section. % (vector or [min max] or single value if N-S section). % (default: [12 18]) % latsec Latitudes of the points of the section. % (vector or [min max] or single value if E-W section) % (default: -34) % % NB: if lonsec and latsec are vectors, they must have the same length. % % vname NetCDF variable name to process (character string). % (default: temp) % tindex Netcdf time index (integer). % (default: 1) % % On Output: % % X Slice X-distances (km) from the first point (2D matrix). % Z Slice Z-positions (matrix). % VAR Slice of the variable (matrix). % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % Updated 2006 by Juliet Hermes (UCT): increase of dl to prevent % errors when doing zonal or meridian sections. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% interp_type='linear'; % % Defaults values % if nargin < 1 error('You must specify a file name') end if nargin < 2 gname=fname; disp(['Default grid name: ',gname]) end if nargin < 3 lonsec=[12 18]; disp(['Default longitude: ',num2str(lonsec)]) end if nargin < 4 latsec=-34; disp(['Default latitude: ',num2str(latsec)]) end if nargin < 5 vname='temp'; disp(['Default variable to plot: ',vname]) end if nargin < 6 tindex=1; disp(['Default time index: ',num2str(tindex)]) end % % Find maximum grid angle size (dl) % [lat,lon,mask]=read_latlonmask(gname,'r'); [M,L]=size(lon); dl=1.5* max([max(max(abs(lon(2:M,:)-lon(1:M-1,:)))) ... max(max(abs(lon(:,2:L)-lon(:,1:L-1)))) ... max(max(abs(lat(2:M,:)-lat(1:M-1,:)))) ... max(max(abs(lat(:,2:L)-lat(:,1:L-1))))]); % % Read point positions % [type,vlevel]=get_type(fname,vname,10); if (vlevel==0) error([vname,' is a 2D-H variable']) return end [lat,lon,mask]=read_latlonmask(gname,type); [M,L]=size(lon); % % Find minimal subgrids limits % minlon=min(lonsec)-dl; minlat=min(latsec)-dl; maxlon=max(lonsec)+dl; maxlat=max(latsec)+dl; sub=lon>minlon & lonminlat & latlonsec(i)-dl & lonlatsec(i)-dl & lat0.5)=1; %mask(mask<=0.5)=NaN; londata=londata(mask==1); latdata=latdata(mask==1); % % Get the vertical levels % nc=netcdf(gname); h=nc{'h'}(:); hmin=min(min(h)); h=h(jmin:jmax,imin:imax); close(nc) h=h(sub==1); h=h(mask==1); %h=mean(h)+coef*(h-mean(h)); h=griddata(londata,latdata,h,lonsec,latsec,interp_type); % nc=netcdf(fname); % % First reset h for morphodynamics cases % hmorph=squeeze(nc{'hmorph'}(tindex,:,:)); if ~isempty(hmorph), h=hmorph; hmin=min(min(h)); h=h(jmin:jmax,imin:imax); h=h(sub==1); h=h(mask==1); h=griddata(londata,latdata,h,lonsec,latsec,interp_type); end; zeta=squeeze(nc{'zeta'}(tindex,jmin:jmax,imin:imax)); if isempty(zeta) zeta=0.*h; else zeta=zeta(sub==1); zeta=zeta(mask==1); %zeta=mean(zeta)+coef*(zeta-mean(zeta)); zeta=griddata(londata,latdata,zeta,lonsec,latsec,interp_type); end theta_s=nc.theta_s(:); if (isempty(theta_s)) % disp('Rutgers version') theta_s=nc{'theta_s'}(:); theta_b=nc{'theta_b'}(:); Tcline=nc{'Tcline'}(:); else % disp('UCLA version'); theta_b=nc.theta_b(:); Tcline=nc.Tcline(:); end if (isempty(Tcline)) % disp('UCLA version 2'); hc=nc.hc(:); else hmin=min(min(h)); hc=min(hmin,Tcline); end N=length(nc('s_rho')); s_coord=1; VertCoordType = nc.VertCoordType(:); if isempty(VertCoordType), vtrans=nc{'Vtransform'}(:); if ~isempty(vtrans), s_coord=vtrans; end elseif VertCoordType=='NEW', s_coord=2; end; if s_coord==2, hc=Tcline; end Z=squeeze(zlevs(h,zeta,theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,type,s_coord)); [N,Nsec]=size(Z); % % Loop on the vertical levels % %mask=mask'; VAR=0.*Z; for k=1:N var=squeeze(nc{vname}(tindex,k,jmin:jmax,imin:imax)); var=var(sub==1); var=var(mask==1); % mvar=mean(var); % var=mvar+coef*(var-mvar); var=griddata(londata,latdata,var,lonsec,latsec,interp_type); VAR(k,:)=m1.*var; end close(nc) % % Get the distances % dist=spheric_dist(latsec(1),latsec,lonsec(1),lonsec)/1e3; X=squeeze(tridim(dist,N)); return