function [h]=pltmask(Gname,ptype,C); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hernan G. Arango %%%% % Copyright (c) 2001 Rutgers University. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % function [h]=pltmask(Gname,C); % % % % This function plots the land/sea mask. If appropriate, It also % % ovelays the given coastline data. % % % % % % On Input: % % % % Gname NetCDF file name (character string). % % ptype plot type flag: % % ptype=0 => Cartesian axis. % % ptype=1 => Spehrical axis. % % C Coastline indices (structure array): % % C.grid => Grid file name. % % C.coast => Coastline file name. % % C.indices => Coastline indices file name. % % C.lon => Coastline longitudes. % % => Coastline latitudes. % % C.Icst => Coastline I-grid coordinates, (0:L). % % C.Jcst => Coastline J-grid coordinates, (0:M). % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Read spherical switch. spherical=0; string=nc_read(Gname,'spherical'); if (upper(string) == 'T'), spherical=1; end, % Set coastline switch ICOAST=0; if (spherical & (nargin >2)), ICOAST=1; end, %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot mask of PSI-points. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- figure; mask=nc_read(Gname,'mask_psi'); [L,M]=size(mask); if (spherical), lon=nc_read(Gname,'lon_psi'); lat=nc_read(Gname,'lat_psi'); end, [x,y]=ndgrid(1:L,1:M); cmask=mask*2+mod(mod(x,2)+mod(y,2),2); if (ptype & spherical), h=surface(lon,lat,cmask); shading flat; colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'layer','top'); axis tight; grid on; hold on plot(C.lon,,'k'); xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); else, x=1:1:L; x=x'; y=1:1:M; h=image(x,y,cmask','cdatamapping','scaled'); colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'YDir','normal','drawmode','fast','layer','top'); grid on; hold on plot(C.Icst,C.Jcst,'k'); xlabel('I-grid'); ylabel('J-grid'); end, title('Land/Sea Mask of PSI-points'); %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot mask of RHO-points. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- figure; mask=nc_read(Gname,'mask_rho'); [Lp,Mp]=size(mask); if (spherical), lon=nc_read(Gname,'lon_rho'); lat=nc_read(Gname,'lat_rho'); end, [x,y]=ndgrid(1:Lp,1:Mp); cmask=mask*2+mod(mod(x,2)+mod(y,2),2); if (ptype & spherical), h=surface(lon,lat,cmask); shading flat; colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'layer','top'); axis tight; grid on; hold on plot(C.lon,,'k'); xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); else, x=0:1:Lp-1; x=x'; y=0:1:Mp-1; h=image(x,y,cmask','cdatamapping','scaled'); colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'YDir','normal','drawmode','fast','layer','top'); grid on; hold on plot(C.Icst,C.Jcst,'k'); xlabel('I-grid'); ylabel('J-grid'); end, title('Land/Sea Mask of RHO-points'); %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot mask of U-points. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- figure; mask=nc_read(Gname,'mask_u'); [L,Mp]=size(mask); if (spherical), lon=nc_read(Gname,'lon_u'); lat=nc_read(Gname,'lat_u'); end, [x,y]=ndgrid(1:L,1:Mp); cmask=mask*2+mod(mod(x,2)+mod(y,2),2); if (ptype & spherical), h=surface(lon,lat,cmask); shading flat; colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'layer','top'); axis tight; grid on; hold on plot(C.lon,,'k'); xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); else, x=1:1:L; x=x'; y=0:1:Mp; h=image(x,y,cmask','cdatamapping','scaled'); colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'YDir','normal','drawmode','fast','layer','top'); grid on; hold on plot(C.Icst,C.Jcst,'k'); xlabel('I-grid'); ylabel('J-grid'); end, title('Land/Sea Mask of U-points'); %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot mask of V-points. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- figure; mask=nc_read(Gname,'mask_v'); [Lp,M]=size(mask); if (spherical), lon=nc_read(Gname,'lon_v'); lat=nc_read(Gname,'lat_v'); end, [x,y]=ndgrid(1:Lp,1:M); cmask=mask*2+mod(mod(x,2)+mod(y,2),2); if (ptype & spherical), h=surface(lon,lat,cmask); shading flat; colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'layer','top'); axis tight; grid on; hold on plot(C.lon,,'k'); xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); else, x=0:1:Lp; x=x'; y=1:1:M; h=image(x,y,cmask','cdatamapping','scaled'); colormap([0 1 0;.5 1 0;0 .7 1;.3 0 1]); set(gca,'YDir','normal','drawmode','fast','layer','top'); grid on; hold on plot(C.Icst,C.Jcst,'k'); xlabel('I-grid'); ylabel('J-grid'); end, title('Land/Sea Mask of V-points'); return