function h=axisscroll(type); % AXISSCROLL Creates scrollbar(s) for the current axes. % h=AXISSCROLL(TYPE) place a scrollbar according with the value of % TYPE: 'l' left axis, 'r' right axis, 't' top axis, or 'b' bottom % axis. If the axis limits are changed, like zooming in, a call to % AXISSCROLL without arguments will allow to move the window. When % zooming out to original limits the scrollbar(s) are hidden. % % Figure resizing is handeled automatically. % % Example: % % pcolor(toeplitz(1:20)) % axisscroll('t'); % axisscroll('r'); % xlim([3 6]); % ylim([3,6]); % axisscroll % %, 11/20/2001 TAG='AxisScroll'; if (nargin==0), % just update positions xx=findobj(gcf,'tag',TAG); if (isempty(xx)), return; end, for hh=xx', positionscroll(hh); end, else, UD.type=type; UD.xlim=xlim; UD.ylim=ylim; xx=findobj(gcf,'tag',TAG); % delete xx h=uicontrol('style','slider', ... 'tag',TAG, ... 'userdata',UD); positionscroll(h); set(gcf,'resizefcn','axisscroll'); if (nargout==0) clear; end, end function positionscroll(h) dist=2; width=12; ud=get(h,'userdata'); type=ud.type; ou=get(gca,'units'); set(gca,'units','points'); r=get(gca,'position'); set(gca,'units',ou); % Horizontal scroll, bottom of the figure. if (type(1)=='b'), set(h,'units','points', ... 'position',[r(1) r(2)-dist-width r(3) width], ... 'callback', ['xl=xlim; p=get(gcbo,''value'');' ... 'xlim([0 diff(xl)]+p);']); % Horizontal scroll, top of the figure. elseif (type(1)=='t'), set(h,'units','points', ... 'position',[r(1) r(2)+r(4)+dist r(3) width], ... 'callback', ['xl=xlim; p=get(gcbo,''value'');' ... 'xlim([0 diff(xl)]+p);']); % Vertical scroll bar, left of the figure. elseif (type=='l'), set(h,'units','points', ... 'position',[r(1)-dist-width r(2) width r(4)], ... 'callback',['yl=ylim;p=get(gcbo,''value'');' ... 'ylim([0 diff(yl)]+p);']); % Vertical scroll bar, right of the figure. elseif (type=='r'), set(h,'units','points', ... 'position',[r(1)+r(3)+dist r(2) width r(4)], ... 'callback',['yl=ylim; p=get(gcbo,''value'');' ... 'ylim([0 diff(yl)]+p);'] ); end, % Set limits. if (type=='l' | type=='r'), yl=ylim; yl0=ud.ylim; set(h,'min',min(yl0)-1e-5, ... 'max',max(yl0)-diff(yl), ... 'value',min(yl), ... 'sliderstep',[.1 1]*diff(yl)./diff(yl0)); if (all(yl==yl0)), set(h,'visible','off'); else, set(h,'visible','on'); end, else, xl=xlim; xl0=ud.xlim; set(h,'min',min(xl0)-1e-5, ... 'max',max(xl0)-diff(xl), ... 'value',min(xl), ... 'sliderstep',[.1 1]*diff(xl)./diff(xl0)); if (all(xl==xl0)), set(h,'visible','off'); else, set(h,'visible','on'); end, end, return