function [X,Y,vals,labI]=mp_tmerc(optn,varargin) % MP_TMERC Transverse Mercator projection % This function should not be used directly; instead it is % is accessed by various high-level functions named M_*. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % Mathematical formulas for the projections and their inverses are taken from % % Snyder, John P., Map Projections used by the US Geological Survey, % Geol. Surv. Bull. 1532, 2nd Edition, USGPO, Washington D.C., 1983. % % It was handy to include both the TM (a cylindrical projection) and the % so-called "pseudo-cylindrical" sinusoidal projection here, and since we have % the sinusoidal, I started including the other "global" projections like the hammer. % % Transverse Mercator - cylindrical conformal % Sinusoidal - cylindrical equal-area % Gall-Peters - an area-conserving rectangular projection. % Hammer-Aitoff - another equal-area projection (for global pics) % 7/2/98 - Added defaults for Sinusoidal projection % 15/4/98 - Gall-Peters projection % 8/8/98 - Hammer-Aitoff % 17/8/98 - Mollweide projection. % 7/6/99 - fixed tendency to re-define .ulongs if .clong set by user % Mar/26/04 - 'varagin' to 'varargin' bug fixed (thanks to John Douglas) % Jan/10/08 - Robinson projection % May/17/12 - some fixes to Mollweide projection global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST name={'Transverse Mercator','Sinusoidal','Gall-Peters','Hammer-Aitoff','Mollweide','Robinson'}; pi180=pi/180; % Table of scaling values needed for Robinson projection % copied from the wikipedia entry for the robinson projection Robscal=[... 00 1.0000 0.0000; 05 0.9986 0.0620; 10 0.9954 0.1240; 15 0.9900 0.1860; 20 0.9822 0.2480; 25 0.9730 0.3100; 30 0.9600 0.3720; 35 0.9427 0.4340; 40 0.9216 0.4958; 45 0.8962 0.5571; 50 0.8679 0.6176; 55 0.8350 0.6769; 60 0.7986 0.7346; 65 0.7597 0.7903; 70 0.7186 0.8435; 75 0.6732 0.8936; 80 0.6213 0.9394; 85 0.5722 0.9761; 90 0.5322 1.0000]; Robscal(:,3)=Robscal(:,3)*0.5072; Robscal_o=[flipud(Robscal) ; Robscal(2:end,:).*repmat([-1 1 -1],18,1) ]; % Use splines to interpolate this to many more points - then we can use % linear interpolate below and both the forward and reverse maps will be identical Robscal=[-90:.05:90]'; Robscal(:,2)=interp1(Robscal_o(:,1),Robscal_o(:,2),Robscal(:,1)); Robscal(:,3)=interp1(Robscal_o(:,1),Robscal_o(:,3),Robscal(:,1)); switch optn, case 'name', X=name; case {'usage','set'} X=char({[' ''' varargin{1} ''''],... ' <,''lon'',[min max]>',... ' <,''lat'',[min max]>',... ' <,''clo'',value>',... ' <,''rec'', ( ''on'' | ''off'' )>'}); case 'get', X=char([' Projection: ' ' (function: ' MAP_PROJECTION.routine ')'],... [' longitudes: ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs) ' (centered at ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.clong) ')'],... [' latitudes: ' num2str(MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats) ],... [' Rectangular border: ' MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox ]); case 'initialize', MAP_VAR_LIST=[];{1}; switch, case name(1), MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs=[-125 -122]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats=[47 51]; case name(2), MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs=[-90 30]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats=[-65 65]; case name(3), MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs=[30 390]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats=[-65 65]; case {name{4},name{5}} MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs=[-300 60]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats=[-90 90]; case {name{6}} MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs=[-180 180]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats=[-90 90]; end; MAP_VAR_LIST.clong=NaN; MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox='off'; k=2;longs_def=0; while k=MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)-eps*10 | ... lat<=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)+eps*10 | lat>=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)-eps*10; [long,lat]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},long,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1),longMAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2),lat); [lat,long]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},lat,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1),latMAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2),long); end; switch, case name(1), B=cos(lat*pi180).*sin((long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)*pi180); X=atanh(B); Y=atan2(tan(lat*pi180),cos((long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)*pi180)) - MAP_VAR_LIST.clat*pi180; case name(2), Y=lat*pi180; X=pi180*(long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong).*cos(Y)+MAP_VAR_LIST.clong*pi180; case name(3), X=pi180*(long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)*cos(45*pi180); Y=sin(lat*pi180)/cos(45*pi180); case name(4), z=sqrt((1+cos(lat*pi180).*cos((long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)*(pi180/2)))/2); X=2*cos(lat*pi180).*sin((long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)*(pi180/2))./z; Y=sin(lat*pi180)./z; case name(5), % Have to use interative scheme to get intermediate variable "theta". % cos(theta) changed to cos(2*theta) -thanks Zhigang Xu! Dec 2006. % %The program has a divide by zero %error when theta= ±(pi/2). I've introduced the variable "notpoles" %to handle this exception, although there are certainly other ways to % deal with the special cases = Kevin Lewis Feb 2011 % (my note - I'm just taking this as is) % May/2012 - added a bunch more 'notpoles' references (thanks to M. Losch) theta=(asin(lat/90)+lat*pi180)/2; notpoles=find(abs(theta).001) & k<15, theta(notpoles)=theta(notpoles)+dt(notpoles); % fixed May 2012 dt=-(2*theta+sin(2*theta)-pi*sin(lat*pi180))./(1+cos(2*theta))/2; k=k+1; %% fprintf('%f %f\n',max(theta(:))/pi180,max(abs(dt(:)))); end; if k==15, warning('Iterative coordinate conversion is not converging!'); end; theta(notpoles)=theta(notpoles)+dt(notpoles); % fixed May 2012 X=((long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong).*cos(theta)+MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)/90; Y=sin(theta); case name(6), Y=interp1(Robscal(:,1),Robscal(:,3),lat)*pi; X=(long-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)/180.*interp1(Robscal(:,1),Robscal(:,2),lat)*pi; end; % Clip out-of-range values (rectboxes) if strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'on') & ~strcmp(varargin{4},'off'), vals= vals | X<=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(1) | X>=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(2) | ... Y<=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(1) | Y>=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(2); [X,Y]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},X,MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(1),XMAP_VAR_LIST.xlims(2),Y); [Y,X]=mu_util('clip',varargin{4},Y,MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(1),YMAP_VAR_LIST.ylims(2),X); end; case 'xy2ll', switch, case name(1), D=varargin{2}+MAP_VAR_LIST.clat*pi180; X=MAP_VAR_LIST.clong+atan2(sinh(varargin{1}),cos(D))/pi180; Y=asin(sin(D)./cosh(varargin{1}))/pi180; case name(2), Y=varargin{2}/pi180; X=MAP_VAR_LIST.clong+(varargin{1}-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong*pi180)./cos(varargin{2})/pi180; case name(3), X=varargin{1}/cos(45*pi180)/pi180 + MAP_VAR_LIST.clong; Y=asin(varargin{2}*cos(45*pi180))/pi180; case name(4), z=sqrt(1-(varargin{1}/4).^2-(varargin{2}/2).^2); X=MAP_VAR_LIST.clong+2*atan2(z.*varargin{1},2*(2*z.^2-1))/pi180; Y=asin(varargin{2}.*z)/pi180; case name(5), theta=asin(varargin{2}); Y=asin((2*theta+sin(2*theta))/pi)/pi180; X=(varargin{1}*90-MAP_VAR_LIST.clong)./cos(theta)+MAP_VAR_LIST.clong; case name(6), Y=interp1(Robscal(:,3),Robscal(:,1),varargin{2}/pi); X=varargin{1}./interp1(Robscal(:,1),Robscal(:,2),Y)*180/pi+MAP_VAR_LIST.clon; end; case 'xgrid', [X,Y,vals,labI]=mu_util('xgrid',MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,varargin{1},31,varargin{2:3}); case 'ygrid', [X,Y,vals,labI]=mu_util('ygrid',MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,varargin{1},31,varargin{2:3}); case 'box', [X,Y]=mu_util('box',31); end;