function m_tba2b(fnam); % M_TBA2B Converts the ASCII TerrainBase 5-minute bathymetry database % (size 56Mb) available from % % into a binary file of 2-byte integers that can be read by % M_TBASE to provide high-resolution global bathymetry. % % To use this file, first % % a) get and uncompress the tbase.Z file from the above URL into the % current directory. % % b) run this function: % % m_tba2b(PATHNAME) % % to store the resulting binary (of size 18Mb) as PATHNAME/ % % c) Edit the PATHNAME setting in M_TBASE to point to the % location of this file. % % d) delete the ASCII file tbase. % % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Oct/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. if nargin==0, fnam='.'; end; fnam=[fnam '/']; fid=fopen('tbase','rt'); if fid==-1, error('Cannot find file called ''tbase'' '); end; fidb=fopen(fnam,'w'); if fidb==-1, error(['Cannot open file ''' fnam '''']); end; for k=1:466560, data=fscanf(fid,'%6d',20); fwrite(fidb,data,'int16'); if rem(k,2000)==0, disp([ int2str(k) '/466450 lines processed']); end; end;