function [imageData, alpha] = export_fig(varargin) %EXPORT_FIG Exports figures in a publication-quality format % % Examples: % imageData = export_fig % [imageData, alpha] = export_fig % export_fig filename % export_fig filename -format1 -format2 % export_fig ... -nocrop % export_fig ... -c[,,,] % export_fig ... -transparent % export_fig ... -native % export_fig ... -m % export_fig ... -r % export_fig ... -a % export_fig ... -q % export_fig ... -p % export_fig ... -d % export_fig ... -depsc % export_fig ... - % export_fig ... - % export_fig ... -append % export_fig ... -bookmark % export_fig ... -clipboard % export_fig ... -update % export_fig ... -nofontswap % export_fig(..., handle) % % This function saves a figure or single axes to one or more vector and/or % bitmap file formats, and/or outputs a rasterized version to the workspace, % with the following properties: % - Figure/axes reproduced as it appears on screen % - Cropped borders (optional) % - Embedded fonts (vector formats) % - Improved line and grid line styles % - Anti-aliased graphics (bitmap formats) % - Render images at native resolution (optional for bitmap formats) % - Transparent background supported (pdf, eps, png, tif) % - Semi-transparent patch objects supported (png & tif only) % - RGB, CMYK or grayscale output (CMYK only with pdf, eps, tiff) % - Variable image compression, including lossless (pdf, eps, jpg) % - Optionally append to file (pdf, tiff) % - Vector formats: pdf, eps % - Bitmap formats: png, tiff, jpg, bmp, export to workspace % % This function is especially suited to exporting figures for use in % publications and presentations, because of the high quality and % portability of media produced. % % Note that the background color and figure dimensions are reproduced % (the latter approximately, and ignoring cropping & magnification) in the % output file. For transparent background (and semi-transparent patch % objects), use the -transparent option or set the figure 'Color' property % to 'none'. To make axes transparent set the axes 'Color' property to % 'none'. PDF, EPS, TIF & PNG are the only formats that support a transparent % background; only TIF & PNG formats support transparency of patch objects. % % The choice of renderer (opengl, zbuffer or painters) has a large impact % on the quality of output. The default value (opengl for bitmaps, painters % for vector formats) generally gives good results, but if you aren't % satisfied then try another renderer. Notes: 1) For vector formats (EPS, % PDF), only painters generates vector graphics. 2) For bitmaps, only % opengl can render transparent patch objects correctly. 3) For bitmaps, % only painters will correctly scale line dash and dot lengths when % magnifying or anti-aliasing. 4) Fonts may be substitued with Courier when % using painters. % % When exporting to vector format (PDF & EPS) and bitmap format using the % painters renderer, this function requires that ghostscript is installed % on your system. You can download this from: % % When exporting to eps it additionally requires pdftops, from the Xpdf % suite of functions. You can download this from: % % % Inputs: % filename - string containing the name (optionally including full or % relative path) of the file the figure is to be saved as. If % a path is not specified, the figure is saved in the current % directory. If no name and no output arguments are specified, % the default name, 'export_fig_out', is used. If neither a % file extension nor a format are specified, a ".png" is added % and the figure saved in that format. % -format1, -format2, etc. - strings containing the extensions of the % file formats the figure is to be saved as. % Valid options are: '-pdf', '-eps', '-png', % '-tif', '-jpg' and '-bmp'. All combinations % of formats are valid. % -nocrop - option indicating that the borders of the output are not to % be cropped. % -c[,,,] - option indicating crop amounts. Must be % a 4-element vector of numeric values: [top,right,bottom,left] % where NaN/Inf indicate auto-cropping, 0 means no cropping, % and any other value mean cropping in pixel amounts. % -transparent - option indicating that the figure background is to be % made transparent (png, pdf, tif and eps output only). % -m - option where val indicates the factor to magnify the % on-screen figure pixel dimensions by when generating bitmap % outputs (does not affect vector formats). Default: '-m1'. % -r - option val indicates the resolution (in pixels per inch) to % export bitmap and vector outputs at, keeping the dimensions % of the on-screen figure. Default: '-r864' (for vector output % only). Note that the -m option overides the -r option for % bitmap outputs only. % -native - option indicating that the output resolution (when outputting % a bitmap format) should be such that the vertical resolution % of the first suitable image found in the figure is at the % native resolution of that image. To specify a particular % image to use, give it the tag 'export_fig_native'. Notes: % This overrides any value set with the -m and -r options. It % also assumes that the image is displayed front-to-parallel % with the screen. The output resolution is approximate and % should not be relied upon. Anti-aliasing can have adverse % effects on image quality (disable with the -a1 option). % -a1, -a2, -a3, -a4 - option indicating the amount of anti-aliasing to % use for bitmap outputs. '-a1' means no anti- % aliasing; '-a4' is the maximum amount (default). % - - option to force a particular renderer (painters, opengl or % zbuffer). Default value: opengl for bitmap formats or % figures with patches and/or transparent annotations; % painters for vector formats without patches/transparencies. % - - option indicating which colorspace color figures should % be saved in: RGB (default), CMYK or gray. CMYK is only % supported in pdf, eps and tiff output. % -q - option to vary bitmap image quality (in pdf, eps and jpg % files only). Larger val, in the range 0-100, gives higher % quality/lower compression. val > 100 gives lossless % compression. Default: '-q95' for jpg, ghostscript prepress % default for pdf & eps. Note: lossless compression can % sometimes give a smaller file size than the default lossy % compression, depending on the type of images. % -p - option to pad a border of width val to exported files, where % val is either a relative size with respect to cropped image % size (i.e. p=0.01 adds a 1% border). For EPS & PDF formats, % val can also be integer in units of 1/72" points (abs(val)>1). % val can be positive (padding) or negative (extra cropping). % If used, the -nocrop flag will be ignored, i.e. the image will % always be cropped and then padded. Default: 0 (i.e. no padding). % -append - option indicating that if the file (pdfs only) already % exists, the figure is to be appended as a new page, instead % of being overwritten (default). % -bookmark - option to indicate that a bookmark with the name of the % figure is to be created in the output file (pdf only). % -clipboard - option to save output as an image on the system clipboard. % Note: background transparency is not preserved in clipboard % -d - option to indicate a ghostscript setting. For example, % -dMaxBitmap=0 or -dNoOutputFonts (Ghostscript 9.15+). % -depsc - option to use EPS level-3 rather than the default level-2 print % device. This solves some bugs with Matlab's default -depsc2 device % such as discolored subplot lines on images (vector formats only). % -update - option to download and install the latest version of export_fig % -nofontswap - option to avoid font swapping. Font swapping is automatically % done in vector formats (only): 11 standard Matlab fonts are % replaced by the original figure fonts. This option prevents this. % handle - The handle of the figure, axes or uipanels (can be an array of % handles, but the objects must be in the same figure) to be % saved. Default: gcf. % % Outputs: % imageData - MxNxC uint8 image array of the exported image. % alpha - MxN single array of alphamatte values in the range [0,1], % for the case when the background is transparent. % % Some helpful examples and tips can be found at: % % % See also PRINT, SAVEAS, ScreenCapture (on the Matlab File Exchange) %{ % Copyright (C) Oliver Woodford 2008-2014, Yair Altman 2015- % The idea of using ghostscript is inspired by Peder Axensten's SAVEFIG % (fex id: 10889) which is itself inspired by EPS2PDF (fex id: 5782). % The idea for using pdftops came from the MATLAB newsgroup (id: 168171). % The idea of editing the EPS file to change line styles comes from Jiro % Doke's FIXPSLINESTYLE (fex id: 17928). % The idea of changing dash length with line width came from comments on % fex id: 5743, but the implementation is mine :) % The idea of anti-aliasing bitmaps came from Anders Brun's MYAA (fex id: % 20979). % The idea of appending figures in pdfs came from Matt C in comments on the % FEX (id: 23629) % Thanks to Roland Martin for pointing out the colour MATLAB % bug/feature with colorbar axes and transparent backgrounds. % Thanks also to Andrew Matthews for describing a bug to do with the figure % size changing in -nodisplay mode. I couldn't reproduce it, but included a % fix anyway. % Thanks to Tammy Threadgill for reporting a bug where an axes is not % isolated from gui objects. %} %{ % 23/02/12: Ensure that axes limits don't change during printing % 14/03/12: Fix bug in fixing the axes limits (thanks to Tobias Lamour for reporting it). % 02/05/12: Incorporate patch of Petr Nechaev (many thanks), enabling bookmarking of figures in pdf files. % 09/05/12: Incorporate patch of Arcelia Arrieta (many thanks), to keep tick marks fixed. % 12/12/12: Add support for isolating uipanels. Thanks to michael for suggesting it. % 25/09/13: Add support for changing resolution in vector formats. Thanks to Jan Jaap Meijer for suggesting it. % 07/05/14: Add support for '~' at start of path. Thanks to Sally Warner for suggesting it. % 24/02/15: Fix Matlab R2014b bug (issue #34): plot markers are not displayed when ZLimMode='manual' % 25/02/15: Fix issue #4 (using HG2 on R2014a and earlier) % 25/02/15: Fix issue #21 (bold TeX axes labels/titles in R2014b) % 26/02/15: If temp dir is not writable, use the user-specified folder for temporary EPS/PDF files (Javier Paredes) % 27/02/15: Modified repository URL from to /altmany % Indented main function % Added top-level try-catch block to display useful workarounds % 28/02/15: Enable users to specify optional ghostscript options (issue #36) % 06/03/15: Improved image padding & cropping thanks to Oscar Hartogensis % 26/03/15: Fixed issue #49 (bug with transparent grayscale images); fixed out-of-memory issue % 26/03/15: Fixed issue #42: non-normalized annotations on HG1 % 26/03/15: Fixed issue #46: Ghostscript crash if figure units <> pixels % 27/03/15: Fixed issue #39: bad export of transparent annotations/patches % 28/03/15: Fixed issue #50: error on some Matlab versions with the fix for issue #42 % 29/03/15: Fixed issue #33: bugs in Matlab's print() function with -cmyk % 29/03/15: Improved processing of input args (accept space between param name & value, related to issue #51) % 30/03/15: When exporting *.fig files, then saveas *.fig if figure is open, otherwise export the specified fig file % 30/03/15: Fixed edge case bug introduced yesterday (commit #ae1755bd2e11dc4e99b95a7681f6e211b3fa9358) % 09/04/15: Consolidated header comment sections; initialize output vars only if requested (nargout>0) % 14/04/15: Workaround for issue #45: lines in image subplots are exported in invalid color % 15/04/15: Fixed edge-case in parsing input parameters; fixed help section to show the -depsc option (issue #45) % 21/04/15: Bug fix: Ghostscript croaks on % chars in output PDF file (reported by Sven on FEX page, 15-Jul-2014) % 22/04/15: Bug fix: Pdftops croaks on relative paths (reported by Tintin Milou on FEX page, 19-Jan-2015) % 04/05/15: Merged fix #63 (Kevin Mattheus Moerman): prevent tick-label changes during export % 07/05/15: Partial fix for issue #65: PDF export used painters rather than opengl renderer (thanks Nguyenr) % 08/05/15: Fixed issue #65: bad PDF append since commit #e9f3cdf 21/04/15 (thanks Robert Nguyen) % 12/05/15: Fixed issue #67: exponent labels cropped in export, since fix #63 (04/05/15) % 28/05/15: Fixed issue #69: set non-bold label font only if the string contains symbols (\beta etc.), followup to issue #21 % 29/05/15: Added informative error message in case user requested SVG output (issue #72) % 09/06/15: Fixed issue #58: -transparent removed anti-aliasing when exporting to PNG % 19/06/15: Added -update option to download and install the latest version of export_fig % 07/07/15: Added -nofontswap option to avoid font-swapping in EPS/PDF % 16/07/15: Fixed problem with anti-aliasing on old Matlab releases % 11/09/15: Fixed issue #103: magnification must never become negative; also fixed reported error msg in parsing input params % 26/09/15: Alert if trying to export transparent patches/areas to non-PNG outputs (issue #108) % 04/10/15: Do not suggest workarounds for certain errors that have already been handled previously % 01/11/15: Fixed issue #112: use same renderer in print2eps as export_fig (thanks to Jesús Pestana Puerta) % 10/11/15: Custom GS installation webpage for MacOS. Thanks to Andy Hueni via FEX % 19/11/15: Fixed clipboard export in R2015b (thanks to Dan K via FEX) % 21/02/16: Added -c option for indicating specific crop amounts (idea by Cedric Noordam on FEX) % 08/05/16: Added message about possible error reason when groot.Units~=pixels (issue #149) % 17/05/16: Fixed case of image YData containing more than 2 elements (issue #151) % 08/08/16: Enabled exporting transparency to TIF, in addition to PNG/PDF (issue #168) %} if nargout [imageData, alpha] = deal([]); end hadError = false; displaySuggestedWorkarounds = true; % Ensure the figure is rendered correctly _now_ so that properties like axes limits are up-to-date drawnow; pause(0.05); % this solves timing issues with Java Swing's EDT ( % Parse the input arguments fig = get(0, 'CurrentFigure'); [fig, options] = parse_args(nargout, fig, varargin{:}); % Ensure that we have a figure handle if isequal(fig,-1) return; % silent bail-out elseif isempty(fig) error('No figure found'); end % Isolate the subplot, if it is one cls = all(ismember(get(fig, 'Type'), {'axes', 'uipanel'})); if cls % Given handles of one or more axes, so isolate them from the rest fig = isolate_axes(fig); else % Check we have a figure if ~isequal(get(fig, 'Type'), 'figure'); error('Handle must be that of a figure, axes or uipanel'); end % Get the old InvertHardcopy mode old_mode = get(fig, 'InvertHardcopy'); end % Hack the font units where necessary (due to a font rendering bug in print?). % This may not work perfectly in all cases. % Also it can change the figure layout if reverted, so use a copy. magnify = options.magnify * options.aa_factor; if isbitmap(options) && magnify ~= 1 fontu = findall(fig, 'FontUnits', 'normalized'); if ~isempty(fontu) % Some normalized font units found if ~cls fig = copyfig(fig); set(fig, 'Visible', 'off'); fontu = findall(fig, 'FontUnits', 'normalized'); cls = true; end set(fontu, 'FontUnits', 'points'); end end try % MATLAB "feature": axes limits and tick marks can change when printing Hlims = findall(fig, 'Type', 'axes'); if ~cls % Record the old axes limit and tick modes Xlims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'XLimMode')); Ylims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'YLimMode')); Zlims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'ZLimMode')); Xtick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'XTickMode')); Ytick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'YTickMode')); Ztick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'ZTickMode')); Xlabel = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'XTickLabelMode')); Ylabel = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'YTickLabelMode')); Zlabel = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'ZTickLabelMode')); end % Set all axes limit and tick modes to manual, so the limits and ticks can't change % Fix Matlab R2014b bug (issue #34): plot markers are not displayed when ZLimMode='manual' set(Hlims, 'XLimMode', 'manual', 'YLimMode', 'manual'); set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'X'); set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'Y'); if ~using_hg2(fig) set(Hlims,'ZLimMode', 'manual'); set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'Z'); end catch % ignore - fix issue #4 (using HG2 on R2014a and earlier) end % Fix issue #21 (bold TeX axes labels/titles in R2014b when exporting to EPS/PDF) try if using_hg2(fig) && isvector(options) % Set the FontWeight of axes labels/titles to 'normal' % Fix issue #69: set non-bold font only if the string contains symbols (\beta etc.) texLabels = findall(fig, 'type','text', 'FontWeight','bold'); symbolIdx = ~cellfun('isempty',strfind({texLabels.String},'\')); set(texLabels(symbolIdx), 'FontWeight','normal'); end catch % ignore end % Fix issue #42: non-normalized annotations on HG1 (internal Matlab bug) annotationHandles = []; try if ~using_hg2(fig) annotationHandles = findall(fig,'Type','hggroup','-and','-property','Units','-and','-not','Units','norm'); try % suggested by Jesús Pestana Puerta (jespestana) 30/9/2015 originalUnits = get(annotationHandles,'Units'); set(annotationHandles,'Units','norm'); catch end end catch % should never happen, but ignore in any case - issue #50 end % Fix issue #46: Ghostscript crash if figure units <> pixels oldFigUnits = get(fig,'Units'); set(fig,'Units','pixels'); % Set to print exactly what is there set(fig, 'InvertHardcopy', 'off'); % Set the renderer switch options.renderer case 1 renderer = '-opengl'; case 2 renderer = '-zbuffer'; case 3 renderer = '-painters'; otherwise renderer = '-opengl'; % Default for bitmaps end % Handle transparent patches hasTransparency = ~isempty(findall(fig,'-property','FaceAlpha','-and','-not','FaceAlpha',1)); hasPatches = ~isempty(findall(fig,'type','patch')); if hasTransparency % Alert if trying to export transparent patches/areas to non-supported outputs (issue #108) % % TODO - use transparency when exporting to PDF by not passing via print2eps msg = 'export_fig currently supports transparent patches/areas only in PNG output. '; if options.pdf warning('export_fig:transparency', '%s\nTo export transparent patches/areas to PDF, use the print command:\n print(gcf, ''-dpdf'', ''%s.pdf'');', msg,; elseif ~options.png && ~options.tif % issue #168 warning('export_fig:transparency', '%s\nTo export the transparency correctly, try using the ScreenCapture utility on the Matlab File Exchange:', msg); end end try % Do the bitmap formats first if isbitmap(options) if abs(options.bb_padding) > 1 displaySuggestedWorkarounds = false; error('For bitmap output (png,jpg,tif,bmp) the padding value (-p) must be between -1 100 imwrite(A, [ '.jpg'], 'Mode', 'lossless'); else imwrite(A, [ '.jpg'], 'Quality', quality); end end % Save tif images in cmyk if wanted (and possible) if options.tif if options.colourspace == 1 && size(A, 3) == 3 A = double(255 - A); K = min(A, [], 3); K_ = 255 ./ max(255 - K, 1); C = (A(:,:,1) - K) .* K_; M = (A(:,:,2) - K) .* K_; Y = (A(:,:,3) - K) .* K_; A = uint8(cat(3, C, M, Y, K)); clear C M Y K K_ end append_mode = {'overwrite', 'append'}; imwrite(A, [ '.tif'], 'Resolution', options.magnify*get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'), 'WriteMode', append_mode{options.append+1}); end end % Now do the vector formats if isvector(options) % Set the default renderer to painters if ~options.renderer if hasTransparency || hasPatches % This is *MUCH* slower, but more accurate for patches and transparent annotations (issue #39) renderer = '-opengl'; else renderer = '-painters'; end end options.rendererStr = renderer; % fix for issue #112 % Generate some filenames tmp_nam = [tempname '.eps']; try % Ensure that the temp dir is writable (Javier Paredes 30/1/15) fid = fopen(tmp_nam,'w'); fwrite(fid,1); fclose(fid); delete(tmp_nam); isTempDirOk = true; catch % Temp dir is not writable, so use the user-specified folder [dummy,fname,fext] = fileparts(tmp_nam); %#ok fpath = fileparts(; tmp_nam = fullfile(fpath,[fname fext]); isTempDirOk = false; end if isTempDirOk pdf_nam_tmp = [tempname '.pdf']; else pdf_nam_tmp = fullfile(fpath,[fname '.pdf']); end if options.pdf pdf_nam = [ '.pdf']; try copyfile(pdf_nam, pdf_nam_tmp, 'f'); catch, end % fix for issue #65 else pdf_nam = pdf_nam_tmp; end % Generate the options for print p2eArgs = {renderer, sprintf('-r%d', options.resolution)}; if options.colourspace == 1 % CMYK % Issue #33: due to internal bugs in Matlab's print() function, we can't use its -cmyk option %p2eArgs{end+1} = '-cmyk'; end if ~options.crop % Issue #56: due to internal bugs in Matlab's print() function, we can't use its internal cropping mechanism, % therefore we always use '-loose' (in print2eps.m) and do our own cropping (in crop_borders) %p2eArgs{end+1} = '-loose'; end if any(strcmpi(varargin,'-depsc')) % Issue #45: lines in image subplots are exported in invalid color. % The workaround is to use the -depsc parameter instead of the default -depsc2 p2eArgs{end+1} = '-depsc'; end try % Generate an eps print2eps(tmp_nam, fig, options, p2eArgs{:}); % Remove the background, if desired if options.transparent && ~isequal(get(fig, 'Color'), 'none') eps_remove_background(tmp_nam, 1 + using_hg2(fig)); end % Fix colorspace to CMYK, if requested (workaround for issue #33) if options.colourspace == 1 % CMYK % Issue #33: due to internal bugs in Matlab's print() function, we can't use its -cmyk option change_rgb_to_cmyk(tmp_nam); end % Add a bookmark to the PDF if desired if options.bookmark fig_nam = get(fig, 'Name'); if isempty(fig_nam) warning('export_fig:EmptyBookmark', 'Bookmark requested for figure with no name. Bookmark will be empty.'); end add_bookmark(tmp_nam, fig_nam); end % Generate a pdf eps2pdf(tmp_nam, pdf_nam_tmp, 1, options.append, options.colourspace==2, options.quality, options.gs_options); % Ghostscript croaks on % chars in the output PDF file, so use tempname and then rename the file try movefile(pdf_nam_tmp, pdf_nam, 'f'); catch, end catch ex % Delete the eps delete(tmp_nam); rethrow(ex); end % Delete the eps delete(tmp_nam); if options.eps try % Generate an eps from the pdf % since pdftops can't handle relative paths (e.g., '..\'), use a temp file eps_nam_tmp = strrep(pdf_nam_tmp,'.pdf','.eps'); pdf2eps(pdf_nam, eps_nam_tmp); movefile(eps_nam_tmp, [ '.eps'], 'f'); catch ex if ~options.pdf % Delete the pdf delete(pdf_nam); end try delete(eps_nam_tmp); catch, end rethrow(ex); end if ~options.pdf % Delete the pdf delete(pdf_nam); end end end % Revert the figure or close it (if requested) if cls || options.closeFig % Close the created figure close(fig); else % Reset the hardcopy mode set(fig, 'InvertHardcopy', old_mode); % Reset the axes limit and tick modes for a = 1:numel(Hlims) try set(Hlims(a), 'XLimMode', Xlims{a}, 'YLimMode', Ylims{a}, 'ZLimMode', Zlims{a},... 'XTickMode', Xtick{a}, 'YTickMode', Ytick{a}, 'ZTickMode', Ztick{a},... 'XTickLabelMode', Xlabel{a}, 'YTickLabelMode', Ylabel{a}, 'ZTickLabelMode', Zlabel{a}); catch % ignore - fix issue #4 (using HG2 on R2014a and earlier) end end % Revert the tex-labels font weights try set(texLabels, 'FontWeight','bold'); catch, end % Revert annotation units for handleIdx = 1 : numel(annotationHandles) try oldUnits = originalUnits{handleIdx}; catch oldUnits = originalUnits; end try set(annotationHandles(handleIdx),'Units',oldUnits); catch, end end % Revert figure units set(fig,'Units',oldFigUnits); end % Output to clipboard (if requested) if options.clipboard % Delete the output file if unchanged from the default name ('export_fig_out.png') if strcmpi(,'export_fig_out') try fileInfo = dir('export_fig_out.png'); if ~isempty(fileInfo) timediff = now - fileInfo.datenum; ONE_SEC = 1/24/60/60; if timediff < ONE_SEC delete('export_fig_out.png'); end end catch % never mind... end end % Save the image in the system clipboard % credit: Jiro Doke's IMCLIPBOARD: try error(javachk('awt', 'export_fig -clipboard output')); catch warning('export_fig -clipboard output failed: requires Java to work'); return; end try % Import necessary Java classes import java.awt.Toolkit import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor % Get System Clipboard object (java.awt.Toolkit) cb = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getSystemClipboard(); % Add java class (ImageSelection) to the path if ~exist('ImageSelection', 'class') javaaddpath(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '-end'); end % Get image size ht = size(imageData, 1); wd = size(imageData, 2); % Convert to Blue-Green-Red format try imageData2 = imageData(:, :, [3 2 1]); catch % Probably gray-scaled image (2D, without the 3rd [RGB] dimension) imageData2 = imageData(:, :, [1 1 1]); end % Convert to 3xWxH format imageData2 = permute(imageData2, [3, 2, 1]); % Append Alpha data (unused - transparency is not supported in clipboard copy) alphaData2 = uint8(permute(255*alpha,[3,2,1])); %=255*ones(1,wd,ht,'uint8') imageData2 = cat(1, imageData2, alphaData2); % Create image buffer imBuffer = BufferedImage(wd, ht, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); imBuffer.setRGB(0, 0, wd, ht, typecast(imageData2(:), 'int32'), 0, wd); % Create ImageSelection object from the image buffer imSelection = ImageSelection(imBuffer); % Set clipboard content to the image cb.setContents(imSelection, []); catch warning('export_fig -clipboard output failed: %s', lasterr); %#ok end end % Don't output the data to console unless requested if ~nargout clear imageData alpha end catch err % Display possible workarounds before the error message if displaySuggestedWorkarounds && ~strcmpi(err.message,'export_fig error') if ~hadError, fprintf(2, 'export_fig error. '); end fprintf(2, 'Please ensure:\n'); fprintf(2, ' that you are using the latest version of export_fig\n'); if ismac fprintf(2, ' and that you have Ghostscript installed\n'); else fprintf(2, ' and that you have Ghostscript installed\n'); end try if options.eps fprintf(2, ' and that you have pdftops installed\n'); end catch % ignore - probably an error in parse_args end fprintf(2, ' and that you do not have multiple versions of export_fig installed by mistake\n'); fprintf(2, ' and that you did not made a mistake in the expected input arguments\n'); try % Alert per issue #149 if ~strncmpi(get(0,'Units'),'pixel',5) fprintf(2, ' or try to set groot''s Units property back to its default value of ''pixels'' (details)\n'); end catch % ignore - maybe an old MAtlab release end fprintf(2, '\nIf the problem persists, then please report a new issue.\n\n'); end rethrow(err) end end function options = default_options() % Default options used by export_fig options = struct(... 'name', 'export_fig_out', ... 'crop', true, ... 'crop_amounts', nan(1,4), ... % auto-crop all 4 image sides 'transparent', false, ... 'renderer', 0, ... % 0: default, 1: OpenGL, 2: ZBuffer, 3: Painters 'pdf', false, ... 'eps', false, ... 'png', false, ... 'tif', false, ... 'jpg', false, ... 'bmp', false, ... 'clipboard', false, ... 'colourspace', 0, ... % 0: RGB/gray, 1: CMYK, 2: gray 'append', false, ... 'im', false, ... 'alpha', false, ... 'aa_factor', 0, ... 'bb_padding', 0, ... 'magnify', [], ... 'resolution', [], ... 'bookmark', false, ... 'closeFig', false, ... 'quality', [], ... 'update', false, ... 'fontswap', true, ... 'gs_options', {{}}); end function [fig, options] = parse_args(nout, fig, varargin) % Parse the input arguments % Set the defaults native = false; % Set resolution to native of an image options = default_options(); = (nout == 1); % user requested imageData output options.alpha = (nout == 2); % user requested alpha output % Go through the other arguments skipNext = false; for a = 1:nargin-2 if skipNext skipNext = false; continue; end if all(ishandle(varargin{a})) fig = varargin{a}; elseif ischar(varargin{a}) && ~isempty(varargin{a}) if varargin{a}(1) == '-' switch lower(varargin{a}(2:end)) case 'nocrop' options.crop = false; options.crop_amounts = [0,0,0,0]; case {'trans', 'transparent'} options.transparent = true; case 'opengl' options.renderer = 1; case 'zbuffer' options.renderer = 2; case 'painters' options.renderer = 3; case 'pdf' options.pdf = true; case 'eps' options.eps = true; case 'png' options.png = true; case {'tif', 'tiff'} options.tif = true; case {'jpg', 'jpeg'} options.jpg = true; case 'bmp' options.bmp = true; case 'rgb' options.colourspace = 0; case 'cmyk' options.colourspace = 1; case {'gray', 'grey'} options.colourspace = 2; case {'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4'} options.aa_factor = str2double(varargin{a}(3)); case 'append' options.append = true; case 'bookmark' options.bookmark = true; case 'native' native = true; case 'clipboard' options.clipboard = true; = true; options.alpha = true; case 'svg' msg = ['SVG output is not supported by export_fig. Use one of the following alternatives:\n' ... ' 1. saveas(gcf,''filename.svg'')\n' ... ' 2. plot2svg utility:\n' ... ' 3. export_fig to EPS/PDF, then convert to SVG using generic (non-Matlab) tools\n']; error(sprintf(msg)); %#ok case 'update' % Download the latest version of export_fig into the export_fig folder try zipFileName = ''; folderName = fileparts(which(mfilename('fullpath'))); targetFileName = fullfile(folderName, datestr(now,'')); urlwrite(zipFileName,targetFileName); catch error('Could not download %s into %s\n',zipFileName,targetFileName); end % Unzip the downloaded zip file in the export_fig folder try unzip(targetFileName,folderName); catch error('Could not unzip %s\n',targetFileName); end case 'nofontswap' options.fontswap = false; otherwise try wasError = false; if strcmpi(varargin{a}(1:2),'-d') varargin{a}(2) = 'd'; % ensure lowercase 'd' options.gs_options{end+1} = varargin{a}; elseif strcmpi(varargin{a}(1:2),'-c') if numel(varargin{a})==2 skipNext = true; vals = str2num(varargin{a+1}); %#ok else vals = str2num(varargin{a}(3:end)); %#ok end if numel(vals)~=4 wasError = true; error('option -c cannot be parsed: must be a 4-element numeric vector'); end options.crop_amounts = vals; options.crop = true; else % scalar parameter value val = str2double(regexp(varargin{a}, '(?<=-(m|M|r|R|q|Q|p|P))-?\d*.?\d+', 'match')); if isempty(val) || isnan(val) % Issue #51: improved processing of input args (accept space between param name & value) val = str2double(varargin{a+1}); if isscalar(val) && ~isnan(val) skipNext = true; end end if ~isscalar(val) || isnan(val) wasError = true; error('option %s is not recognised or cannot be parsed', varargin{a}); end switch lower(varargin{a}(2)) case 'm' % Magnification may never be negative if val <= 0 wasError = true; error('Bad magnification value: %g (must be positive)', val); end options.magnify = val; case 'r' options.resolution = val; case 'q' options.quality = max(val, 0); case 'p' options.bb_padding = val; end end catch err % We might have reached here by raising an intentional error if wasError % intentional raise rethrow(err) else % unintentional error(['Unrecognized export_fig input option: ''' varargin{a} '''']); end end end else [p,, ext] = fileparts(varargin{a}); if ~isempty(p) = [p filesep]; end switch lower(ext) case {'.tif', '.tiff'} options.tif = true; case {'.jpg', '.jpeg'} options.jpg = true; case '.png' options.png = true; case '.bmp' options.bmp = true; case '.eps' options.eps = true; case '.pdf' options.pdf = true; case '.fig' % If no open figure, then load the specified .fig file and continue if isempty(fig) fig = openfig(varargin{a},'invisible'); varargin{a} = fig; options.closeFig = true; else % save the current figure as the specified .fig file and exit saveas(fig(1),varargin{a}); fig = -1; return end case '.svg' msg = ['SVG output is not supported by export_fig. Use one of the following alternatives:\n' ... ' 1. saveas(gcf,''filename.svg'')\n' ... ' 2. plot2svg utility:\n' ... ' 3. export_fig to EPS/PDF, then convert to SVG using generic (non-Matlab) tools\n']; error(sprintf(msg)); %#ok otherwise = varargin{a}; end end end end % Quick bail-out if no figure found if isempty(fig), return; end % Do border padding with repsect to a cropped image if options.bb_padding options.crop = true; end % Set default anti-aliasing now we know the renderer if options.aa_factor == 0 try isAA = strcmp(get(ancestor(fig, 'figure'), 'GraphicsSmoothing'), 'on'); catch, isAA = false; end options.aa_factor = 1 + 2 * (~(using_hg2(fig) && isAA) | (options.renderer == 3)); end % Convert user dir '~' to full path if numel( > 2 && == '~' && ( == '/' || == '\') = fullfile(char(java.lang.System.getProperty('user.home')),; end % Compute the magnification and resolution if isempty(options.magnify) if isempty(options.resolution) options.magnify = 1; options.resolution = 864; else options.magnify = options.resolution ./ get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); end elseif isempty(options.resolution) options.resolution = 864; end % Set the default format if ~isvector(options) && ~isbitmap(options) options.png = true; end % Check whether transparent background is wanted (old way) if isequal(get(ancestor(fig(1), 'figure'), 'Color'), 'none') options.transparent = true; end % If requested, set the resolution to the native vertical resolution of the % first suitable image found if native && isbitmap(options) % Find a suitable image list = findall(fig, 'Type','image', 'Tag','export_fig_native'); if isempty(list) list = findall(fig, 'Type','image', 'Visible','on'); end for hIm = list(:)' % Check height is >= 2 height = size(get(hIm, 'CData'), 1); if height < 2 continue end % Account for the image filling only part of the axes, or vice versa yl = get(hIm, 'YData'); if isscalar(yl) yl = [yl(1)-0.5 yl(1)+height+0.5]; else yl = [min(yl), max(yl)]; % fix issue #151 (case of yl containing more than 2 elements) if ~diff(yl) continue end yl = yl + [-0.5 0.5] * (diff(yl) / (height - 1)); end hAx = get(hIm, 'Parent'); yl2 = get(hAx, 'YLim'); % Find the pixel height of the axes oldUnits = get(hAx, 'Units'); set(hAx, 'Units', 'pixels'); pos = get(hAx, 'Position'); set(hAx, 'Units', oldUnits); if ~pos(4) continue end % Found a suitable image % Account for stretch-to-fill being disabled pbar = get(hAx, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); pos = min(pos(4), pbar(2)*pos(3)/pbar(1)); % Set the magnification to give native resolution options.magnify = abs((height * diff(yl2)) / (pos * diff(yl))); % magnification must never be negative: issue #103 break end end end function A = downsize(A, factor) % Downsample an image if factor == 1 % Nothing to do return end try % Faster, but requires image processing toolbox A = imresize(A, 1/factor, 'bilinear'); catch % No image processing toolbox - resize manually % Lowpass filter - use Gaussian as is separable, so faster % Compute the 1d Gaussian filter filt = (-factor-1:factor+1) / (factor * 0.6); filt = exp(-filt .* filt); % Normalize the filter filt = single(filt / sum(filt)); % Filter the image padding = floor(numel(filt) / 2); for a = 1:size(A, 3) A(:,:,a) = conv2(filt, filt', single(A([ones(1, padding) 1:end repmat(end, 1, padding)],[ones(1, padding) 1:end repmat(end, 1, padding)],a)), 'valid'); end % Subsample A = A(1+floor(mod(end-1, factor)/2):factor:end,1+floor(mod(end-1, factor)/2):factor:end,:); end end function A = rgb2grey(A) A = cast(reshape(reshape(single(A), [], 3) * single([0.299; 0.587; 0.114]), size(A, 1), size(A, 2)), class(A)); %#ok end function A = check_greyscale(A) % Check if the image is greyscale if size(A, 3) == 3 && ... all(reshape(A(:,:,1) == A(:,:,2), [], 1)) && ... all(reshape(A(:,:,2) == A(:,:,3), [], 1)) A = A(:,:,1); % Save only one channel for 8-bit output end end function eps_remove_background(fname, count) % Remove the background of an eps file % Open the file fh = fopen(fname, 'r+'); if fh == -1 error('Not able to open file %s.', fname); end % Read the file line by line while count % Get the next line l = fgets(fh); if isequal(l, -1) break; % Quit, no rectangle found end % Check if the line contains the background rectangle if isequal(regexp(l, ' *0 +0 +\d+ +\d+ +r[fe] *[\n\r]+', 'start'), 1) % Set the line to whitespace and quit l(1:regexp(l, '[\n\r]', 'start', 'once')-1) = ' '; fseek(fh, -numel(l), 0); fprintf(fh, l); % Reduce the count count = count - 1; end end % Close the file fclose(fh); end function b = isvector(options) b = options.pdf || options.eps; end function b = isbitmap(options) b = options.png || options.tif || options.jpg || options.bmp || || options.alpha; end % Helper function function A = make_cell(A) if ~iscell(A) A = {A}; end end function add_bookmark(fname, bookmark_text) % Adds a bookmark to the temporary EPS file after %%EndPageSetup % Read in the file fh = fopen(fname, 'r'); if fh == -1 error('File %s not found.', fname); end try fstrm = fread(fh, '*char')'; catch ex fclose(fh); rethrow(ex); end fclose(fh); % Include standard pdfmark prolog to maximize compatibility fstrm = strrep(fstrm, '%%BeginProlog', sprintf('%%%%BeginProlog\n/pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse')); % Add page bookmark fstrm = strrep(fstrm, '%%EndPageSetup', sprintf('%%%%EndPageSetup\n[ /Title (%s) /OUT pdfmark',bookmark_text)); % Write out the updated file fh = fopen(fname, 'w'); if fh == -1 error('Unable to open %s for writing.', fname); end try fwrite(fh, fstrm, 'char*1'); catch ex fclose(fh); rethrow(ex); end fclose(fh); end function set_tick_mode(Hlims, ax) % Set the tick mode of linear axes to manual % Leave log axes alone as these are tricky M = get(Hlims, [ax 'Scale']); if ~iscell(M) M = {M}; end M = cellfun(@(c) strcmp(c, 'linear'), M); set(Hlims(M), [ax 'TickMode'], 'manual'); %set(Hlims(M), [ax 'TickLabelMode'], 'manual'); % this hides exponent label in HG2! end function change_rgb_to_cmyk(fname) % convert RGB => CMYK within an EPS file % Do post-processing on the eps file try % Read the EPS file into memory fstrm = read_write_entire_textfile(fname); % Replace all gray-scale colors fstrm = regexprep(fstrm, '\n([\d.]+) +GC\n', '\n0 0 0 ${num2str(1-str2num($1))} CC\n'); % Replace all RGB colors fstrm = regexprep(fstrm, '\n[0.]+ +[0.]+ +[0.]+ +RC\n', '\n0 0 0 1 CC\n'); % pure black fstrm = regexprep(fstrm, '\n([\d.]+) +([\d.]+) +([\d.]+) +RC\n', '\n${sprintf(''%.4g '',[1-[str2num($1),str2num($2),str2num($3)]/max([str2num($1),str2num($2),str2num($3)]),1-max([str2num($1),str2num($2),str2num($3)])])} CC\n'); % Overwrite the file with the modified contents read_write_entire_textfile(fname, fstrm); catch % never mind - leave as is... end end