function [qsen,qlat,tau,theta,A]=slhftc(ua,va,uo,vo,zr,Ta,zt,rh,zq,Pa,Ts) % SLHFTC: computes sensible and latent heat flux following TOGA/COARE. % [qsen,qlat,tau,theta,A]=SLHFTC(ua,va,uo,vo,zr,Ta,zt,rh,zq,ap,Ts) computes % the sensible and latent heat fluxes into the ocean and the surface wind % stress based on the Fairall et al (1996) COARE code. (see HFBULKTC for % description). Assumes input series are either column or row vectors; % zr, zt, and zq are fixed scalars, and rh and/or Pa may be scalars. % The output variables are column vectors and the column matrix A. NOTE: % user must decide if cool-skin and Webb corrections are to be included. % % INPUT: ua,va - east, north wind components [m/s] % uo,vo - east, north ocean surface currents [m/s] % zr - wind measurement height [m] % Ta - air temperature [C] % zt - air temperature measurement height [m] % rh - relative humidity [%] % zq - rh measurement height [m] % Ts - sea surface temperature [C] % Pa - air pressure [mb] % % OUTPUT: qsen - sensible heat flux [W/m^2] % qlat - latent heat flux [W/m^2] % tau - wind stress magnitude [Pa] % theta - direction of wind stress [deg CCW from east] % A - 12 column matrix of auxilary diagnostic outputs % (see HFBULKTC for details) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 8/28/98: version 1.1 (contributed by RP) % 8/5/99: version 2.0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % compute relative velocity magnitude and direction du=ua-uo; dv=va-vo; spd=sqrt(du.^2+dv.^2); theta=(180./pi).*atan2(dv,du); % change column vector to row vector if necessary [m n] = size(spd); if m > n spd = spd'; end % keep theta a column vector [m n] = size(theta); if n > m theta = theta'; end % compute fluxes A = hfbulktc(spd,zr,Ta,zt,rh,zq,Pa,Ts); qsen=A(:,1); % no cool_skin, Webb correction qlat=A(:,2); tau=A(:,4);