function [nameu,fu,tidecon,xout]=t_tide(xin,varargin); % T_TIDE Harmonic analysis of a time series % [NAME,FREQ,TIDECON,XOUT]=T_TIDE(XIN) computes the tidal analysis % of the (possibly complex) time series XIN. % % [TIDESTRUC,XOUT]=T_TIDE(XIN) returns the analysis information in % a structure formed of NAME, FREQ, and TIDECON. % % XIN can be scalar (e.g. for elevations), or complex ( =U+sqrt(-1)*V % for eastward velocity U and northward velocity V. % % Further inputs are optional, and are specified as property/value pairs % [...]=T_TIDE(XIN,property,value,property,value,...,etc.) % % These properties are: % % 'interval' Sampling interval (hours), default = 1. % % The next two are required if nodal corrections are to be computed, % otherwise not necessary. If they are not included then the reported % phases are raw constituent phases at the central time. % % If your time series is longer than 18.6 years then nodal corrections % are not made -instead we fit directly to all satellites (start time % is then just used to generate Greenwich phases). % % 'start time' [year,month,day,hour,min,sec] % - min,sec are optional OR % decimal day (matlab DATENUM scalar) % 'latitude' decimal degrees (+north) (default: none). % % Where to send the output. % 'output' where to send printed output: % 'none' (no printed output) % 'screen' (to screen) - default % FILENAME (to a file) % % Correction factor for prefiltering. % 'prefilt' FS,CORR % If the time series has been passed through % a pre-filter of some kind (say, to reduce the % low-frequency variability), then the analyzed % constituents will have to be corrected for % this. The correction transfer function % (1/filter transfer function) has (possibly % complex) magnitude CORR at frequency FS (cph). % Corrections of more than a factor of 100 are % not applied; it is assumed these refer to tidal % constituents that were intentionally filtered % out, e.g., the fortnightly components. % % Adjustment for long-term behavior ("secular" behavior). % 'secular' 'mean' - assume constant offset (default). % 'linear' - get linear trend. % % Inference of constituents. % 'inference' NAME,REFERENCE,AMPRAT,PHASE_OFFSET % where NAME is an array of the names of % constituents to be inferred, REFERENCE is an % array of the names of references, and AMPRAT % and PHASE_OFFSET are the amplitude factor and % phase offset (in degrees)from the references. % NAME and REFERENCE are Nx4 (max 4 characters % in name), and AMPRAT and PHASE_OFFSET are Nx1 % (for scalar time series) and Nx2 for vector % time series (column 1 is for + frequencies and % column 2 for - frequencies). % NB - you can only infer ONE unknown constituent % per known constituent (i.e. REFERENCE must not % contain multiple instances of the same name). % % Shallow water constituents % 'shallow' NAME % A matrix whose rows contain the names of % shallow-water constituents to analyze. % % Resolution criterions for least-squares fit. % 'rayleigh' scalar - Rayleigh criteria, default = 1. % Matrix of strings - names of constituents to % use (useful for testing purposes). % % Calculation of confidence limits. % 'error' 'wboot' - Boostrapped confidence intervals % based on a correlated bivariate % white-noise model. % 'cboot' - Boostrapped confidence intervals % based on an uncorrelated bivariate % coloured-noise model (default). % 'linear' - Linearized error analysis that % assumes an uncorrelated bivariate % coloured noise model. % % Computation of "predicted" tide (passed to t_predic, but note that % the default value is different). % 'synthesis' 0 - use all selected constituents % scalar>0 - use only those constituents with a % SNR greater than that given (1 or 2 % are good choices, 2 is the default). % <0 - return result of least-squares fit % (should be the same as using '0', % except that NaN-holes in original % time series will remain and mean/trend % are included). % % Least squares soln computational efficiency parameter % 'lsq' 'direct' - use A\x fit % 'normal' - use (A'A)\(A'x) (may be necessary % for very large input vectors since % A'A is much smaller than A) % 'best' - automatically choose based on % length of series (default). % % It is possible to call t_tide without using property names, % in which case the assumed calling sequence is % % T_TIDE(XIN,INTERVAL,START_TIME,LATITUDE,RAYLEIGH) % % % OUTPUT: % % nameu=list of constituents used % fu=frequency of tidal constituents (cycles/hr) % tidecon=[fmaj,emaj,fmin,emin,finc,einc,pha,epha] for vector xin % =[fmaj,emaj,pha,epha] for scalar (real) xin % fmaj,fmin - constituent major and minor axes (same units as xin) % emaj,emin - 95% confidence intervals for fmaj,fmin % finc - ellipse orientations (degrees) % einc - 95% confidence intervals for finc % pha - constituent phases (degrees relative to Greenwich) % epha - 95% confidence intervals for pha % xout=tidal prediction % % Note: Although missing data can be handled with NaN, it is wise not % to have too many of them. If your time series has a lot of % missing data at the beginning and/or end, then truncate the % input time series. The Rayleigh criterion is applied to % frequency intervals calculated as the inverse of the input % series length. % % A description of the theoretical basis of the analysis and some % implementation details can be found in: % % Pawlowicz, R., B. Beardsley, and S. Lentz, "Classical Tidal % "Harmonic Analysis Including Error Estimates in MATLAB % using T_TIDE", Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937 (2002). % % (citation of this article would be appreciated if you find the % toolbox useful). % R. Pawlowicz 11/8/99 - Completely rewritten from the transliterated- % to-matlab IOS/Foreman fortran code by S. Lentz % and B. Beardsley. % 3/3/00 - Redid errors to take into account covariances % between u and v errors. % 7/21/00 - Found that annoying bug in error calc! % 11/1/00 - Added linear error analysis. % 8/29/01 - Made synth=1 default, also changed behavior % when no lat/time given so that phases are raw % at central time. % 9/1/01 - Moved some SNR code to t_predic. % 9/28/01 - made sure you can't choose Z0 as constituent. % 6/12/01 - better explanation for variance calcs, fixed % bug in typed output (thanks Mike Cook). % 8/2/03 - Added block processing for long time series (thanks % to Derek Goring). % 9/2/03 - Beta version of 18.6 year series handling % 12/2/03 - Bug (x should be xin) fixed thanks to Mike Cook (again!) % 4/3/11 - Changed (old) psd to (new) pwelch calls, also % isfinite for finite. % 23/3/11 - Corrected my conversion from psd to pwelch, thanks % to Dan Codiga and (especially) Evan Haug! % % Version 1.3 % ----------------------Parse inputs----------------------------------- ray=1; dt=1; fid=1; stime=[]; lat=[]; corr_fs=[0 1e6]; corr_fac=[1 1]; secular='mean'; inf.iname=[]; inf.irefname=[]; shallownames=[]; constitnames=[]; errcalc='wboot'; synth=2; lsq='best'; k=1; while length(varargin)>0, if ischar(varargin{1}), switch lower(varargin{1}(1:3)), case 'int', dt=varargin{2}; case 'sta', stime=varargin{2}; if length(stime)>1, stime=[stime(:)' zeros(1,6-length(stime))]; stime=datenum(stime(1),stime(2),stime(3),stime(4),stime(5),stime(6)); end; case 'lat', lat=varargin{2}; case 'out', filen=varargin{2}; switch filen, case 'none', fid=-1; case 'screen', fid=1; otherwise [fid,mesg]=fopen(filen,'w'); if fid==-1, error(msg); end; end; case 'ray', if isnumeric(varargin{2}), ray=varargin{2}; else constitnames=varargin{2}; if iscellstr(constitnames), constitnames=char(constitnames); end; end; case 'pre', corr_fs=varargin{2}; corr_fac=varargin{3}; varargin(1)=[]; case 'sec', secular=varargin{2}; case 'inf', inf.iname=varargin{2}; inf.irefname=varargin{3}; inf.amprat=varargin{4};{5}; varargin(1:3)=[]; case 'sha', shallownames=varargin{2}; case 'err', errcalc=varargin{2}; case 'syn', synth=varargin{2}; case 'lsq', lsq=varargin{2}; otherwise, error(['Can''t understand property:' varargin{1}]); end; varargin([1 2])=[]; else switch k, case 1, dt=varargin{1}; case 2, stime=varargin{1}; case 3, lat=varargin{1}; case 4, ray=varargin{1}; otherwise error('Too many input parameters'); end; varargin(1)=[]; end; k=k+1; end; [inn,inm]=size(xin); if ~(inn==1 | inm==1), error('Input time series is not a vector'); end; xin=xin(:); % makes xin a column vector nobs=length(xin); if strcmp(lsq(1:3),'bes'), % Set matrix method if auto-choice. if nobs>10000, lsq='normal'; else lsq='direct'; end; end; if nobs*dt> 18.6*365.25*24, % Long time series longseries=1; ltype='full'; else longseries=0; ltype='nodal'; end; nobsu=nobs-rem(nobs-1,2);% makes series odd to give a center point t=dt*([1:nobs]'-ceil(nobsu/2)); % Time vector for entire time series, % centered at series midpoint. if ~isempty(stime), centraltime=stime+floor(nobsu./2)./24.0*dt; else centraltime=[]; end; % -------Get the frequencies to use in the harmonic analysis----------- [nameu,fu,ju,namei,fi,jinf,jref]=constituents(ray/(dt*nobsu),constitnames,... shallownames,inf.iname,inf.irefname,centraltime); mu=length(fu); % # base frequencies mi=length(fi); % # inferred % Find the good data points (here I assume that in a complex time % series, if u is bad, so is v). gd=find(isfinite(xin(1:nobsu))); ngood=length(gd); fprintf(' Points used: %d of %d\n',ngood,nobs) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Now solve for the secular trend plus the analysis. Instead of solving % for + and - frequencies using exp(i*f*t), I use sines and cosines to % keep tc real. If the input series is real, than this will % automatically use real-only computation (faster). However, for the analysis, % it's handy to get the + and - frequencies ('ap' and 'am'), and so % that's what we do afterwards. % The basic code solves the matrix problem Ac=x+errors where the functions to % use in the fit fill up the A matrix, which is of size (number points)x(number % constituents). This can get very, very large for long time series, and % for this the more complex block processing algorithm was added. It should % give identical results (up to roundoff error) if strcmp(lsq(1:3),'dir'), if secular(1:3)=='lin', tc=[ones(length(t),1) cos((2*pi)*t*fu') sin((2*pi)*t*fu') t*(2/dt/nobsu)]; else tc=[ones(length(t),1) cos((2*pi)*t*fu') sin((2*pi)*t*fu') ]; end; coef=tc(gd,:)\xin(gd); z0=coef(1); ap=(coef(2:(1+mu))-i*coef((2+mu):(1+2*mu)))/2; % a+ amplitudes am=(coef(2:(1+mu))+i*coef((2+mu):(1+2*mu)))/2; % a- amplitudes if secular(1:3)=='lin', dz0=coef(end); else dz0=0; end; xout=tc*coef; % This is the time series synthesized from the analysis else % More complicated code required for long time series when memory may be % a problem. Modified from code submitted by Derek Goring (NIWA Chrischurch) % Basically the normal equations are formed (rather than using Matlab's \ % algorithm for least squares); this can be done by adding up subblocks % of data. Notice how the code is messier, and we have to recalculate everything % to get the original fit. nsub=5000; % Block length - doesn't matter really but should be small enough to % get allocated quickly if secular(1:3)=='lin', lhs=zeros(mu*2+2,mu*2+2); rhs=zeros(mu*2+2,1); for j1=1:nsub:ngood j2=min(j1 + nsub - 1,ngood); E=[ones(j2-j1+1,1) cos((2*pi)*t(gd(j1:j2))*fu') sin((2*pi)*t(gd(j1:j2))*fu') t(gd(j1:j2))*(2/dt/nobsu)]; rhs=rhs + E'*xin(gd(j1:j2)); lhs=lhs + E'*E; end; else lhs=zeros(mu*2+1,mu*2+1); rhs=zeros(mu*2+1,1); for j1=1:nsub:ngood j2=min(j1 + nsub - 1,ngood); E=[ones(j2-j1+1,1) cos((2*pi)*t(gd(j1:j2))*fu') sin((2*pi)*t(gd(j1:j2))*fu')]; rhs=rhs + E'*xin(gd(j1:j2)); lhs=lhs + E'*E; end; end; coef=lhs\rhs; z0=coef(1); ap=(coef(2:(1+mu))-i*coef((2+mu):(1+2*mu)))/2; % a+ amplitudes am=(coef(2:(1+mu))+i*coef((2+mu):(1+2*mu)))/2; % a- amplitudes if secular(1:3)=='lin', dz0=coef(end); else dz0=0; end; xout=xin; % Copies over NaN if secular(1:3)=='lin', for j1=1:nsub:nobs j2=min(j1 + nsub - 1,nobs); E=[ones(j2-j1+1,1) cos((2*pi)*t(j1:j2)*fu') sin((2*pi)*t(j1:j2)*fu') t(j1:j2)*(2/dt/nobsu)]; xout(j1:j2)=E*coef; end; else for j1=1:nsub:nobs j2=min(j1 + nsub - 1,nobs); E=[ones(j2-j1+1,1) cos((2*pi)*t(j1:j2)*fu') sin((2*pi)*t(j1:j2)*fu')]; xout(j1:j2)=E*coef; end; end; end; %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check variance explained (but do this with the original fit). xres=xin-xout; % and the residuals! if isreal(xin), % Real time series varx=cov(xin(gd));varxp=cov(xout(gd));varxr=cov(xres(gd)); fprintf(' percent of var residual after lsqfit/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varxr/varx)); else % Complex time series varx=cov(real(xin(gd)));varxp=cov(real(xout(gd)));varxr=cov(real(xres(gd))); fprintf(' percent of X var residual after lsqfit/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varxr/varx)); vary=cov(imag(xin(gd)));varyp=cov(imag(xout(gd)));varyr=cov(imag(xres(gd))); fprintf(' percent of Y var residual after lsqfit/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varyr/vary)); end; %---------- Correct for prefiltering----------------------------------- corrfac=interp1(corr_fs,corr_fac,fu); % To stop things blowing up! corrfac(corrfac>100 | corrfac <.01 | isnan(corrfac))=1; ap=ap.*corrfac; am=am.*conj(corrfac); %---------------Nodal Corrections-------------------------------------- % Generate nodal corrections and calculate phase relative to Greenwich. % Note that this is a slightly weird way to do the nodal corrections, % but is 'traditional'. The "right" way would be to change the basis % functions used in the least-squares fit above. if ~isempty(lat) & ~isempty(stime), % Time and latitude % Get nodal corrections at midpoint time. [v,u,f]=t_vuf(ltype,centraltime,[ju;jinf],lat); vu=(v+u)*360; % total phase correction (degrees) nodcor=['Greenwich phase computed with nodal corrections applied to amplitude \n and phase relative to center time']; elseif ~isempty(stime), % Time only % Get nodal corrections at midpoint time [v,u,f]=t_vuf(ltype,centraltime,[ju;jinf]); vu=(v+u)*360; % total phase correction (degrees) nodcor=['Greenwich phase computed, no nodal corrections']; else % No time, no latitude vu=zeros(length(ju)+length(jinf),1); f=ones(length(ju)+length(jinf),1); nodcor=['Phases at central time']; end fprintf([' ',nodcor,'\n']); %---------------Inference Corrections---------------------------------- % Once again, the "right" way to do this would be to change the basis % functions. ii=find(isfinite(jref)); if ii, fprintf(' Do inference corrections\n'); snarg=nobsu*pi*(fi(ii) -fu(jref(ii)) )*dt; scarg=sin(snarg)./snarg; if size(inf.amprat,2)==1, % For real time series pearg= 2*pi*(vu(mu+ii)-vu(jref(ii)); pcfac=inf.amprat(ii).*f(mu+ii)./f(jref(ii)).*exp(i*pearg); pcorr=1+pcfac.*scarg; mcfac=conj(pcfac); mcorr=conj(pcorr); else % For complex time series pearg= 2*pi*(vu(mu+ii)-vu(jref(ii)),1))/360; pcfac=inf.amprat(ii,1).*f(mu+ii)./f(jref(ii)).*exp(i*pearg); pcorr=1+pcfac.*scarg; mearg= -2*pi*(vu(mu+ii)-vu(jref(ii)),2))/360; mcfac=inf.amprat(ii,2).*f(mu+ii)./f(jref(ii)).*exp(i*mearg); mcorr=1+mcfac.*scarg; end; ap(jref(ii))=ap(jref(ii))./pcorr; % Changes to existing constituents ap=[ap;ap(jref(ii)).*pcfac]; % Inferred constituents am(jref(ii))=am(jref(ii))./mcorr; am=[am;am(jref(ii)).*mcfac]; fu=[fu;fi(ii)]; nameu=[nameu;namei(ii,:)]; end; % --------------Error Bar Calculations--------------------------------- % % Error bar calcs involve two steps: % 1) Estimate the uncertainties in the analyzed amplitude % for both + and - frequencies (i.e., in 'ap' and 'am'). % A simple way of doing this is to take the variance of the % original time series and divide it into the amount appearing % in the bandwidth of the analysis (approximately 1/length). % A more sophisticated way is to assume "locally white" % noise in the vicinity of, e.g., the diurnal consistuents. % This takes into account slopes in the continuum spectrum. % % 2) Transform those uncertainties into ones suitable for ellipse % parameters (axis lengths, angles). This can be done % analytically for large signal-to-noise ratios. However, the % transformation is non-linear at lows SNR, say, less than 10 % or so. % xr=fixgaps(xres); % Fill in "internal" NaNs with linearly interpolated % values so we can fft things. nreal=1; if strmatch(errcalc(2:end),'boot'), fprintf(' Using nonlinear bootstrapped error estimates\n'); % "noise" matrices are created with the right covariance structure % to add to the analyzed components to create 'nreal' REPLICATES. % nreal=300; % Create noise matrices [NP,NM]=noise_realizations(xr(isfinite(xr)),fu,dt,nreal,errcalc); % All replicates are then transformed (nonlinearly) into ellipse % parameters. The computed error bars are then based on the std % dev of the replicates. AP=ap(:,ones(1,nreal))+NP; % Add to analysis (first column AM=am(:,ones(1,nreal))+NM; % of NM,NP=0 so first column of % AP/M holds ap/m). epsp=angle(AP)*180/pi; % Angle/magnitude form: epsm=angle(AM)*180/pi; ap=abs(AP); am=abs(AM); elseif strmatch(errcalc,'linear'), fprintf(' Using linearized error estimates\n'); % % Uncertainties in analyzed amplitudes are computed in different % spectral bands. Real and imaginary parts of the residual time series % are treated separately (no cross-covariance is assumed). % % Noise estimates are then determined from a linear analysis of errors, % assuming that everything is uncorrelated. This is OK for scalar time % series but can fail for vector time series if the noise is not % isotropic. [ercx,eicx]=noise_stats(xr(isfinite(xr)),fu,dt); % Note - here we assume that the error in the cos and sin terms is % equal, and equal to total power in the encompassing frequency bin. % It seems like there should be a factor of 2 here somewhere but it % only works this way! [emaj,emin,einc,epha]=errell(ap+am,i*(ap-am),ercx,ercx,eicx,eicx); epsp=angle(ap)*180/pi; epsm=angle(am)*180/pi; ap=abs(ap); am=abs(am); else error(['Unrecognized type of error analysis: ''' errcalc ''' specified!']); end; %-----Convert complex amplitudes to standard ellipse parameters-------- aap=ap./f(:,ones(1,nreal)); % Apply nodal corrections and aam=am./f(:,ones(1,nreal)); % compute ellipse parameters. fmaj=aap+aam; % major axis fmin=aap-aam; % minor axis gp=mod( vu(:,ones(1,nreal))-epsp ,360); % pos. Greenwich phase in deg. gm=mod( vu(:,ones(1,nreal))+epsm ,360); % neg. Greenwich phase in deg. finc= (epsp+epsm)/2; finc(:,1)=mod( finc(:,1),180 ); % Ellipse inclination in degrees % (mod 180 to prevent ambiguity, i.e., % we always ref. against northern % semi-major axis. finc=cluster(finc,180); % Cluster angles around the 'true' % angle to avoid 360 degree wraps. pha=mod( gp+finc ,360); % Greenwich phase in degrees. pha=cluster(pha,360); % Cluster angles around the 'true' angle % to avoid 360 degree wraps. %----------------Generate 95% CI--------------------------------------- %% For bootstrapped errors, we now compute limits of the distribution. if strmatch(errcalc(2:end),'boot'), %% std dev-based estimates. % The 95% CI are computed from the sigmas % by a 1.96 fudge factor (infinite degrees of freedom). % emaj=1.96*std(fmaj,0,2); % emin=1.96*std(fmin,0,2); % einc=1.96*std(finc,0,2); % epha=1.96*std(pha ,0,2); %% Median-absolute-deviation (MAD) based estimates. % (possibly more stable?) emaj=median(abs(fmaj-median(fmaj,2)*ones(1,nreal)),2)/.6375*1.96; emin=median(abs(fmin-median(fmin,2)*ones(1,nreal)),2)/.6375*1.96; einc=median(abs(finc-median(finc,2)*ones(1,nreal)),2)/.6375*1.96; epha=median(abs( pha-median( pha,2)*ones(1,nreal)),2)/.6375*1.96; else % In the linear analysis, the 95% CI are computed from the sigmas % by this fudge factor (infinite degrees of freedom). emaj=1.96*emaj; emin=1.96*emin; einc=1.96*einc; epha=1.96*epha; end; if isreal(xin), tidecon=[fmaj(:,1),emaj,pha(:,1),epha]; else tidecon=[fmaj(:,1),emaj,fmin(:,1),emin, finc(:,1),einc,pha(:,1),epha]; end; % Sort results by frequency (needed if anything has been inferred since % these are stuck at the end of the list by code above). if any(isfinite(jref)), [fu,I]=sort(fu); nameu=nameu(I,:); tidecon=tidecon(I,:); end; snr=(tidecon(:,1)./tidecon(:,2)).^2; % signal to noise ratio %--------Generate a 'prediction' using significant constituents---------- xoutOLD=xout; if synth>=0, if ~isempty(lat) & ~isempty(stime), fprintf(' Generating prediction with nodal corrections, SNR is %f\n',synth); xout=t_predic(stime+[0:nobs-1]*dt/24.0,nameu,fu,tidecon,'lat',lat,'synth',synth,'anal',ltype); elseif ~isempty(stime), fprintf(' Generating prediction without nodal corrections, SNR is %f\n',synth); xout=t_predic(stime+[0:nobs-1]*dt/24.0,nameu,fu,tidecon,'synth',synth,'anal',ltype); else fprintf(' Generating prediction without nodal corrections, SNR is %f\n',synth); xout=t_predic(t/24.0,nameu,fu,tidecon,'synth',synth,'anal',ltype); end; else fprintf(' Returning fitted prediction\n'); end; %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check variance explained (but now do this with the synthesized fit). xres=xin(:)-xout(:); % and the residuals! %error; if isreal(xin), % Real time series varx=cov(xin(gd));varxp=cov(xout(gd));varxr=cov(xres(gd)); fprintf(' percent of var residual after synthesis/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varxr/varx)); else % Complex time series varx=cov(real(xin(gd)));varxp=cov(real(xout(gd)));varxr=cov(real(xres(gd))); fprintf(' percent of X var residual after synthesis/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varxr/varx)); vary=cov(imag(xin(gd)));varyp=cov(imag(xout(gd)));varyr=cov(imag(xres(gd))); fprintf(' percent of Y var residual after synthesis/var original: %5.2f %%\n',100*(varyr/vary)); end; %-----------------Output results--------------------------------------- if fid>1, fprintf(fid,'\n%s\n',['file name: ',filen]); elseif fid==1, fprintf(fid,'-----------------------------------\n'); end if fid>0, fprintf(fid,'date: %s\n',date); fprintf(fid,'nobs = %d, ngood = %d, record length (days) = %.2f\n',nobs,ngood,length(xin)*dt/24); if ~isempty(stime); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',['start time: ',datestr(stime)]); end fprintf(fid,'rayleigh criterion = %.1f\n',ray); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',nodcor); % fprintf(fid,'\n coefficients from least squares fit of x\n'); % fprintf(fid,'\n tide freq |a+| err_a+ |a-| err_a-\n'); % for k=1:length(fu); % if ap(k)>eap(k) | am(k)>eam(k), fprintf('*'); else fprintf(' '); end; % fprintf(fid,'%s %8.5f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n',nameu(k,:),fu(k),ap(k),eap(k),am(k),eam(k)); % end fprintf(fid,'\nx0= %.3g, x trend= %.3g\n',real(z0),real(dz0)); fprintf(fid,['\nvar(x)= ',num2str(varx),' var(xp)= ',num2str(varxp),' var(xres)= ',num2str(varxr) '\n']); fprintf(fid,'percent var predicted/var original= %.1f %%\n',100*varxp/varx); if isreal(xin) fprintf(fid,'\n tidal amplitude and phase with 95%% CI estimates\n'); fprintf(fid,'\ntide freq amp amp_err pha pha_err snr\n'); for k=1:length(fu); if snr(k)>synth, fprintf(fid,'*'); else fprintf(fid,' '); end; fprintf(fid,'%s %9.7f %9.4f %8.3f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2g\n',nameu(k,:),fu(k),tidecon(k,:),snr(k)); end else fprintf(fid,'\ny0= %.3g, x trend= %.3g\n',imag(z0),imag(dz0)); fprintf(fid,['\nvar(y)= ',num2str(vary),' var(yp)= ',num2str(varyp),' var(yres)= ',num2str(varyr) '\n']); fprintf(fid,'percent var predicted/var original= %.1f %%\n',100*varyp/vary); fprintf(fid,'\n%s\n',['ellipse parameters with 95%% CI estimates']); fprintf(fid,'\n%s\n',['tide freq major emaj minor emin inc einc pha epha snr']); for k=1:length(fu); if snr(k)>synth, fprintf(fid,'*'); else fprintf(fid,' '); end; fprintf(fid,'%s %9.7f %6.3f %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %8.2f %6.2f %8.2f %6.2f %6.2g\n',... nameu(k,:),fu(k),tidecon(k,:),snr(k)); end fprintf(fid,['\ntotal var= ',num2str(varx+vary),' pred var= ',num2str(varxp+varyp) '\n']); fprintf(fid,'percent total var predicted/var original= %.1f %%\n\n',100*(varxp+varyp)/(varx+vary)); end if fid~=1, st=fclose(fid); end end; xout=reshape(xout,inn,inm); switch nargout, case {0,3,4} case {1} nameu = struct('name',nameu,'freq',fu,'tidecon',tidecon,'type',ltype); case {2} nameu = struct('name',nameu,'freq',fu,'tidecon',tidecon,'type',ltype); fu=xout; end; %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [nameu,fu,ju,namei,fi,jinf,jref]=constituents(minres,constit,... shallow,infname,infref,centraltime); % [name,freq,kmpr]=constituents(minres,infname) loads tidal constituent % table (containing 146 constituents), then picks out only the ' % resolvable' frequencies (i.e. those that are MINRES apart), base on % the comparisons in the third column of constituents.dat. Only % frequencies in the 'standard' set of 69 frequencies are actually used. % Also return the indices of constituents to be inferred. % If we have the mat-file, read it in, otherwise create it and read % it in! % R Pawlowicz 9/1/01 % Version 1.0 % % 19/1/02 - typo fixed (thanks to Zhigang Xu) % Compute frequencies from astronomical considerations. if minres>1/(18.6*365.25*24), % Choose only resolveable pairs for short [const,sat,cshallow]=t_getconsts(centraltime); % Time series ju=find(const.df>=minres); else % Choose them all if > 18.6 years. [const,sat,cshallow]=t_get18consts(centraltime); ju=[2:length(const.freq)]'; % Skip Z0 for ff=1:2, % loop twice to make sure of neightbouring pairs jck=find(diff(const.freq(ju))0) jrm=jck; jrm=jrm+(abs(const.doodsonamp(ju(jck+1)))0) disp([' Warning! Following constituent pairs violate Rayleigh criterion']); for ick=1:length(jck); disp([' ',nameu(jck(ick),:),' ',nameu(jck(ick)+1,:)]); end; end % For inference, add in list of components to be inferred. fi=[];namei=[];jinf=[];jref=[]; if ~isempty(infname), fi=zeros(size(infname,1),1); namei=zeros(size(infname,1),4); jinf=zeros(size(infname,1),1)+NaN; jref=zeros(size(infname,1),1)+NaN; for k=1:size(infname,1), j1=strmatch(infname(k,:),; if isempty(j1), disp(['Can''t recognize name' infname(k,:) ' for inference']); else jinf(k)=j1; fi(k)=const.freq(j1); namei(k,:),:); j1=strmatch(infref(k,:),nameu); if isempty(j1), disp(['Can''t recognize name ' infref(k,:) ' for as a reference for inference']); else jref(k)=j1; fprintf([' Inference of ' namei(k,:) ' using ' nameu(j1,:) '\n']); end; end; end; jinf(isnan(jref))=NaN; end; %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function y=fixgaps(x); % FIXGAPS: Linearly interpolates gaps in a time series % YOUT=FIXGAPS(YIN) linearly interpolates over NaN in the input time % series (may be complex), but ignores trailing and leading NaNs. % R. Pawlowicz 11/6/99 % Version 1.0 y=x; bd=isnan(x); gd=find(~bd); bd([1:(min(gd)-1) (max(gd)+1):end])=0; y(bd)=interp1(gd,x(gd),find(bd)); %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ain=cluster(ain,clusang); % CLUSTER: Clusters angles in rows around the angles in the first % column. CLUSANG is the allowable ambiguity (usually 360 degrees but % sometimes 180). ii=(ain-ain(:,ones(1,size(ain,2))))>clusang/2; ain(ii)=ain(ii)-clusang; ii=(ain-ain(:,ones(1,size(ain,2))))<-clusang/2; ain(ii)=ain(ii)+clusang; %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [NP,NM]=noise_realizations(xres,fu,dt,nreal,errcalc); % NOISE_REALIZATIONS: Generates matrices of noise (with correct % cross-correlation structure) for bootstrap analysis. % % R. Pawlowicz 11/10/00 % Version 1.0 if strmatch(errcalc,'cboot'), [fband,Pxrave,Pxiave,Pxcave]=residual_spectrum(xres,fu,dt); Pxcave=zeros(size(Pxcave)); %% For comparison with other technique! %fprintf('**** Assuming no covariance between u and v errors!*******\n'); elseif strmatch(errcalc,'wboot'), fband=[0 .5]; nx=length(xres); A=cov(real(xres),imag(xres))/nx; Pxrave=A(1,1);Pxiave=A(2,2);Pxcave=A(1,2); else error(['Unrecognized type of bootstap analysis specified: ''' errcalc '''']); end; nfband=size(fband,1); Mat=zeros(4,4,nfband); for k=1:nfband, % The B matrix represents the covariance matrix for the vector % [Re{ap} Im{ap} Re{am} Im{am}]' where Re{} and Im{} are real and % imaginary parts, and ap/m represent the complex constituent % amplitudes for positive and negative frequencies when the input % is bivariate white noise. For a flat residual spectrum this works % fine. % This is adapted here for "locally white" conditions, but I'm still % not sure how to handle a complex sxy, so this is set to zero % right now. p=(Pxrave(k)+Pxiave(k))/2; d=(Pxrave(k)-Pxiave(k))/2; sxy=Pxcave(k); B=[p 0 d sxy; 0 p sxy -d; d sxy p 0 sxy -d 0 p]; % Compute the transformation matrix that takes uncorrelated white % noise and makes noise with the same statistical structure as the % Fourier transformed noise. [V,D]=eig(B); Mat(:,:,k)=V*diag(sqrt(diag(D))); end; % Generate realizations for the different analyzed constituents. N=zeros(4,nreal); NM=zeros(length(fu),nreal); NP=NM; for k=1:length(fu); l=find(fu(k)>fband(:,1) & fu(k)=fband(k1,1) & fu<=fband(k1,2)); ercx(k)=sqrt(Pxrave(k1)); eicx(k)=sqrt(Pxiave(k1)); end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [fband,Pxrave,Pxiave,Pxcave]=residual_spectrum(xres,fu,dt) % RESIDUAL_SPECTRUM: Computes statistics from an input spectrum over % a number of bands, returning the band limits and the estimates for % power spectra for real and imaginary parts and the cross-spectrum. % % Mean values of the noise spectrum are computed for the following % 8 frequency bands defined by their center frequency and band width: % M0 +.1 cpd; M1 +-.2 cpd; M2 +-.2 cpd; M3 +-.2 cpd; M4 +-.2 cpd; % M5 +-.2 cpd; M6 +-.21 cpd; M7 (.26-.29 cpd); and M8 (.30-.50 cpd). % S. Lentz 10/28/99 % R. Pawlowicz 11/1/00 % Version 1.0 % Define frequency bands for spectral averaging. fband =[.00010 .00417; .03192 .04859; .07218 .08884; .11243 .12910; .15269 .16936; .19295 .20961; .23320 .25100; .26000 .29000; .30000 .50000]; % If we have a sampling interval> 1 hour, we might have to get % rid of some bins. %fband(fband(:,1)>1/(2*dt),:)=[]; nfband=size(fband,1); nx=length(xres); % Spectral estimate (takes real time series only). % Matlab has changed their spectral estimator functions % To match the old code, I have to divide by 2*dt. This is because % % PSD*dt is two-sided spectrum in units of power per hertz. % % PWELCH is the one-sided spectrum in power per hertz % % So PWELCH/2 = PSD*dt %[Pxr,fx]=psd(real(xres),nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. If you have an error here you are probably missing this toolbox %[Pxi,fx]=psd(imag(xres),nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. %[Pxc,fx]=csd(real(xres),imag(xres),nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. [Pxr,fx]=pwelch(real(xres),hanning(nx),ceil(nx/2),nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. If you have an error here you are probably missing this toolbox Pxr=Pxr/2/dt; [Pxi,fx]=pwelch(imag(xres),hanning(nx),ceil(nx/2),nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. Pxi=Pxi/2/dt; [Pxc,fx]=cpsd(real(xres),imag(xres),[],[],nx,1/dt); % Call to SIGNAL PROCESSING TOOLBOX - see note in t_readme. Pxc=Pxc/2/dt; df=fx(3)-fx(2); Pxr(round(fu./df)+1)=NaN ; % Sets Px=NaN in bins close to analyzed frequencies Pxi(round(fu./df)+1)=NaN ; % (to prevent leakage problems?). Pxc(round(fu./df)+1)=NaN ; Pxrave=zeros(nfband,1); Pxiave=zeros(nfband,1); Pxcave=zeros(nfband,1); % Loop downwards in frequency through bands (cures short time series % problem with no data in lowest band). % % Divide by nx to get power per frequency bin, and multiply by 2 % to account for positive and negative frequencies. % for k=nfband:-1:1, jband=find(fx>=fband(k,1) & fx<=fband(k,2) & isfinite(Pxr)); if any(jband), Pxrave(k)=mean(Pxr(jband))*2/nx; Pxiave(k)=mean(Pxi(jband))*2/nx; Pxcave(k)=mean(Pxc(jband))*2/nx; elseif k