function yout=t_predic(tim,varargin); % T_PREDIC Tidal prediction % YOUT=T_PREDIC(TIM,NAMES,FREQ,TIDECON) makes a tidal prediction % using the output of T_TIDE at the specified times TIM in decimal % days (from DATENUM). Optional arguments can be specified using % property/value pairs: % % YOUT=T_PREDIC(...,TIDECON,property,value,...) % % Available properties are: % % In the simplest case, the tidal analysis was done without nodal % corrections, and thus neither will the prediction. If nodal % corrections were used in the analysis, then it is likely we will % want to use them in the prediction too and these are computed % using the latitude, if given. % % 'latitude' decimal degrees (+north) (default: none) % % If the original analysis was >18.6 years satellites are % not included and we force that here: % % 'anallength' 'nodal' (default) % 'full' For >18.6 years. % % The tidal prediction may be restricted to only some of the % available constituents: % % 'synthesis' 0 - Use all selected constituents. (default) % scalar>0 - Use only those constituents with a SNR % greater than that given (1 or 2 are % good choices). % % % It is possible to call t_predic without using property names, in % which case the assumed calling sequence is % % YOUT=T_PREDIC(TIM,NAMES,FREQ,TIDECON,LATITUDE,SYNTHESIS); % % T_PREDIC can be called using the tidal structure available as an % optional output from T_TIDE % % YOUT=T_PREDIC(TIM,TIDESTRUC,...) % % This is in fact the recommended calling procedure (and required % when the analysis results are from series>18.6 years in length) % R. Pawlowicz 11/8/99 % Version 1.0 % 8/2/03 - Added block processing to generate prediction (to % avoid memory overflows for long time series). % 29/9/04 - small bug with undefined ltype fixed if nargin<2, % Not enough error('Not enough input arguments'); end; longseries=0; ltype='nodal'; if isstruct(varargin{1}), names=varargin{1}.name; freq=varargin{1}.freq; tidecon=varargin{1}.tidecon; if isfield(varargin{1},'ltype') & strcmp(varargin{1}.ltyp(1:3),'ful'), longseries=1; end; varargin(1)=[]; else if length(varargin)<3, error('Not enough input arguments'); end; names=varargin{1}; freq=varargin{2}; tidecon=varargin{3}; varargin(1:3)=[]; end; lat=[]; synth=0; k=1; while length(varargin)>0, if ischar(varargin{1}), switch lower(varargin{1}(1:3)), case 'lat', lat=varargin{2}; case 'syn', synth=varargin{2}; case 'ana', if isstr(varargin{2}), ltype=varargin{2}; if strcmp(varargin{2}(1:3),'ful'), longseries=1; end; end; otherwise, error(['Can''t understand property:' varargin{1}]); end; varargin([1 2])=[]; else switch k, case 1, lat=varargin{1}; case 2, synth=varargin{1}; otherwise error('Too many input parameters'); end; varargin(1)=[]; end; k=k+1; end; % Do the synthesis. snr=(tidecon(:,1)./tidecon(:,2)).^2; % signal to noise ratio if synth>0, I=snr>synth; if ~any(I), warning('No predictions with this SNR'); yout=NaN+zeros(size(tim)); return; end; tidecon=tidecon(I,:); names=names(I,:); freq=freq(I); end; if size(tidecon,2)==4, % Real time series ap=tidecon(:,1)/2.*exp(-i*tidecon(:,3)*pi/180); am=conj(ap); else ap=(tidecon(:,1)+tidecon(:,3))/2.*exp( i*pi/180*(tidecon(:,5)-tidecon(:,7))); am=(tidecon(:,1)-tidecon(:,3))/2.*exp( i*pi/180*(tidecon(:,5)+tidecon(:,7))); end; % Mean at central point (get rid of one point at end to take mean of % odd number of points if necessary). jdmid=mean(tim(1:2*fix((length(tim)-1)/2)+1)); if longseries, const=t_get18consts; ju=zeros(size(freq)); for k=1:size(names,1), inam=strmatch(names(k,:),; if length(inam)==1, ju(k)=inam; elseif length(inam)>1, [minf,iminf]=min(abs(freq(k)-const.freq(inam))); ju(k)=inam(iminf); end; end; else const=t_getconsts; ju=zeros(size(freq)); % Check to make sure names and frequencies match expected values. for k=1:size(names,1), ju(k)=strmatch(names(k,:),; end; %if any(freq~=const.freq(ju)), % error('Frequencies do not match names in input'); %end; end; % Get the astronical argument with or without nodal corrections. if ~isempty(lat) & abs(jdmid)>1, [v,u,f]=t_vuf(ltype,jdmid,ju,lat); elseif abs(jdmid)>1, % a real date [v,u,f]=t_vuf(ltype,jdmid,ju); else v=zeros(length(ju),1); u=v; f=ones(length(ju),1); end; ap=ap.*f.*exp(+i*2*pi*(u+v)); am=am.*f.*exp(-i*2*pi*(u+v)); tim=tim-jdmid; [n,m]=size(tim); tim=tim(:)'; ntim=length(tim); nsub=10000; % longer than one year hourly. for j1=1:nsub:ntim j2=min(j1 + nsub - 1,ntim); yout(j1:j2)=sum(exp( i*2*pi*freq*tim(j1:j2)*24).*ap(:,ones(1,j2-j1+1)),1)+ ... sum(exp(-i*2*pi*freq*tim(j1:j2)*24).*am(:,ones(1,j2-j1+1)),1); end; yout=reshape(yout,n,m);