function geost_currents_bry(bryname,grdname,Zbryname,frcname,zref,obcndx) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % compute SSH and the geostrophic currents from Hydrology data % % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Adapted from a previous program of Patrick Marchesiello (IRD). % % Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Patrick Marchesiello and Pierrick Penven % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rho0=1025; % Bousinesq background density [kg.m-3] g=9.8; % Gravity acceleration [m.s-2] De=40; % Ekman depth [m] % % grid parameters % % disp(' Read grid parameters ...'); nc=netcdf(grdname,'r'); L=length(nc('xi_rho')); M=length(nc('eta_rho')); latu=nc{'lat_u'}(:); lonu=nc{'lon_u'}(:); lonv=nc{'lon_v'}(:); latv=nc{'lat_v'}(:); lonr=nc{'lon_rho'}(:); latr=nc{'lat_rho'}(:); lat=nc{'lat_rho'}(:,1); lon=nc{'lon_rho'}(1,:); if obcndx==1 h=nc{'h'}(1,:); pm=nc{'pm'}(1,:); pn=nc{'pn'}(1,:); f=nc{'f'}(1,:); rmask=nc{'mask_rho'}(1,:); umask=nc{'mask_u'}(1,:); vmask=nc{'mask_v'}(1,:); suffix='_south'; elseif obcndx==2 h=(nc{'h'}(:,L))'; pm=(nc{'pm'}(:,L))'; pn=(nc{'pn'}(:,L))'; f=(nc{'f'}(:,L))'; rmask=(nc{'mask_rho'}(:,L))'; umask=(nc{'mask_u'}(:,L-1))'; vmask=(nc{'mask_v'}(:,L))'; suffix='_east'; elseif obcndx==3 h=nc{'h'}(M,:); pm=nc{'pm'}(M,:); pn=nc{'pn'}(M,:); f=nc{'f'}(M,:); rmask=nc{'mask_rho'}(M,:); umask=nc{'mask_u'}(M,:); vmask=nc{'mask_v'}(M-1,:); suffix='_north'; elseif obcndx==4 h=(nc{'h'}(:,1))'; pm=(nc{'pm'}(:,1))'; pn=(nc{'pn'}(:,1))'; f=(nc{'f'}(:,1))'; rmask=(nc{'mask_rho'}(:,1))'; umask=(nc{'mask_u'}(:,1))'; vmask=(nc{'mask_v'}(:,1))'; suffix='_west'; end Nx=length(h); close(nc) % % Levitus vertical levels % noa=netcdf(Zbryname,'r'); Z=-noa{'Z'}(:); NL=length(Z); time=noa{'bry_time'}(:); tlen=length(time); % % Model grid vertical levels % nc=netcdf(bryname,'write'); theta_s = nc{'theta_s'}(:); theta_b = nc{'theta_b'}(:); hc = nc{'hc'}(:); N = length(nc('s_rho')); vtransform = nc{'Vtransform'}(:); if ~exist('vtransform') vtransform=1; %Old Vtransform disp([' NO VTRANSFORM parameter found']) disp([' USE TRANSFORM default value vtransform = 1']) end % % get the reference level % kref=min(find(Z<=zref)); if isempty(kref); kref=length(Z); disp(['Warning zref not found. Taking :',num2str(Z(kref))]) end Z=Z(1:kref); z=reshape(Z,kref,1,1); z=repmat(z,[1 Nx]); % % Open the forcing file % if ~isempty(frcname) nfrc=netcdf(frcname,'r'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % START MAIN LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % loop on time % for l=1:tlen %for l=1:1 disp(['time index: ',num2str(l),' of total: ',num2str(tlen)]) % % read T and S % T3d=squeeze(noa{['temp',suffix]}(l,1:kref,:)); S3d=squeeze(noa{['salt',suffix]}(l,1:kref,:)); Ts=squeeze(T3d(1,:)); Ss=squeeze(S3d(1,:)); rhos=rho_eos(Ts,Ss,0); rho=rho_eos(T3d,S3d,z); rho_w=.5*(rho(1:kref-1,:)+rho(2:kref,:)); z_w=.5*(z(1:kref-1,:)+z(2:kref,:)); dz_w=z(1:kref-1,:)-z(2:kref,:); % % COMPUTE PRESSURE % % disp('Pressure field and sea level ...') pres=0*T3d; % initialize pressure at kref in Pascal pres(kref,:)=-zref*1.e4; for k=kref-1:-1:1; pres(k,:)=pres(k+1,:)-rho_w(k,:).*g.*dz_w(k,:); end % % compute SSH % ssh=(squeeze(pres(1,:))./(rhos*g)); % avgssh=sum(rmask.*ssh./(pm.*pn))/sum(rmask./(pm.*pn)); % ssh=ssh-avgssh; % avgp=squeeze(tridim(avgssh.*rhos*g,kref)); % pres=pres-avgp; % % COMPUTE GEOSTROPHIC BAROCLINIC VELOCITIES % % disp('Baroclinic geostrophic component ...') pn3d=squeeze(tridim(pn,kref)); pm3d=squeeze(tridim(pm,kref)); f3d=squeeze(tridim(f,kref)); m3d=squeeze(tridim(rmask,kref)); if obcndx==1 | obcndx==3 p_u=0.5*(pres(:,1:Nx-1)+pres(:,2:Nx)); px(:,2:Nx-1)=p_u(:,2:Nx-1)-p_u(:,1:Nx-2); px(:,1)=2.*px(:,2)-px(:,3); px(:,Nx)=2.*px(:,Nx-1)-px(:,Nx-2); v_r=m3d.*pm3d.*px./(rho0*f3d); u_r=0*v_r; end if obcndx==2 | obcndx==4 p_v=0.5*(pres(:,1:Nx-1)+pres(:,2:Nx)); py(:,2:Nx-1)=p_v(:,2:Nx-1)-p_v(:,1:Nx-2); py(:,1)=2.*py(:,2)-py(:,3); py(:,Nx)=2.*py(:,Nx-1)-py(:,Nx-2); u_r=-m3d.*pn3d.*py./(rho0*f3d); v_r=0*u_r; end % % Ekman transport % if ~isempty(frcname) % disp('Add the Ekman transport') if obcndx==1 tmp=squeeze(nfrc{'sustr'}(l,1,:)); sustr=0*h; sustr(2:end-1)=0.5*(tmp(1:end-1)+tmp(2:end)); sustr(1)=sustr(2); sustr(end)=sustr(end-1); svstr=squeeze(nfrc{'svstr'}(l,1,:)); elseif obcndx==2 sustr=(squeeze(nfrc{'sustr'}(l,:,L-1)))'; svstr=0*h; tmp=(squeeze(nfrc{'svstr'}(l,:,L)))'; svstr(2:end-1)=0.5*(tmp(1:end-1)+tmp(2:end)); svstr(1)=svstr(2); svstr(end)=svstr(end-1); elseif obcndx==3 tmp=squeeze(nfrc{'sustr'}(l,M,:)); sustr=0*h; sustr(2:end-1)=0.5*(tmp(1:end-1)+tmp(2:end)); sustr(1)=sustr(2); sustr(end)=sustr(end-1); svstr=squeeze(nfrc{'svstr'}(l,M-1,:)); elseif obcndx==4 sustr=(squeeze(nfrc{'sustr'}(l,:,1)))'; svstr=0*h; tmp=(squeeze(nfrc{'svstr'}(l,:,1)))'; svstr(2:end-1)=0.5*(tmp(1:end-1)+tmp(2:end)); svstr(1)=svstr(2); svstr(end)=svstr(end-1); end k_ekman=min(find(Z<=-De)); u_r(1:k_ekman,:)=u_r(1:k_ekman,:)+squeeze(tridim(rmask.*... svstr./(rho0*De*f),k_ekman)); v_r(1:k_ekman,:)=v_r(1:k_ekman,:)+squeeze(tridim(-rmask.*... sustr./(rho0*De*f),k_ekman)); end % Replace/interpolate Equatorial values % if obcndx==2 | obcndx==4 equatlat=(lat >=-2 & lat <=2); disp(['OBCNDX=',num2str(obcndx)]) if sum(sum(equatlat))==0 disp('No values outside the Equator to extrapole') else disp('Extrapole values outside the Equator') D=find(~equatlat); if length(D)~=0 for k=1:kref u_r(k,:)=interp1(lat(D),u_r(k,D),lat,'spline','extrap'); v_r(k,:)=interp1(lat(D),v_r(k,D),lat,'spline','extrap'); end else disp('No values outside the Equator to extrapole') end end elseif obcndx==1 disp(['OBCNDX=',num2str(obcndx)]) if (latr(1,1) < -2 | latr(1,1) > 2 ) disp(['OK South boundary outside of the equatorial band']) else error(['Replace your South boundary']) end % elseif obcndx==3 disp(['OBCNDX=',num2str(obcndx)]) if ( latr(end,1) < -2 | latr(end,1) > 2) disp(['OK North boundary outside of the equatorial band']) else error(['Replace your North boundary']) end end % % Masking % umask3d=squeeze(tridim(umask,kref)); vmask3d=squeeze(tridim(vmask,kref)); if obcndx==1 | obcndx==3 u=umask3d.*0.5.*(u_r(:,1:end-1)+u_r(:,2:end)); v=vmask3d.*v_r; end if obcndx==2 | obcndx==4 u=umask3d.*u_r; v=vmask3d.*0.5.*(v_r(:,1:end-1)+v_r(:,2:end)); end ssh=ssh.*rmask; % % Vertical interpolation of baroclinic fields % % disp('Vertical interpolation ...') zcroco=squeeze(zlevs(h,0*h,theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,'r',vtransform)); if obcndx==1 | obcndx==3 zu=0.5*(zcroco(:,1:end-1)+zcroco(:,2:end)); zv=zcroco; end if obcndx==2 | obcndx==4 zu=zcroco; zv=0.5*(zcroco(:,1:end-1)+zcroco(:,2:end)); end % % Add non gradient velocities at the top and nul velocities % at -10000m for vertical extrapolation. % u=cat(1,u(1,:),u); v=cat(1,v(1,:),v); u=flipdim(cat(1,u,0*u(1,:)),1); v=flipdim(cat(1,v,0*v(1,:)),1); z1=flipud([100;Z;-10000]); % % Do the interpolation % u=ztosigma_1d(u,zu,z1); v=ztosigma_1d(v,zv,z1); % % Barotropic velocities % % disp('Barotropic component ...') zw=squeeze(zlevs(h,0*h,theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,'w',vtransform)); dz=zw(2:end,:)-zw(1:end-1,:); if obcndx==1 | obcndx==3 dzu=0.5*(dz(:,1:end-1)+dz(:,2:end)); dzv=dz; end if obcndx==2 | obcndx==4 dzu=dz; dzv=0.5*(dz(:,1:end-1)+dz(:,2:end)); end hu=sum(dzu.*u); hv=sum(dzv.*v); D_u=sum(dzu); D_v=sum(dzv); ubar=hu./D_u; vbar=hv./D_v; % % corners (beurk.....) % ubar(1)=0.5*ubar(2); ubar(end)=0.5*ubar(end-1); vbar(1)=0.5*vbar(2); vbar(end)=0.5*vbar(end-1); u(:,1)=0.5*u(:,2); u(:,end)=0.5*u(:,end-1); v(:,1)=0.5*v(:,2); v(:,end)=0.5*v(:,end-1); % % Write into file % % disp('Writes into climatology file ...') nc{['u',suffix]}(l,:,:)=u; nc{['v',suffix]}(l,:,:)=v; nc{['ubar',suffix]}(l,:)=ubar; nc{['vbar',suffix]}(l,:)=vbar; nc{['zeta',suffix]}(l,:)=ssh; end close(nc) % % Close the forcing file % if ~isempty(frcname) close(nfrc); end