function create_forcing(frcname,grdname,title,smst,... shft,swft,srft,sstt,ssst,smsc,... shfc,swfc,srfc,sstc,sssc) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Create an empty netcdf forcing file % frcname: name of the forcing file % grdname: name of the grid file % title: title in the netcdf file % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nc=netcdf(grdname,'r'); L=length(nc('xi_psi')); M=length(nc('eta_psi')); close(nc); Lp=L+1; Mp=M+1; nw = netcdf(frcname, 'clobber'); %result = redef(nw); % % Create dimensions % nw('xi_u') = L; nw('eta_u') = Mp; nw('xi_v') = Lp; nw('eta_v') = M; nw('xi_rho') = Lp; nw('eta_rho') = Mp; nw('xi_psi') = L; nw('eta_psi') = M; nw('sms_time') = length(smst); nw('shf_time') = length(shft); nw('swf_time') = length(swft); nw('sst_time') = length(sstt); nw('srf_time') = length(srft); nw('sss_time') = length(ssst); nw('wwv_time') = length(smst); % % Create variables and attributes % nw{'sms_time'} = ncdouble('sms_time'); nw{'sms_time'}.long_name = ncchar('surface momentum stress time'); nw{'sms_time'}.long_name = 'surface momentum stress time'; nw{'sms_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'sms_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'sms_time'}.cycle_length = smsc; nw{'shf_time'} = ncdouble('shf_time'); nw{'shf_time'}.long_name = ncchar('surface heat flux time'); nw{'shf_time'}.long_name = 'surface heat flux time'; nw{'shf_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'shf_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'shf_time'}.cycle_length =shfc ; nw{'swf_time'} = ncdouble('swf_time'); nw{'swf_time'}.long_name = ncchar('surface freshwater flux time'); nw{'swf_time'}.long_name = 'surface freshwater flux time'; nw{'swf_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'swf_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'swf_time'}.cycle_length = swfc; nw{'sst_time'} = ncdouble('sst_time'); nw{'sst_time'}.long_name = ncchar('sea surface temperature time'); nw{'sst_time'}.long_name = 'sea surface temperature time'; nw{'sst_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'sst_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'sst_time'}.cycle_length = sstc; nw{'sss_time'} = ncdouble('sss_time'); nw{'sss_time'}.long_name = ncchar('sea surface salinity time'); nw{'sss_time'}.long_name = 'sea surface salinity time'; nw{'sss_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'sss_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'sss_time'}.cycle_length = sssc; nw{'srf_time'} = ncdouble('srf_time'); nw{'srf_time'}.long_name = ncchar('solar shortwave radiation time'); nw{'srf_time'}.long_name = 'solar shortwave radiation time'; nw{'srf_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'srf_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'srf_time'}.cycle_length = srfc; nw{'wwv_time'} = ncdouble('wwv_time'); nw{'wwv_time'}.long_name = ncchar('surface wave fields time'); nw{'wwv_time'}.long_name = 'surface wave fields time'; nw{'wwv_time'}.units = ncchar('days'); nw{'wwv_time'}.units = 'days'; nw{'wwv_time'}.cycle_length = smsc; nw{'sustr'} = ncdouble('sms_time', 'eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'sustr'}.long_name = ncchar('surface u-momentum stress'); nw{'sustr'}.long_name = 'surface u-momentum stress'; nw{'sustr'}.units = ncchar('Newton meter-2'); nw{'sustr'}.units = 'Newton meter-2'; nw{'svstr'} = ncdouble('sms_time', 'eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'svstr'}.long_name = ncchar('surface v-momentum stress'); nw{'svstr'}.long_name = 'surface v-momentum stress'; nw{'svstr'}.units = ncchar('Newton meter-2'); nw{'svstr'}.units = 'Newton meter-2'; nw{'shflux'} = ncdouble('shf_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'shflux'}.long_name = ncchar('surface net heat flux'); nw{'shflux'}.long_name = 'surface net heat flux'; nw{'shflux'}.units = ncchar('Watts meter-2'); nw{'shflux'}.units = 'Watts meter-2'; nw{'swflux'} = ncdouble('swf_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'swflux'}.long_name = ncchar('surface freshwater flux (E-P)'); nw{'swflux'}.long_name = 'surface freshwater flux (E-P)'; nw{'swflux'}.units = ncchar('centimeter day-1'); nw{'swflux'}.units = 'centimeter day-1'; nw{'swflux'}.positive = ncchar('net evaporation'); nw{'swflux'}.positive = 'net evaporation'; nw{'swflux'}.negative = ncchar('net precipitation'); nw{'swflux'}.negative = 'net precipitation'; nw{'SST'} = ncdouble('sst_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'SST'}.long_name = ncchar('sea surface temperature'); nw{'SST'}.long_name = 'sea surface temperature'; nw{'SST'}.units = ncchar('Celsius'); nw{'SST'}.units = 'Celsius'; nw{'SSS'} = ncdouble('sss_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'SSS'}.long_name = ncchar('sea surface salinity'); nw{'SSS'}.long_name = 'sea surface salinity'; nw{'SSS'}.units = ncchar('PSU'); nw{'SSS'}.units = 'PSU'; nw{'dQdSST'} = ncdouble('sst_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'dQdSST'}.long_name = ncchar('surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST'); nw{'dQdSST'}.long_name = 'surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST'; nw{'dQdSST'}.units = ncchar('Watts meter-2 Celsius-1'); nw{'dQdSST'}.units = 'Watts meter-2 Celsius-1'; nw{'swrad'} = ncdouble('srf_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'swrad'}.long_name = ncchar('solar shortwave radiation'); nw{'swrad'}.long_name = 'solar shortwave radiation'; nw{'swrad'}.units = ncchar('Watts meter-2'); nw{'swrad'}.units = 'Watts meter-2'; nw{'swrad'}.positive = ncchar('downward flux, heating'); nw{'swrad'}.positive = 'downward flux, heating'; nw{'swrad'}.negative = ncchar('upward flux, cooling'); nw{'swrad'}.negative = 'upward flux, cooling'; nw{'Awave'} = ncdouble('wwv_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'Awave'}.long_name = ncchar('wind induced wave amplitude'); nw{'Awave'}.long_name = 'wind induced wave amplitude'; nw{'Awave'}.units = ncchar('m'); nw{'Awave'}.units = 'm'; nw{'Dwave'} = ncdouble('wwv_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'Dwave'}.long_name = ncchar('wind induced wave direction'); nw{'Dwave'}.long_name = 'wind induced wave direction'; nw{'Dwave'}.units = ncchar('degree'); nw{'Dwave'}.units = 'degree'; nw{'Pwave'} = ncdouble('wwv_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'Pwave'}.long_name = ncchar('wind induced wave period'); nw{'Pwave'}.long_name = 'wind induced wave period'; nw{'Pwave'}.units = ncchar('second'); nw{'Pwave'}.units = 'second'; %result = endef(nw); % % Create global attributes % nw.title = ncchar(title); nw.title = title; = ncchar(date); = date; nw.grd_file = ncchar(grdname); nw.grd_file = grdname; nw.type = ncchar('CROCO forcing file'); nw.type = 'CROCO forcing file'; % % Write time variables % nw{'sms_time'}(:) = smst; nw{'shf_time'}(:) = shft; nw{'swf_time'}(:) = swft; nw{'sst_time'}(:) = sstt; nw{'srf_time'}(:) = srft; nw{'sss_time'}(:) = ssst; nw{'wwv_time'}(:) = smst; close(nw);