function add_ini_chla(inifile,gridfile,seas_datafile,cycle,Roa); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % function [longrd,latgrd,chla]=add_ini_chla(inifile,gridfile,... % seas_datafile,... % cycle); % % pierrick 2001 % % Add chlorophyll in a CROCO initial file. % take seasonal data for the surface levels and extrapole % using Morel and Berthon (1989) parameterization for the % lower levels. warning ! the unit is (micro mole/l) in the % dataset. % do a temporal interpolation to have values at initial % time. % % ref: Morel and Berthon, Surface pigments, algal biomass % profiles, and potential production of the euphotic layer: % Relationships reinvestigated in view of remote-sensing % applications. Limnol. Oceanogr., 34, 1989, 1545-1562. % % input: % % inifile : croco initial file to process (netcdf) % gridfile : croco grid file (netcdf) % seas_datafile : regular longitude - latitude - z seasonal data % file used for the upper levels (netcdf) % ann_datafile : regular longitude - latitude - z annual data % file used for the lower levels (netcdf) % cycle : time length (days) of climatology cycle (ex:360 for % annual cycle) - 0 if no cycle. % % output: % % [longrd,latgrd,chla] : surface field to plot (as an illustration) % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % Updated August-2006 by Pierrick Penven % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % disp('Add_ini_chla: creating variable and attribute') default=NaN; % % read in the datafile % ncseas=netcdf(seas_datafile,'r'); x=ncseas{'X'}(:); y=ncseas{'Y'}(:); datatime=ncseas{'T'}(:); datatime=datatime*30; % !!! if the time in the dataset is in months !!! tlen=length(datatime); % % open the grid file % % % open the grid file % ng=netcdf(gridfile,'r'); lon=ng{'lon_rho'}(:); %lon(lon<0)=lon(lon<0)+360; lat=ng{'lat_rho'}(:); h=ng{'h'}(:); close(ng); [M,L]=size(lon); dl=0.5; minlon=min(min(lon))-dl; maxlon=max(max(lon))+dl; minlat=min(min(lat))-dl; maxlat=max(max(lat))+dl; imin=max(find(x<=minlon)); imax=min(find(x>=maxlon)); jmin=max(find(y<=minlat)); jmax=min(find(y>=maxlat)); x=x(imin:imax); y=y(jmin:jmax); % % open the initial file % nc=netcdf(inifile,'write'); theta_s = nc{'theta_s'}(:); if isempty(theta_s) disp('Restart file') theta_s=nc.theta_s(:); theta_b=nc.theta_b(:); hc=nc.hc(:); else theta_b = nc{'theta_b'}(:); hc = nc{'hc'}(:); vtransform = nc{'Vtransform'}(:); end N = length(nc('s_rho')); scrum_time = nc{'scrum_time'}(:); scrum_time = scrum_time / (24*3600); tinilen = length(scrum_time); %redef(nc); nc{'CHLA'} = ncdouble('time','s_rho','eta_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'CHLA'}.long_name = ncchar('Chlorophyll'); nc{'CHLA'}.long_name = 'Chlorophyll'; nc{'CHLA'}.units = ncchar('mg C'); nc{'CHLA'}.units = 'mg C'; nc{'CHLA'}.fields = ncchar('CHLA, scalar, series'); nc{'CHLA'}.fields = 'CHLA, scalar, series'; % %endef(nc); % % Get the missing values % missval=ncseas{'chlorophyll'}.missing_value(:); % % loop on time % for l=1:tinilen disp(['time index: ',num2str(l),' of total: ',num2str(tinilen)]) % % get data time indices and weights for temporal interpolation % if cycle~=0 modeltime=mod(scrum_time(l),cycle); else modeltime=scrum_time; end l1=find(modeltime==datatime); if isempty(l1) disp('temporal interpolation') l1=max(find(datatimemodeltime)); time2=datatime(l2); if isempty(l2) if cycle~=0 l2=1; time2=datatime(l2)+cycle; else error('No posterious time in the dataset') end end disp(['Initialisation time: ',num2str(modeltime),... ' - Time 1: ',num2str(time1),... ' - Time 2: ',num2str(time2)]) cff1=(modeltime-time2)/(time1-time2); cff2=(time1-modeltime)/(time1-time2); else cff1=1; l2=l1; cff2=0; end % % interpole the annual dataset on the horizontal croco grid % disp('Add_ini_chla: horizontal extrapolation of surface data') surfchla=squeeze(ncseas{'chlorophyll'}(l1,jmin:jmax,imin:imax)); surfchla=get_missing_val(x,y,surfchla,missval,Roa,default); surfchla2=squeeze(ncseas{'chlorophyll'}(l2,jmin:jmax,imin:imax)); surfchla2=get_missing_val(x,y,surfchla2,missval,Roa,default); surfchla=cff1*surfchla + cff2*surfchla2; surfchlacroco=interp2(x,y,surfchla,lon,lat); % % extrapole the chlorophyll on the vertical % zeta = squeeze(nc{'zeta'}(l,:,:)); zcroco=zlevs(h,zeta,theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,'r',vtransform); disp(['Add_ini_chla: vertical ',... 'extrapolation of chlorophyll']) chlacroco=extr_chlo(surfchlacroco,zcroco); nc{'CHLA'}(l,:,:,:)=chlacroco; end close(nc); close(ncseas); return