function theResult = dim(self, theDimname) % netcdf/dim -- Dimensions of a netcdf object. % dim(self, 'theDimname') returns the ncdim object % whose name is theDimname, associated with self, % a netcdf object. % dim(self) returns the cell-list of ncdim objects % associated with self, a netcdf object. % Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. if nargin < 1, help(mfilename), return, end result = []; if nargin < 2 [ndims, nvars, ngatts, recdim, status] = ... ncmex('inquire', ncid(self)); result = cell(1, ndims); for i = 1:ndims theDimid = i-1; [theDimname, theDimsize, status] = ... ncmex('diminq', ncid(self), theDimid); result{i} = ncdim(theDimname, self); end else result = ncdim(theDimname, self); end if nargout > 0 theResult = result; else disp(result) end