/*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pub/ecola/SHOM/MAREST-2018/imbrication-nea/tides/assimilated-structured/hydrodynamic-structured LEGOS simulation: drying/wetting tides and surges simulation, FES2014 plus ERA5 global surges as open boundaries conditions; harmonic analysis over xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*/ WAVES="2N2 2Q1 E2 J1 K1 K2 Ki1 L2 La2 M2 M3 M4 M6 M8 Mf MKS2 Mm MN4 MS4 MSf MSqm Mtm Mu2 N2 N4 Nu2 O1 OO1 P1 Phi1 Psi1 Q1 R2 Ro1 S2 S4 Sig1 Ssa T2 Tta1" /home/softs/tools/objects/gridit-versatile -c WAVE.sequential.nc -f netcdf -z NEA-VHR -v a_eta_LGP1 G_eta_LGP1 LGP1 -v a_u_LGP1 G_u_LGP1 LGP1 -v a_v_LGP1 G_v_LGP1 LGP1 -o nea-2018 --rename elevation_a elevation_G --rename u_a u_G --rename v_a v_G $WAVES /*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pub/ecola/SHOM/MAREST-2018/imbrication-nea/tides/assimilated-structured/assimilated-structured(/additionals) Noveltis/CNES simulation and assimilation (RegAT_North_East_Atlantic_Baltic_tidal_elevations): mixed spectral/assimilated and sequential (hydrodynamical) solutions spectral + assimilation: 2N2 K1 K2 M2 M4 Mu2 N2 Nu2 O1 P1 Q1 S2 (unfortunately assimilated tidal currents not computed) drying/wetting sequential simulation : M3 M6 M8 MKS2 MN4 MS4 MSf N4 S1 S4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*/ WAVES="2N2 K1 K2 M2 M4 Mu2 N2 Nu2 O1 P1 Q1 S2" /home/softs/tools/objects/gridit-versatile -c WAVE.EnOI.nc -f netcdf -z NEA-VHR -v analysis_Ha analysis_Hg LGP2 -o nea-2018 --rename elevation_a elevation_G $WAVES WAVES="M3 M6 M8 MKS2 MN4 MS4 MSf N4 S1 S4" /home/softs/tools/objects/gridit-versatile -p ../ -c WAVE.sequential.nc -f netcdf -z NEA-VHR -v a_eta_LGP1 G_eta_LGP1 LGP1 -v a_u_LGP1 G_u_LGP1 LGP1 -v a_v_LGP1 G_v_LGP1 LGP1 -o nea-2018 --rename elevation_a elevation_G --rename u_a u_G --rename v_a v_G $WAVES